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1. Riddle Me This
Can you guess what cards or figures we’re talking about?
Who likes to wear pants, besides dresses and skirts? Girl
Where can you find a story about a mermaid? Picture Book
What’s fun to kick, throw and catch? Ball
What can you use to make towers to the sky? Building Blocks
What covers your hand and tells stories? Puppet
What chugs along on a set of metal tracks? Train
What drives on roads and goes beep-beep? Car
Who shows you how to read, color and play games? Teacher
What comes in a box with dice and cards? Game
What do you use to color on paper? Colored Pencil
What cuts paper, but also hair? Scissors
Who can be a brother, a son and a daddy? Boy
What digs holes in the sand or dirt? Shovel
What’s soft, fluffy and you wear them on your feet? Slippers
The first guesser to put his or her hand on the correct secret card gets
to take that card. That child then chooses a new secret card and exp-
lains it to the other players.
If a child guesses the wrong card that card remains in the middle of the
table. The child is not allowed to guess again in that round. All other
children continue to guess.
If no child guesses the secret card correctly, the card remains in the
middle of the table and the next child describes a different card.
point to it. That way the other children won’t know what it is!
End of the game
The game is over when there are three cards left in the middle of the
table. The child with the highest stack wins. If more kids have the same
number of cards then there is more than one winner!