Now position the patio projector with its fixings (4) in line with the wall bracket
and centralise. The 2x2 small holes on the rear of the projector should now line
up with the wall bracket.
Tightly screw in the 4 small screws (5) into these holes; the appliance is now
secure on its wall bracket.
If needed, you can adjust the appliance’s projection angle to 2x25°. Never train
the projection at a short distance (<150 cm) onto ceilings, walls, furniture, or
any flammable items!
Check everything is properly secured.
Suspended from the ceiling
Select a spot on the ceiling that is strong enough to bear the load of the patio
projector long-term.
At the right distance (see picture), drill 2 holes (Ø 8mm) for the plugs and secure
the ceiling plate (2) using the 2 long screws (3) to the ceiling. The cable clip (B)
must be on the same side as the electric cable and socket.
Fix both the suspension lines (4) into the designated attachments (A) of the
ceiling plate. By sliding the sheath around the line in the attachment, the line
block is raised; the line can be shortened or lengthened. Ensure that the lines are
always the same length, so that the appliance hangs fully horizontal.
Click the electric cable into the ceiling plate’s cable holder (B) and feed away
from the appliance.