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Modern brakes have a substantially
higher braking performance than con-
ventional brakes. Carefully practise us-
ing your brakes.
Note that when riding in wet conditions
and on slippery roads, your bike’s brak-
ing power, particularly the rim brakes,
can be severely weakened. Expect a
longer braking distance if you are rid-
ing in wet conditions. Look ahead while
riding and familiarise yourself with the
brakes' response time.
If your pedals are produced with a rub-
ber or plastic coating, rst carefully fa-
miliarise yourself with the grip of the
pedals. The pedals may be very slippery
under wet conditions. Use safe terrain
without trafc to familiarise yourself with
system pedals or clipless pedals.
Please note that the weight distribution
of the e-bike is signicantly different
from that of a bicycle without electrical
drive. The weight of an e-bike makes
parking, lifting, carrying or pushing up-
hill more difcult.
Take note that your FLYER must be
equipped according to the legal require-
ments if it is to be used in public road trafc.
Check with your insurance whether your
vehicle and possible risks of handling lith-
ium/ion batteries are sufciently covered.
9. Before each ride
Please check your FLYER before each
ride, as even after assembly, briey
leaving the bike in public places or trans-
porting it may cause functions to change
or parts to become loose.
Before every ride, please check that:
The lights are working properly and are safely
The bell is working safely and is properly se-
The brakes are working properly and are secure,
and you have checked for wear on the pads and
braking surfaces. For hydraulic systems: Check
the cables and connections for leaks.
Check that the tyres have the correct air pres-
sure. Please note the specications in Chapter
“Tyres and tubes” (12.2). These are also print-
ed on the outside wall of the tyres.
Check the tyres for damage, wear, brittleness,
foreign objects and sufcient prole depth.
Check the wheels for true running and damage.
Check that the wheels are safely and correctly
attached by fastening nuts or quick release
fasteners and axles.
Check that the gear shift components are
working and are safely secured.
all quick release fasteners and quick release
axles (even after a brief period left parked and
unattended, or the like), as well as screws and
nuts to ensure they are rmly attached.
Check the frame and fork for damage, defor-
mation, cracks and dents.
Check that suspension elements are working
properly and are safely secured.
Check that handlebars, stem, seat post and
seat are secure and correctly positioned.
Battery charge.
Check that the battery is correctly and securely
If you are not sure that your FLYER e is
in perfect technical condition, do not
start your ride. Have your FLYER rst
inspected and repaired by a FLYER spe-
cialist retailer. If you subject your FLYER
to intensive use (in sporting or daily
use), we recommend regular inspection
and repairs by your FLYER specialist re-
tailer. Inspection procedures and inter-
vals are specied in Chapter 22. All com-
ponents of the FLYER are safety-related
and have a specic service life. Exceed-
ing this service life can lead to unexpect-
ed failure of the components. This can
lead to falls and serious injury.
The vehicle is subject to wear and high
stress as are all other mechanical com-
ponents. Depending on the degree of
stress imposed on them, different mate-
rials and parts may react differently in
terms of wear and fatigue. A part may
suddenly fail and cause injuries to the
driver when its designed service life is
exceeded. Any kind of cracks, scratches
or colour changes in high-stress areas
are an indicator that the service life of
the component has been exceeded and
that it should be replaced.

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