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Fault, what to do?
White, stubborn coatings; limes-
cale on the utensils, container or
Detergent substances are deposited.
These coatings cannot usually be
removed with chemicals (appliance
cleaner, ...).
Change detergent brand.
Clean appliance mechanically.
Hardness range incorrectly set or water
hardness greater than 8.9 mmol/l.
Set water softening system according to
instructions for use or top up salt.
3 in 1 detergent or bio/eco detergent
not effective enough.
Set water softening system according to
instructions for use or use separate detergents
(proprietary detergent, salt, rinse aid).
Underdosing of detergent. Increase detergent dosage or change deter-
Too weak rinse programme selected. Select a more intensive rinse programme.
Tea or lipstick residue on the uten-
Too low rinsing temperature. Select programme with higher washing tem-
Too little or unsuitable detergent. Use suitable detergent at correct dosage.
Utensils precleaned too intensely; sen-
sors therefore decide on weak pro-
gramme sequence. Stubborn soiling
cannot be completely removed.
Do not prerinse utensils. Remove only large
food remnants.
Recommended programme Eco 50°
Coloured (blue, yellow, brown),
difficult to remove to non-remova-
ble coatings in the appliance or
on stainless steel utensils.
Film formation consisting of ingredi-
ents from vegetables (e.g. cabbage,
celery, potatoes, noodles, ...) or the tap
water (e.g. manganese).
Can be partly removed with machine cleaner
or by mechanical cleaning. Coatings are harm-
Film formation caused by metallic com-
ponents on silver or aluminium utensils.
Can be partly removed with machine cleaner
or by mechanical cleaning.
Coloured (yellow, orange, brown),
easily removable deposits inside
the appliance (mainly in the floor
Film formation consisting of ingredi-
ents from food remnants and sub-
stances from the tap water (limescale),
Check function of the water softening system
(refill with salt) or, if using combined deter-
gents (tablets), activate water softening system
(see chapter “Water softening system/Special
Discolouration of the plastic parts
inside the appliance.
Plastic parts inside the appliance may
become discoloured during the service
life of the dishwasher.
Discolouration is normal and will not impair the
function of the dishwasher.
Plastic parts discoloured. Too low rinsing temperature. Select programme with higher washing tem-
Utensils precleaned too intensely; sen-
sors therefore decide on weak pro-
gramme sequence. Stubborn soiling
cannot be completely removed.
Do not prerinse utensils. Remove only large
food remnants.
Recommended programme Eco 50°
Removable streaks on glasses,
glasses with metallic appearance
and cutlery.
Too much rinse aid. Set rinse aid amount to lower setting.
No rinse aid added or setting too low. Add rinse aid and check dosage (recom-
mended setting 4–5).
Detergent residue in the final rinse pro-
gramme section. Detergent dispenser
cover blocked by utensils (cover does
not open fully).
Detergent dispenser cover must not be
obstructed by utensils.
Do not place utensils or fragrance dispenser in
the tablet collecting tray.
Utensils precleaned too intensely; sen-
sors therefore decide on weak pro-
gramme sequence. Stubborn soiling
cannot be completely removed.
Do not prerinse utensils. Remove only large
food remnants.
Recommended programme Eco 50°
Initial or existing, irreversible
clouding of glass.
Glasses not dishwasher-proof, only
suitable for dishwasher.
Use dishwasher-proof glasses.
Avoid long steam phase (standing time after
wash cycle ends).
Use wash cycle at lower temperature.
Set water softening system according to the
water hardness (if required one setting lower).
Use detergent with glass protection compo-
Fault Cause Remedial action

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