Only a numeric al code can be used as a s ervice code (f actory
default 8080) – see the co ntrol panel pr ogramming sectio n.
The master co de can be a numeri cal code (factory default 1234) or an
access card. Usi ng this master code /card, other u sers’ codes and
cards can be pr ogrammed or era sed. The master c ode/card is us ually
used by the sy stem administr ator.
JA-82K control pan el installation manu al - 14 - MKH51103
Eac h user from 01 to 5 0 can hav e a numerical code, or a c ard, or both
(factory defa ult: all user codes and c ards from 01 to 5 0 are erase d).
If a user has both a code and a card, then it is possible to pr ogram
whether both a code and car d must be presente d to the system f or
system access , or whether o nly one of t hem is require d (see 6.37 ).
The system does not a llow the sam e code or ca rd to be
programmed to multiple pos itions. (if it is d esired to mov e a
code/car d to another posit ion, the card/code has to be erased fro m its
current positi on first).
It is possible to display which code/card po sitions are alre ady occupie d
in mainte nance mode (see 7.4.1).
The most conv enient way to program codes an d cards is by using a PC
running OLin k softw are.
The c ontrol panel allows a maximum of 1 0 unsucces sful attempts in a
row to enter a valid code or card. If ex ceeded, a tamper alarm starts.
7.3 Setting and unsetting (arming/disarming) the
The system can be set and unse t from a keypad, a keyfob or remo tely by
phone or the Internet or fr om a PC runn ing OLink soft ware.
To set the sy stem from a key pad:
Press key ABC, A o r B,
Enter a code (or present a card)
If th e system is p artially set (s ection A is se t), and you wi sh to extend
the proporti on of the sy stem which is set, press th e B or ABC key. If
you extend the pr oportion of the sy stem which is set, then all delayed
or next-delay ed detectors in the sectio n(s) going to be set and in the
section curre ntly set, w ill provide an ex it delay w hich means that if a
user has his sy stem partially set (e.g. night setti ng) and wishes to ex it
the house by walking through t he sections that are still set, he will not
need to unset the w hole system before leav ing the house an d setting
the whole sy stem. The route us ed by the user to le ave the house mus t
be covered by delayed or nex t-delayed dete ctors to make t his possible
and must be co nsidered at the system de sign stage.
To unset the system from a keypad:
Enter a valid access code (or present a card).
Operating the s y stem from an outdoor k eypad:
If the system is equippe d with a JA-80H outd oor keypad or a JA -80N
external card r eader then t he outdoor dev ice could eit her work the sam e way
as an indoor key pad unit or it c ould be programmed o nly to operate a n
electric door lock (know n as an outdoor -bypass fea ture), i.e. an indoor
keypad woul d then be used to c ontrol the al arm system. If the outdoor-
bypass featur e is enabled then:
Setting and unsetting the alarm sy stem is only possibl e using a JA-81F
or JA-81E indoor key pad or a keyfob.
Enteri ng a valid a ccess code or p resenting a v alid card to the ou tdoor
keypad or ca rd reader w ill always open th e electric d oor lock.
If the sy stem is set, and the d oor is opened v ia the outdoor key pad or
reader, an en trance delay will begin. Durin g this delay the system ha s
to be unset using an ind oor keypad unit (or key fob).
7.4 Maintenance Mode
Maintenance mod e can be enter ed using a maste r code or master c ard
by entering:
0 MC
where MC = master code (card) – factory default 1234 or use card
In maintenance mode it is possib le to:
Test devices (an alarm ca nnot be triggered).
Display which code/c ard position s are curren tly occupied.
By pass indiv idual devices ( for one setting /unsettin g cycle or
indefinitely ) - see 7.4.2.
Program the real-time sy stem clock – see 6.46 .
Program the au tomatic setting /unsetting schedule – see 6.43.
P rogram telephon e numbers for event reports t o the end user (s ee
Exit maintenance mo de by pressi ng the # key.
7.4.1 Displa y ing which user/card positions ar e occupied
Which po sitions in the range 01 to 50 are occu pied by codes or cards can
be display ed in maintenance mode as follow s:
1. T he contr ol panel must be in maint enance mode – if not th en enter 0
master code o r card (factory default: 1234) while th e system is t otally
2. Press k ey 5 (the di splay indicat es “Codes 01: Code”),
3. Using the arrow ke ys all user posit ions (01 to 50) can be sc rolled
through, with th e A indicator show ing whether a code is
programmed or not, and th e B indicator showing whe ther a card is
programme d or not.
