NB! All ingredients in a recipe must be
added in the order listed.
• The best results are achieved with dried
yeast. Fermentation starts once the yeast
comes into contact with liquid. Make sure,
therefore, that the yeast does not come
into contact with liquid or salt before the
selected programme starts!
• Seeds, grains, nuts or similar increase the
nutritional value of the bread and improve
its taste.
• Any flour type with a high gluten content
can be used. The type of flour selected
determines the consistency, appearance
and taste of the bread. Wheat flour rises
most, while rye flour and bolted flour rise
• To make baking easier, try using a bread
mix to which you only have to add water
and yeast. NB! If the bread is made from a
ready-made mix, no more than 650 g flour
should be used.
• When the flour is mixed with water, gluten
is formed, and the bread becomes airy.
The higher the gluten content of the flour,
the bigger the bread.
• Salt activates fermentation and makes the
dough flexible.
• Butter or oil gives the bread a rounded, full
taste and makes it flexible.
• Sugar promotes proving and makes the
bread sweet and tasty. It also makes the
bread soft and the surface brown.
• You can also use honey instead of sugar.
• Water, milk or curdled milk products can
be used for baking. Milk improves the
taste and results in a crispy crust, but if
milk only is used, the bread will be a little
Baking advice
If the bread is to be baked immediately
• The liquid must be lukewarm (around 37°
C), so fermentation starts immediately.
• Grains for granary bread should be boiled
for a few minutes to soften them.
• You can also use fresh yeast instead of
dried yeast.
• Cakes should be baked immediately.
If bread is baked using the timer function
• The liquid should be at room temperature.
• Ensure that the yeast does not come
into contact with the liquid otherwise the
fermentation will start too early – pour the
liquid into the baking pan and place the
yeast on top.
• Seeds or grains for granary bread do not
need to be boiled but can be soaked in
• Never fill the baking pan with ingredients
completely, as the dough will expand as it
• The bread maker is best suited for baking
bread, but it is also possible to bake
cakes, preferably without too much fat.
Try your own recipes or ready-made cake