Crosse Technology, L td product to a La Crosse Tech nology, Ltd
authorized servic e center. La Crosse Technology, Ltd will pay ground
return shipping charges t o the owner of the product to a USA addre ss
Your La Crosse Technolo gy, Ltd warranty covers al l defects in material
and workmanship w ith the following specif ied exceptions: (1) damage
caused by accident, unreas onable use or negle ct (including the l ack of
reasonable and nec essary maintenanc e); (2) damage occurring during
shipment (claims must be p resented to the carrier); (3) damage to, or
deterioration of , any accessory or decorative surf ace; (4) damage
resulting from failu re to follow instructions co ntained in your ow ner’s
manual; (5) damage res ulting from the performa nce of repairs or
alterations by someone other t han an authorized La Crosse Technology ,
Ltd authorized service center; (6) units used f or other than home use (7)
applications an d uses that this product w as not intended or (8) the
products inabili ty to receive a signal d ue to any source of int erference..
This warranty covers only actua l defects wit hin the product its elf, and
does not cover the cost of installation or removal from a fixed
installation, normal set-up or adju stments, claims based on
misrepresentation by the seller or performance variations resultin g from
installation-relate d circumstanc es.
This warranty gives you specific lega l rights. You may also have oth er
rights specific to your St ate. Some States do no allow the exclusion of
consequential or inci dental damages therefore the abov e exclusion of
limitation m ay not apply to you.
For warranty work, techni cal support, or information contact:
La Crosse Technology, Ltd
2809 Losey Blvd. S.
La Crosse, WI 54601
Phone: 608.782.1 610
Fax: 608.796.10 20
support@lacrosse technology.co m
(warranty w ork)
sales@lacrossetechnology .com
(information on other prod ucts)
For more informat ion, please visit:
www.lacross etechnology.c om/1510
FAQ WS-151 0-IT
Congratulations on pu rchasing this state-of-the-art Prof essional
Weather Center.
Remember, for your Weather Station to wo rk properly, it must be
started correctly , using good quality alkaline batte ries, and the time
must be set manually .
Before calling for t echnical support (1-888 -211-1923), you may be able
to correct the problem by first p erforming a Proper Restart, an Initial
Set-up, and proble m-solving with th e trouble-shooting gui de.
-Proper Restart (Quick Set-up Guide)
-Mounting Sensors
– Program Set Up
--Indoor Temperature Rea dings
– Outdoor Temperat ure/Humidity Readi ngs
--Wind R eadings
--Rain reading
– Minimum and Maxim um Readings
– Forecast Icons
-Displa y information
– Power Source
Batteries are the n umber one warranty issue t hat we have. We
recommend new, plain alkaline batt eries for our produc ts.
A good alkaline ba ttery will hav e an expiration date printed on it.
Alkaline batteries are da ted six to seven years beyo nd the current year.
Therefore a battery with an expiration date three years beyo nd the
current year has already been sitting on a she lf for three to four years.
Consider w hat happens to your car battery if y ou let it sit unused for
three to four years.
If you have a voltmeter a nd your older batteries test to 1.48 or better,
they should pow er our products. New plain a lkaline batteries oft en test
to 1.6 or better.
Use good quality alkaline batterie s with an expirati on date of at least s ix
years into the future or newer. If you are using ques tionable batt eries,
be sure they measure at l east 1.48 on a voltm eter. Generic or store
brand batteries , and batteries labele d super, ultra, max, heavy dut y,
lithium and recharg eable should be av oided. These bat teries provide
their power at d ifferent rates than plain al kaline batterie s. This may
cause problems, especially with the d isplay unit. It is not always a low
battery that cau ses problems. It may be an overpow ered battery .
– Proper Restart (Qu ick Set-up Guide)
In the event of ins talling or changing bat teries in any of th e units, all
units need to be reset by following th e setup procedures.
1. Remove batteries from the Thermo-hygro (out door) sensor, Rain
sensor and the Base stat ion. With the batteries o ut of the Base
station, press any butt on 20 times. Let every thing sit without
batteries for 10 minutes. Verify that the Base station i s completely
blank before procee ding.
