F9 Destination Track:
If a Chord track has been selected in
FF44 TTrraacckkss
, you can copy it to a different Chord track than the original one, as explai-
ned for
FF66 DDeessttiinnaattiioonn PPaarrtt
. To select a different Chord track, press function push button
FF77 DDeessttiinnaattiioonn TTrraacckk
F10 Save: This is used to confirm and to save the copy procedure set with the parameters as indicated above.
This function allows you to modify the order of the Patterns within the Pattern bank.
The page shows the list of the Patterns stored in RAM, to each of which a three digits
position number is assigned. With
FF99 SSeelleecctt
and using the
, push buttons
you can select the Patterns according to the desired order. Next to those selected, the
new position number will appear. After having terminated the selection, press
FF1100 SSaavvee
to confirm the operation. Pressing
FF88 CClleeaarr
you restore the original positions,
takes you back to the initial page of
PPaatttteerrnn EEddiitt
deletes Patterns from the Flash RAM bank.
FF99 SSeelleecctt
allows you to select one or a number of Patterns to delete from those stored in the bank.
FF1100 EExxeeccuuttee
confirms and deletes the selected Pattern(s), while
FF55 EEssccaappee
takes you back to the original page of Edit Pattern.
allows you to save on the presently activated disk, one or a number of Patterns as single files having the extension .PAT.
FF99 SSeelleecctt
allows you
to select the Pattern to be saved among those present in the Pattern bank.
FF1100 EExxeeccuuttee
saves the Pattern while
FF55 EEssccaappee
takes you back to the
main page of
EEddiitt PPaatttteerrnn
The procedure explained above requires careful editing and recording of track by track and part by part. What about recording all parts to a
selected component (e.g. Arrange A) at once?
From the main Edit Pattern display screen, you can have access to
MMiiddii RReeccoorrdd FF99
Thanks to this function, you can record the Pattern directly from a complete sequence transmitted by an external Computer or Sequencer.
To record a Pattern from a Sequencer/Computer:
Connect the Midi In 2 of the instrument to the Midi Out of the Computer and the Midi Out of the instrument to the Midi In of the computer.
Activate the Midi Clock In of the Computer (deactivate the Thru if inserted).
Activate Midi Clock Out on the instrument.
Prepare the sequence to be transmitted from the Computer/sequencer.
The channel of each track of the sequence must correspond to that of the various sections of the style as currently selected in the Midi RX
of the instrument.
Press the Edit Pattern button.
Select the MIDI RECORD function using F9.
Make sure that the Time Signature of the Pattern on the PARAMETER section corresponds to that of the sequence to be transmitted.
Choose the part to record (Arrange A, B,C, D, Intro, Fill etc.)
Set the Value Quantize function to the desired value. (In the event of very complex sequences, we recommend you select the 'REAL' value).
Choose the number of Beats to record using the BAR function
Press F8 to select
Press the Start button. The recording will automatically stop at the end of the set number of beats. All the tracks will be recorded at once.
To listen to it again, press Start and play the Pattern normally. In this phase, you can give different Quantizations for the acquired sequen-
ce before saving it.
To save the Pattern, press F5 Save.
The biggest difference compared to the traditional recording method lies in the possibility to record all the tracks via MIDI in one go. In fact, each track
corresponds to a specific MIDI channel and by creating, for example, four beats of Arrange A on the external sequencer using all the tracks containing
the Parts, the whole contents of the Part can be sent from the sequencer to be reproduced. In any event it is always possible to send a single track
from the external sequencer using the internal functions of the sequencer such as the equivalent Mute and Solo functions.
It is advisable not
to use Program Changes in the sequence that will be controlled by the external sequencer. They can be modified at a later date by selecting the
most appropriate voices for each track, from the
FF11 RReeccoorrdd
FF99 MMIIDDII RReeccoorrdd
page as already explained above. This
method of working avoids confusion.
Deletes the complete Pattern and the Flash RAM banks.
FF1100 EExxeeccuuttee
confirms the operation,
FF55 EEssccaappee
takes you back to the
PPaatttteerrnn EEddiitt
Pattern Edit