To obtain the best combustion, follow the parameters below:
Amount of wood (kg/h)
4.3 (3 logs)
Primary air register
Fumes div. register
Refuelling interval (min)
Wood log length (cm)
Draught (Pa)
Wood arrangement
See photo below
Do not introduce into the stove an amount of fuel greater than that recommended in this manual.
When reloading the woodit would be advisable to open the primary air adjustment device or even the ash drawer, slightly open the door so that the stove takes
in oxygen, load the wood and close the firebox door
•Do notintroduce into the stove an amount of fuel greater than that recommended in this manual.
•Don't smother the fire by closing the air vents.
•Do not leave the primary air register open during normal operation to prevent the device and the water inside the boiler from overheating, subsequently
deforming the stove.
•Do not leave the firebox door open.
•Use proper protective equipment during refuelling: the firebox door handle and the registers might be very hot when the stoveis running.
•If the coals are extinguished, light them up with new wood shims to start the fire.
•It’s your job to find the perfect combination between ignition and amount of air (by adjusting the register) so that your stove functions properly, according
to the characteristics of the chimney flue and of the wood.
•The top plate has been treated with food grade Vaseline. It’s role is to protect the material against oxidation. This productis non-toxic and it will evaporate
on his own at the first ignition.
The pump starts once the water inside the boiler reaches 55 °C and makes the water circulate inside the hydraulic system through the immersed coils. We
recommend that you never set T1 at a value below 55°C to prevent the formation of condensate inside the boiler. The oven is heated by the fumes surrounding it.
After the fire is properly started, if you want to increase the temperature inside the oven you have to rotate the lever installed above the plate clockwise and close
the internal fumes diverter so that they can circulate around the oven, increasing the temperature inside it.
The models with built-in water heating system can produce domestic hot water instantaneously. Press the P3 button if you want to use all the power of the stove
to heat water. This way,the pump will be locked for 15 minutes to prevent it from changing the heating circuit. That period may be interrupted by pressing the same
button for 5 seconds. The pump restarts automatically when the water inside the boiler exceeds 85°C.
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