How to play:
The letter cards are shuffled and placed face up in a big circle in the center
of the table. The ghost is placed on the letter A.
The player whose first letter of their name comes first in the alphabet starts
by throwing the die. According to the dots on the die, the ghost should
then be moved onto or towards the following letter in the alphabet. It can
be moved towards the left or right.
Play in clockwise direction. If a player reaches the right letter card he can
take and keep it as reward. The gaps left are not counted during the game.
End of the game:
The game has finished if there are no more letters left in the circle, except
the A. Whoever collects the most letter cards, wins the game.
1 ghost
1 die
36 cards: 26 letter cards, 5 cards with categories,
5 spare cards (for writing on)
1 set of game instructions
Ghostly circle (age 5+)
Aim of the game:
Who knows the order of the letters in the alphabet and, with a bit of skill
at throwing the die, can collect the most letter cards?
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