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Rules Reference
A player may use additional copies, by title, of any
unique card (indicated by a “󲀋” symbol in its title) he
or she owns and controls in play as duplicates. When
a card enters play as a duplicate, it is placed faceup,
overlapped by (i.e. partially visible beneath) the copy of
the card that was already in play.
A duplicate grants its controller the following triggered
game ability: “Interrupt: When the overlapping unique
card would leave play, discard this duplicate to save that
card. (Cannot be canceled.)”
x ere is no cost to marshal a card as a duplicate.
x Duplicates are not considered attachments.
Duplicates are not aected by and do not interact
with text that refers to attachments.
x Duplicates have no text, titles, characteristics, type,
or traits. A duplicate is only considered a blank
duplicate card” while it is in play.
x It is possible to have more than one duplicate on a
single card.
x A dierent version of a unique card may be used as
a duplicate on the card. e version of the card that
was rst in play remains as the active version once
the duplicate is attached. A player may not switch a
card with its duplicate.
x Marshaling a duplicate is not considered marshaling
a card of the duplicate’s printed type. It is only
considered “marshaling a duplicate card.”
Related: Ownership and Control, Save, Unique Cards
A card eect is any eect that arises from the resolution
of ability text printed on, or gained by,
a card. A framework eect is any eect that arises from
the resolution of a framework event.
x Card eects might be preceded by costs, triggering
conditions, play restrictions, and/or play permissions;
such elements are not considered eects.
x Once initiated, players must resolve as much of each
aspect of the eect as they are able, unless the eect
uses the word “may.”
x When a non-targeting eect attempts to engage
a number of entities (such as “draw 3 cards” or
“search the top 10 cards of your deck”) that exceeds
the number of entities that currently exist in the
specied game area, the eect engages as many
entities as possible.
x e expiration of a lasting eect (or the cessation of
a constant ability) is not considered to be generating
a game state change by a card eect.
Related: Abilities, Costs, Delayed Eects, Lasting
Eects, May, Initiating Abilities, Play Restrictions and
Permissions, Triggering Condition
Enters Play
e phrase “enters play” refers to any time a card makes
a transition from an out of play area into a play area.
Marshaling a card and putting a card into play by using
a card ability are two means by which a card may
enter play.
Related: In Play and Out of Play, Marshal, Put Into Play
Event Cards
Event cards represent tactical actions, schemes, twists
of fate, and other unexpected developments that might
occur during the game.
x An event cards ability type, triggering condition (if
any), and play permissions/restrictions (if any) dene
when and how the card can be played.
x When a player plays an event card, its costs are
paid, its eects are resolved (or canceled), and the
card is placed in its owner's discard pile prior to
opening the reaction window which follows the
ability's resolution.
x Event card eects engage the game state at the
time they resolve. If an event card creates a lasting
eect on a set of cards, only cards that are in play at
the time the event card is played are eligible to be
aected. Cards that enter play after the resolution of
the event are not aected by its lasting eect.
x If the eects of an event card are canceled, the card
is still considered to have been played, and its costs
remain paid. Only the eects have been canceled.
x Unless the ability that puts it into play also changes
its cardtype to a cardtype that is permitted in play,
an event card cannot enter play.
For event card anatomy, see Appendix II
Related: Cancel, Costs, Delayed Eects, Lasting
Eects, Play Restrictions and Permissions,
Triggering Condition

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