7. After the initialisation of the station is successfully completed, the LCD display should
show the message: » CHARGING STATION AVAILABLE Log in to start charging". In the
event that the station is not properly configured or the main controller fails to establish
the connection with some of the modules or the Control centre, the status of the station
changes to » Station is not working«. If the station fails to initialise after following the
above procedure, contact the manufacturer's technical support service.
8. Test the functioning of the station. Plug in a cable into socket 1, after which the station
should request identification. Identify with a test RFID card. The card needs to be
registered in the user database. After successful identification, the charging should start
automatically. If the RFID test card is not a part of the user database, the charging
station will return the message »Unknown user«. If the identification process takes
longer than usual and the station returns the message » Error occurred while logging in.
Please try again.«, this indicates that the connection with the Control centre could not
be established and the user could not be identified. The cause of a non-functioning
connection can be one of the following: a) incorrectly configured communication
connections between the charging station and the Control centre, b) incorrectly set up
connection to the Control centre in the station's configuration, c) malfunctioning of the
communication interface in the Control centre. The status of a socket can change to
»Socket is not working« if the communication between the energy meter and the main
controller is not functioning. The same status can be reported if there is no voltage in
the socket after the command to turn on the contactor has been given or vice versa (if
there is voltage even when no command to turn on the contactor has been given).
9. Following the same procedure, test the functioning of the second socket.
10. After the station has been initialised and tested, the electrician should contact the
Control centre operator to verify the state of the charging station, list of charging events
and the list of charging sessions.
6.2 Configuration of the charging station
Every newly installed charging station requires an appropriate configuration. According to the
manufacturer's recommendations, the configuration should be performed in the station