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ENTER E DIT L OOP M ODE: When a loo p i s p rogramm ed (LOOP IN and O UT/EXIT buttons are on)
you can enter loop edit mode by pressin g the REL OOP/STUTT ER button unti l the disp lay shows
“Loop Edit”.
5. CUE button: Pressing t he CUE b utton du r ing p layback provides a n immediat e return to the position at
which p lay w as started . Playback starts i mmediately from the pro grammed cue point f or as long as the
CUE button is pressed. The CD pla yer jumps ba ck to t he cue point as soon as the CU E button is
released. Also with the unit in pause mode (Pl ay/Pa use button blinks) the jog wheel is used to set a
different start po in t. By pr essing "PLAY/P AUSE " or “LOOP IN” button followed by " CUE ", you can
confirm this new cu e point.
6. PL AY/PAUSE button: ev er y time you press the P LAY/P AUS E b utton th e CD play er c hanges from pla y
to pause or from pause to pla y. The button blink s as long as the p layer is set to pause.
7. TRAC K/FOLDER button: This b utton has several functions:
Switch between FOLDER and TRACK mode: press the FOLDER button and left SE ARCH
BUTTON (9) together t o switch bet ween F OLDE R a nd T RAC K mo de. Refer to t he chapter “how to
use” to learn more about these modes.
FOLDER mode - switch between folders: press the FOLDER button together with t he T RACK
SEARC H buttons (8) to bro wse the different fo lders on the CD/CDROM.
FOLDER mode – show fo lder name: a s long a s you p ress t h e F OLDER button, the n ame of the
current fold er is shown.
TRACK mod e – sho w t otal amount of track s: press the FOLDER b uttons shortly to show the total
number of tracks available on the CD/CDROM.
8. TRACK SEARCH buttons: These buttons are used to select the track to be played. Forward skip &
back sk ip. I n FOLDER m ode, press t he FOLDE R b utton ( 7) together w ith t he TR ACK SEARCH b uttons
to select an other folde r.
9. SEAR CH buttons: used t o search qu ickly inside a t rack. Press the left search b utton (search back)
together w ith the FOLDER button (7) to switch between FOLDE R an d TRACK mode.
10. TAP b utton: Th e MCD680 has a full automatic B PM-counter. In some rare cases the automatic beat
counter doesn’t count as it should do (beats are out of the normal range o r there’s sim ply no beat to
detect). I n t hese case s you ca n help t he beat co unte r by manually tapping th is button t o t he rhythm o f
the beat. You ca n switch back to the automatic beat co unter by p ressing the TAP button until the
“AUTOBPM” in the left lower corner of th e displa y turns on.
11. PITCH BEND b uttons: The speed rises w hile t he “+ button” is p ressed and r eturns t o the o riginal p itch
when the button i s rele ased. The speed drops when t he “– button” is p ressed and returns t o the origin al
pitch when the button is released. T hese b uttons can be used to s ynchronize t he beats of 2 tracks.
12. PITCH button: This button is use d to turn the speed function o n and off. You can also select 3 d ifferent
pitch ranges (+/-4% , 8%, 16%): ever y time you press the “PI TCH B END -“ button shortly while y ou keep
the PI TCH button pr essed, you will ch ange the p itch ra nge.
13. PITCH slider: Press the PI TCH button, so the pitch ra nge LED is lit . The speed ca n be adapted up to +/ -
16% by mov ing th e fader. T he speed will not chan ge when the p itch range LED, on the rig ht of the
PITCH button, is off.
14. RELAY button : W hen y ou switch the relay function on, alternatel y a track w ill be pla yed from both CDs
until the rela y function is disengaged. You can always put a n ew C D in th e pl ayer that is waiting in
standby m ode. I n this way y ou can create an endless program. Perfect for use in pubs etc.
15. OPEN/CLOSE button: pr e ss this button to open and close the disc tray. These butto ns are disa bled
during p la yback. I f the tray is not closed a fter 60se c. It wi ll close autom atically to prevent damage.
