To do this, connect your Keymaze to your computer, activate this function and use the DEVICE/SHOW NEMA option in the software. GPS INFO (Display satellite information)
This option gives you a detailed display of the satellite signals received, and their strengths. If the satellite aerial signal is flashing, this means reception is in
progress. The message WEAK SIGNAL is displayed, but does not appear if the GPS function is deactivated.
Wait a few moments (or several minutes depending on your environment) for signal reception to be OK.
iTo get good signal reception, point your Keymaze towards the sky. It is better to stop to get quick reception. SET SYSTEM (Setting system information)
In this menu you can set the beeps emitted by the Keymaze and standby mode.
BEEPER(Sound emitted by the Keymaze): if you choose OFF, the Keymaze will not emit any beeps. MESSAGE ONLY means that a beep will be
emitted when a message appears on the screen. Finally, if you choose KEY AND MESSAGE, there will be a beep if you press a button OR when a
message appears on the screen.
SLEEP MODE (Automatic device shutdown): this option allows the Keymaze to be turned off to save the battery. If you select STAYS ON, the Keymaze
will remain on. You will need to press to turn it off. If you select 5, 10, 15 or 20 minutes, the Keymaze will turn off after the selected period.
iIf you note that your Keymaze turns off automatically while you are using it, check that you have not accidentally activated SLEEP MODE. ABOUT PRODUCT (Information about the product)
This function displays the version of the firmware used by the Keymaze. You can then check on the Keymaze website to see whether a later version is available.
Print this section : bloc 2
3 / Further information
3.1.What you need to know about the product
Print this paragraph : What you need to know about the product
3.1.1. Presentation of the GPS system
• What is a GPS?
First, you need to know that the letters GPS stand for Global Positioning System. GPS is a satellite navigation system currently using a network of 30 satellites
(4 of which are reserves) placed in orbit by the US Department of Defence. The satellites move on 6 different orbital paths with an inclination of around 55° to the
equator. They gravitate along an almost circular polar orbit at an altitude of 20,300km (±200km) lasting 11 hours 58 minutes at a speed of 13,000km/h.
GPS was initially designed for military purposes. It was then made accessible for civil use in aviation, shipping and for various outdoor leisure activities. People
now use GPS for hunting, fishing, hiking and to navigate without mishaps.
Technically, it is a receiver, like a radio receiver (not to be confused with a beacon, which emits a signal), which indicates your current position. A GPS does not
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