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A: Whether a parcular statement
refers to one Objecve token or
many, depends on how it’s worded.
“Objecve tokens #1-3” means
three Objecve tokens (#1, #2, and
#3) whereas “an Objecve token
#1-3” means one Objecve token
(#1, #2, or #3).
A: Only tokens add up. Apart
from that, other tokens, cards, costs,
and penales cannot mulply a single
eect (for example, you never
resolve more than 1 Adventure per
acon and you never need to reroll
a success die more than once).
Some examples: If you’re asked to
put the token on an ROI with the
Chasm on it, ignore that instrucon
— the Chasm already has the
eect. If you’re asked to put a
token on a given ! space and there
already is a token there, ignore
that instrucon. However, if you’re
asked to place a token on a given
space, you must always do so
this is because none of these tokens
is acve; when you move the top
token to the corresponding space,
only one such token will be acve at
a given me.
A: If you’re unhappy with what you
drew, you can discard this card and
draw another one. You must resolve
the new card.
A: No. As long as a Shutdown le is
on that Facility, you cannot use its
acons and upgrades (for example:
if the Lab is shut down, you cannot
plant new seeds; if the Crew
Quarters are shut down, you do not
gain an addional Morale token in
the Producon phase).
pawns there are two astronauts
A: No, because only the eects of
tokens add up.
and it tells me to add +1 to my
A: Nothing. Shutdown les cannot
boost producon beyond your
maximum producon capacity.
A: Yes.
end of the mission when I count
A: No. The Power Generator
Upgrade only aects the penalty
that part remains broken and counts
towards the Threshold value.
Q: If the game tells me to place a
A: Markers and tokens (save for
Condion tokens) are not limited
to the components in the box. For
example, if you need to place a
token on the board but there are
none le, use a mulplicaon le.
If you need to use a red marker to
indicate a broken part but there are
no red markers le, use anything
else as a substute. Running out of
markers or tokens does not mean
you cannot or should not apply
their eects.
for passing the icon on my
A: Yes. The rules say, “Every me
that icon is passed…”, not “The rst
me that icon is passed....
 
the minimum number of pawns
A: Let’s assume there are no other
modiers currently acve, and
1 pawn on a given acon means
rolling dice and 2 pawns mean
a sure success. The penalty in
queson only refers to the
die, so if you use 2 pawns, you roll
only that one die; but if you use 1
pawn, you sll need to roll all three
dice (risking a wound and/or an
Adventure) — of course, you don’t
roll the die twice.
A: No. You always need only 1 pawn
to ip a Shutdown le over.
A: When you draw a Complicaon
card, check the other keyword to
idenfy the Facility it refers to. The
icon shown on the card tells you
which part is now broken. In that
Facility, change the corresponding
green status marker to a red one. If
that part is already broken, discard
this card.
A: Alive. The astronaut will die
if you have to move the marker
beyond your ID board.
Q: If I produce less energy/oxygen
A: No. If you produce less than
you need, to must use Shutdown
tokens to switch o Facilies you
can’t supply with energy/oxygen -
these Facilies become unavailable.
Reserves from the general supply
are used to pay for the cost of
broken parts of available Facilies:
If there is a red marker next to that
cost and you want to take that
Facility’s acon, you must then pay
that cost by spending reserves from
the general supply.
GAME DESIGN: Ignacy Trzewiczek
ARTWORK: Katarzyna Kozaczkiewicz, Piotr Foksowicz, Aga Jakimiec, Rafał Szyma
The game’s graphic design uses public domain images provided by NASA, ESA, and other providers.
 Aurelien Fournier
 Rafał Szyma
 Maciej Mutwil, Aga Jakimiec
Piotr Wiśniewski
© 2017 PORTAL GAMES Sp. z o.o.
ul. Św. Urbana 15, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
portalgames.pl, portal@portalgames.pl
 This game is a quality product. It has been assembled with great care. However, if your copy
should lack anything, please accept our apologies and contact us for replacement: portal@portalgames.pl.
Portal Games team wishes you many happy hours with this game.
First Marans & Portal Games (publisher).
All rights reserved. Reproducon of any part of this work by
any means without the wrien permission of the publisher is
expressly forbidden.
The most recent FAQs are accessible through the app. Find answers to your quesons easily on your device.
Proofreaders: Paul Grogan, Vincent
Salzillo, Benjamin Schönheiter, Benjamin
Nicholson, Tony M, Anthony Racano,
Robert Ciombor, Grzegorz Polewka,
Patrick, Mahew, Jacob, Marty, Tony
Special thanks for their outstanding
contribuon go to Merry Trzewiczek
and Marek Spychalski.
I would also like to thank the following
people who played the game when it was
in development and helped me in many
ways: Piotr, Asia, Szymek, Greg, Aga, Kamil,
Marjan, Senior, Darek, Mul, Scorn, Jacek,
Kuba, and many others - Ignacy.

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