35-44 years old 21-26
45-54 years old 22-27
55-64 years old 23-28
>64 years old 24-29
The results of Thomas (55 years old) in our example are in the standard area, with a BMI of
24.9. Deviations from the standard values can indicate adverse affects to your health. Please dis-
cuss this further with your doctor.
Units that are displayed from km/h or mph, kilojoules or kcal, hours (h) and power (Watts).
Energy (realistic)
Cross ergometer:The energy used by the body is calculated with an efficiency of 16.7% and ap-
plied to the mechanical performance. The other 83.3% is transformed into heat.
Fat burning heart rate
Generated value from: 65% of maximum heart rate.
Fitness heart rate
Generated value from: 75% of maximum heart rate.
Generated value from: 40-90% of maximum heart rate.
Maximum heart rate
Generated value of 220 - age.
Heart rate monitoring
If "HI" appears then the heart rate is up to 11 beats per minute higher than the target heart rate.
If "LO" appears then the heart rate is up to 11 beats per minute lower than the target heart rate.
Display in which values can be entered or settings can be adjusted.
Current value of the mechanical (braking) power in Watts which the equipment converts to heat.
In the multi-display, a bar display of power or heart rate over time or over the course.
Exercising opportunities which require resistances or target heart rates to be set either manually
or by the programme.
Per cent scale
Comparative displays between current resistance and preset maximum resistance from the machine
Heart rate
Detection of heart beats per minute
Recovery heart rate measurement at the end of the exercise session. The difference between the
heart rate at the beginning and the end of one minute will be calculated and a fitness mark awar-
ded. With constant exercising, the improvement of this mark is a measure of improving fitness.
Deleting the display content and restarting the display by turning the equipment switch on and off.
For exchange of data with a PC by means of KETTLER software.
The apparatus controls the power or the heart rate with manually entered or preset values.
Target heart rate
Manually or preset heart rate which should be reached.
Menu structure
Exercising and instruction manual