assemble fire
Habermaaß-Game Nr. 4215
A game of competition, with a 2-level game board, for 2 – 4 players
ages 4 to 7.
Author: Markus Nikisch
Illustrations: Thies Schwarz
Length of the game: approx. 15 minutes
The fire brigade has lots of work to do, not only when there is a fire!
They are also called upon to help when the basement has flooded or a
frightened little cat doesn't dare to come down from a tall tree. With
each fire alarm the little firemen jump out of their bed and try to collect
the right equipment. However, only the one who sits in the fire engine
on time, thus being able to help in the intervention, will later be
awarded with one of the sought after certificates.
4 little firemen
1 fire engine
1 die with symbols
1 bell
1 bell card
1 game board on two levels:
1 upper level (fire station), 1 lower level (garage)
1 sliding pole, 2 wooden strips with posts, 1 thick oblong brace,
3 emergency cards (printed on both sides)
12 clothing cards (helmet, boots, coat)
12 equipment cards (hose, pump, ladder)
12 certificates
1 set of game instructions
Aim of the game:
The little fireman that earns the most certificates at the end of the exciting
day wins the game.
First you have to assemble the fire station (see next page).
First put the strips with posts (1) on the table and connect them by
inserting the thick oblong brace (2) into the holes of the strips.
Now insert the garage (3) sliding it over the posts and then put the fire
station (4) onto the posts. The firemen will sleep there.
To finish, insert the sliding pole, passing it through the center of the fire
station into the little slot on the lower part of the game board.
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