SXRC Remote Control
GROUPS MENU - Here you can view the groups you have
created and see which SX Series amplifiers have been assigned
to each group.
If the display shows
N/A, this means you
do not have any groups created.
If you do have groups created then you will be
able to scroll through the available groups
using the
UP and DOWN keys.
When you have the group selected that you
want to view simply press the
ENT key to
select it.
You can now use the
UP and DOWN keys
to view each amplifier assigned to this group.
If you have multiple amps of the same make
or name you can check its’ Remote Address
to help you identify which amp you are
currently viewing. Simply press and hold the
ENT key and the Remote Address of
the amplifier will be displayed.
Press the
ESC key to return to the list of
available groups.
GROUP NAME MENU - Here you can change the default name
of the 10 groups (
Group-01 to Group-10) to any 10 character
name you want. Very useful for identifying a group of amps by
their function or location.
Use the
UP or DOWN keys to scroll
through the available groups (
Group 1
through Group 10)
When you have the group selected that you
want to name simply press the
ENT key to
select it.
You can now use the
ESC and ENT keys
to move the blinking cursor left or right to
select which character you want to change.
Use the
UP and DOWN keys to change the
selected character. (
A B C ...1 2 3 ...etc.)
When you are finished press and hold the
HOME key for 1.5 seconds to save your
new group name.
You can now select another Group Name to
change or press the
ESC key to return to the