Instead of a question, the cunning fox can make a guess, as to
who or what they are.
• The guess was wrong?
As a penalty he has to hand over a counter.
• The guess was right?
Great! He gets the card as a reward.
A new guessing round starts.
There is no counter left?
If the cunning fox is left without a counter, his guessing round
has finished and doesn´t get a reward card.
A new round starts
The player next to the cunning fox in a clockwise direction will be
the new “cunning fox”.
End of the game
Once every player has been the cunning fox three times, the
game is over.
The player with the most cards wins the game.
If various player have the same number of cards, they win together.
• You can think of words of your own and write them down or
draw them on a sheet. Then you fix the sheet instead of the
card in the headband.
• If a player has guessed right who or what they are, they count
the remaining counters and write the number down. After
three rounds the player with the highest score wins the game.