SXRC Remote Control
When you are done adjusting the low pass
crossover on this amplifier press the
ESC key while in the frequency and
slope options menu to return to the AMP ADJ
menu and choose another function to adjust.
While you are in the LO-PASS menu the
LPF indicator on the ISIS display is lit. This
indicates you are making adjustments in
the LO-PASS menu.
The KICKER SXRC monitors and prevents any low pass
crossover point from being set any closer than 1/3 octave from
the high pass crossover point. If you cannot set the low pass
crossover where you want then check the ISIS display and see if
LPF is lit and the HPF indicator is
flashing. If it is then you need to go to the
HI-PASS menu and lower the high pass
crossover point.
This is done as a safety precaution to prevent a notch filter
lo-pass MENU - Here is where you adjust the selected
amplifier’s low pass crossover.
Use the
UP and DOWN keys to scroll
frequency and slope and then
press the
ENT key to select.
FREQUENCY selects the crossover point and can be set at any
1/12th octave spaced frequency from 30 Hz to 20 kHz.
30 Hz to 20325 Hz) SX.1 Series is 30 Hz to 200 Hz in 1 Hz
Use the UP and DOWN keys to select your
frequency. Press the
ESC key to save your
setting and return to the
frequency and
slope options menu. You can now select
another low pass crossover option to adjust
on this amplifier if desired.
SLOPE selects the roll-off of the crossover and can be set
oFF to 36 dB/OCT in 6 dB steps. SX.1 Series is OFF to
48 dB in 6 dB Steps.
Use the UP and DOWN keys to select your
low pass crossover slope. Press the
key to save your setting and return to the
frequency and slope options menu. You
can now select another low pass crossover
option to adjust on this amplifier if desired.