16. FAST SE ARCH bu tton: press this button to toggle t he function of the JOG W HE EL(1) between fast
search m ode ( “SEARC H” LED is o n) and n ormal mode. T he f ast se arch function i s a utomaticall y turned
off w hen the JOG W HEEL is not used for more than 10seconds.
PL AY M ODE: normally t he JO G W HEEL i s u sed as pitch bend t ool to synchr o nize the b eats o f t he
playing track to another track. W hen the fast search mode is turned on, y ou can use the JO G
W HEEL to se arch very quickly fo rward/backward inside the curr ent track.
P AUSE MODE: normally the JOG W HEEL is u sed to search v ery precisely ( 1frame p recision) for the
exact cue point. W hen the fast sea rch mode is tu rned o n, y o u ca n use the JO G WHEEL t o se arch
very quickly forward/backward inside the current track .
If the button is pressed for more than 1,5 second, the player toggles between single and conti nuous p la y:
Continuous play : the complete CD will be pla yed without interruption. (mostly used in p ubs)
Single tra ck: pla yer stops at the end of each track and waits at the be ginning of the next track.
(mostly used b y deejays)
17. LCD DISPLAY: S ho ws all i m portant i nformation needed during playback. R efer to t he n ext ch a pter fo r
more in formation.
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18. ID3-Tag button: standard the display sho ws the track title, ho wever y ou can also b rowse the other ID3-
tag i nformation:
Press the track button 1x: A rtist n ame is shown on the display
Press the tr ack button 2x: Bit rate is shown on the dis play
19. TIME Button: T he TIME button switches between elapsed playing time, remaining time in a selection
and tota l remaining t ime of the disc. (standard = re m aining /track)
20. FADER START Socke ts: I f you a re u sing a mixer with f ader st art f unction, co nnect the player w ith the
fader start of the mixer . Please note th at t hese sockets m ust never be connected with any voltage.
21. CONTROL con nector : connect this conn ector to the m ain unit, using the supplie d m ini-D IN8 cab le.
1. PLAY/P AUSE indicato rs: displays t he sta tus of the player.
2. CUE: appears when the master cue p oint is pro grammed.
3. SINGLE: appears when t he unit is set to play j ust on e track
at a time. W hen it is n ot shown, the pla yer pla ys
continuously through all tra cks .
4. MP3: informs you if the CD/CDROM is a normal audio CD o r
if it contains M P 3-files .
5. MINU TE: Shows “minutes” tim e infor mation of current track.
6. SECON D: Shows “secon ds ” time information of current track.
7. FRAME: Shows “frame” time information of current track . (1 frame = 1/75
8. TIME B AR: shows either remaining or elapsed t ime. Starts flashing at the e nd of e ach track t o alert the
user to take action.
9. RELOO P: sh ows when a l oop is progr amm ed. W hen a loop i s programmed and cu rrently playing, the
RELOOP indic ator is flashi ng.
10. FOLDER/ T R ACK: by def ault the current track number i s shown. W hen in FOLDER mod e, the folder
number is shown while sele cting another fold er of when you sim ply press the F OLD ER button (7).
11. AUTO CUE: a pp ears w hen the “auto cue” function is active. (in s ingle mode “auto cue” is always on)
12. EL APSE D, REM A I N: in dicates t hat t he time shown o n t he d ispla y i s t he elapsed or remaining time for
the pl aying track.
Note : for M P3 files it’s not possible to show the t otal remaining tim e for all tracks on the CDROM.
13. ALP H ANUMERIC DISPL AY: Shows the n ames o f folders and M P3 t r acks. F or MP3 tracks r ecorded in
CBR also t he bit ra te is shown. For VBR recorded M P3 tracks the display only s hows “VBR”. All kinds of
other interactive information is also shown.
14. BPM/P ITCH DISPLAY: (see P ITCH b utton(12) a nd TA P b utton(10) to learn how t o swi tch bet ween th e
3 display modes)
BPM indicator ON: the automatic beat counter show s the number of Beats Per M inute on t he
displa y.
BPM in dicator B LINKING: the manual bea t counter shows the number of B eats Per Minute you
manually “tapped” on the display.
PITCH indicator ON: The display s hows the actual speed var iat ion ( in %) com pared to zero p itch.