With this option, you can enter an azimuth (the angle between north and the direction you want to take). The electronic compass will then indicate the direction to
take with the direction arrow. Enter a value in degrees and choose YES. HEART RATE SETTING
iThis function is only available on the Keymaze 700.
This menu allows you to adjust all parameters related to the use of the heart rate monitor function.
Associated submenus:
· SET TARGET ZONE CARDIO MODE (Activating cardio mode)
In the HEART RATE MONITOR field, choose ON to activate the heart rate monitor or OFF to choose not to use it. If the monitor is activated, you can choose to
measure the calories expended according to your heart rate (more accuracy). Choose YES in the CALCULATE CALORY BY HEART RATE field.
iImportant: when you turn on your Keymaze 700, the HEART RATE MONITOR function is activated (ON) by default. However, if your heart rate value is not
displayed, check that the function is ON. SET TARGET ZONE
Your (theoretical) maximum achievable heart rate is displayed in the MAX HR field.It is calculated automatically using the formula: 200-your age.
HR ZONE is underneath.You can set the lower and upper limits of your target zone.It is given in BPM (beats per minute).
iThe TARGET ZONE is defined according to your maximum heart rate and the objective you want to achieve. Your maximum heart rate (MHR) is calculated
roughly by using the function MHR = 220-your age (you can get a more precise value for your maximum heart rate by doing an effort test with your sports
The heart rate zones are usually as follows:
·Moderate activity: ZONE between 50 and 60% of MHR (e.g.: walking, hiking)
·Weight control: ZONE between 60 and 70% of MHR (e.g.: cardio-training, running, skating)
·Aerobic zone: ZONE between 70 and 80% of MHR (e.g.: endurance training, 10,00O metres)
·Speed training: ZONE between 80 and 90% of MHR (e.g.: 400 metres).
For example: a person aged 40 who resumes a sporting activity should set their TARGET ZONE between 90 and 108 beats. MHR is 220-40=180. The TARGET
ZONE will be:
·50% of 180 = 90 bpm
·60% of 180 = 108 bpm
CAUTION: these data are purely indicative. For informed athletes, these values may differ.
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