4. To exit this cod e/card disp lay mode press the # key.
5. To e x it maint enance mode pres s the # key .
To change access codes and cards use sequen ce 6 MC nn NC (see fig.
19). (the system must be disarmed).
The most convenient way to administer codes is by using a PC running
OLink software (in the Codes window).
7.4.2 Bypassing d evices
In maintenance mode it is possible to by pass (disable) individual system
devices (permanently or only for one setting/unsetting cycle):
1. The control panel must be in mai ntenance mode – if it is not, then enter
0 master code (factory def ault: 1234) w hile the sy stem is totally unset.
2. Press key 1, to display the c ontrol panel’s bypass menu .
3. Using the 1 and 7 key s you can scroll through all the de v ices
able to trigge r alarms.
4. To byp ass a device use key :
2 t o bypass the device for one s etting/unsetti ng cycle (the
indicator w ill start flashi ng)
3 to permanently bypass a device (the indicator will light
continuously )
5. To cancel the b ypassin g of a dev ice use the same butto n as was
originally us ed for bypassi ng (2 or 3 ). Using key 4 will canc el all dev ice
bypasses in t he system.
6. All the desired bypasses can be programmed by repeating step 3 and 4.
7. Press the # key to exit the bypass menu . Pressing # again exits
maintenanc e mode.
If a system with bypasses program med is being set, then bypass tex t will
be displayed on the keypad unit.
Bypassing is canceled when leaving S ervice mode.
7.4.3 Protecting a car near th e system
The OASiS system can also protect a car (cars) par ked in the proximity of
the house.
1. If the car has a built-in c ar alarm then a n RC-85 transmitter unit can be
connec ted to the car alarm ou tput. The RC-85 can be en rolled to a free
address in t he OASiS control panel . (See the R C-85 manual ). An alarm
triggered in the ca r can be indicated as an OASiS panic al arm (or a 24-
hour reac tion can be set), regardless of wh ether the syste m is set or
not. Note: if the car alarm confirms s etting (arming ) by siren chirps
appearing on the ala rm output, then these should be dis abled to avoid
false alarms.
2. If the car has no built-in car alarm then JA - 85 P o r JA - 85 B
detectors ca n be installed in the car. The car detectors can be
assigned to their own dedi cated sectio n in the sy stem, e.g. a s plit
system where se ction A could be for the car detectors, and section B
for the house det ectors, w ith no detectors a ssigned to se ction C, and
the entry cod es/cards as signed to sect ion C to acces s the whol e
system. So w hen the user enters the ho use he can set sectio n A to
protect the car, a nd unset secti on B to be able to enter th e house.
Radio communication s upervision sho uld be disabled for the c ar
detectors t o avoid fault n otifications when the car i s driven aw ay from
the house (s ee the detect or manual).
8 Opera ting/programmin g the system by PC
The OASiS sy stem can be opera ted and progr ammed locally using a PC
running OLin k software. To connect the con trol panel to the PC use a JA -
80T, JA-82T in terface or a JA80-BT w ireless Blueto oth interfac e.
OLink softw are can be used by installers and end users. The softw are
only allows a ccess to feat ures allow ed by the acc ess code (s ervice or u ser).
If the control pane l is equipped with a sui table communicator su ch as the
JA-80Y (GSM /GPRS) or JA -80V (LAN /telephone line ) then the system can
also be acce ssed from a PC connected to the Internet. F or this remot e
access it is first necessary to register at www .GSMLink.c z or di rectly by Olink
. 2,0 and higher ( JA-82Y only ).
9 Basic g uidance for i nstallers
Create a n installa tion plan tha t sufficiently covers the bu ilding to be
protect ed.
If t he cust omer requests changes to th e suggeste d configurati on in
order to reduce t he price, es pecially reduci ng the number of detectors ,
ask for his reque st to be given to y ou in writing. (You w ill avoid future
disputes if th e insufficient protection is overcome by intruders. )
Perfor m the installati on in a very profes sional and consci entious
manner and always tidy up the site afterward s.
It i s very important to teach the end us er how to use a nd test the
system and to check his lev el of understa nding.
Get the customer to sign a written statem ent that the sy stem was
instal led according to th e customer’s spec ifications and t hat the
customer unde rstands how to oper ate the system.
Explain the imp ortance of the a nnual technica l inspection of the sy stem
to the customer and offer him this serv ice. For more det ails see the
relevant EN standards.
For further informa tion see EN 50131-1 and other standar ds.