2. Then disconnect and reconnect the Wind sensor cable (be sure it
clicks into place). Reinsert the batterie s into the Thermo -hygro
sensor and the Rain s ensor. Be sure to use a n ew, quality alkalin e
battery (heavy duty and rechargeable ty pes should be a voided)
3. Reinstall batte ries in the Base station and do n ot press any ot her
buttons for AT LEAST 10 m inutes while the stati on completes its
startup sequence. Pre ssing buttons before that time may prevent
a good connection to the sensors.
4. All of your sensors should be reading on your disp lay.
Batteries: Use good quality alkaline batte ries with an expiration date of
at least six years into t he future or newer. If you a re using questionable
batteries, be s ure they measure at l east 1.48 on a voltm eter. Generic
or store brand bat teries, and batteri es labeled super, ultra, m ax, heavy
duty, lithium and rechargeable should be a voided. Thes e batteries
provide their pow er at a different rate than p lain alkaline bat teries. This
may cause problems, especially w ith the display unit. It is not always a
low battery t hat causes problem s. It may be an overp owered battery.
Mounting Sensors
It is best to set e verything up in the h ouse to be sure it works before
mounting the sens ors. Tip the Rain gauge a nd spin the W ind sensor, to
be sure they rea d to the base.
We do no t have a compl ete sensor ins tallatio n guide as ea ch Home
Installation is different and cov ering all of the variables would result in a
guide far longer than anyone would be w illing to read. Our we bsite
http://www .lacrossetechnol ogy.com/support/se tup.php
has some tips.
With that said, here a re a few general guid elines to remember w hen
installing your s ensors:
Place the Wind sensor as h igh as you can instal l it. In most cases 4-6 ft
above the peak of your roof (or mo re) is required for accurat e readings.
(Avoid tall trees or other obs tructions that m ay block or reflect the wind).
Be sure to observe the Directions listed on the sensor. The poin t of the
vane will tell you where the wind is coming from.
Please carefully th read the Wind cord through the mast and be sure the
cord fits in the slot or hole designed to prevent pinch ing. Please note
the proper Direction w hen mounting.
Be sure not to overtight en U bolts to mast, as t hey can crack the mast.
Avoid: Transmitting antennas. PVC pipe (unl ess electrical grad e) as a
mast, improper exte nsion cords (phone c ord is much more resistan t
than our sensor cord) and m odifications of the cords in any way.
Please note most recordin g stations have se nsors mounted 33 ft up or
5. Install the Rai n gauge on a level p latform that is st ationary. If the
gauge isn't lev el it will read low , and it it isn't stat ionary wind w ill
cause it to read rain that isn't falling.
Tip: Be sure not to screw the rain sensor down too tigh tly as that
will result in a low or inaccurate reading.
6. Place the Rain gauge 2 -3ft (or more) above th e ground. This will
prevent dirt from cloggin g the gauge and w ill place it higher tha n
most insects are willing to climb. Pla cing the gauge extremely
high is generally not a good idea as y ou may need to periodic ally
clear debris such as leave s, spider nests etc.
7. Place the Thermo -hygro sensor in a well-shaded are a that is
protected from d irect rainfall and sun, as it will read high if
exposed to the su n. If the sensor gets too w et it will never read
accurate humidity again, so take ca re to ensure that it will not be
exposed to a dow npour. Light incide ntal exposure to water
typically w ill not harm the sensor.
8- A good location is under the eaves on the north side of the house.
You can also build a small roof or box for it if you do not have an
overhang. Please be sure it is well vented .
9- Your Wind cord, must be plugged into the Therm o-hygro sensor
before install ing batteries. Be sure t he cord is secured from
blowing around (do not staple or pinch), and o ccasionally check
for animals chewing t hrough.
–Program Set Up Menu
There are five function key s: SET, +, HISTORY, ALARM, and
MIN/MAX/ You begin by pres sing the SET button u ntil the display
flashes. W hen y ou press and releas e the SET button after each st ep,
you will be mov ed to the next step. Y ou may exit the programming
mode at any time by pressing the ALARM button.
If you take more than 5 secon ds to change a setting, th e unit will return
to normal display mode. If you are not finished with changing your
settings, yo u do not need to repeat t he steps you have already
completed. You can skip st eps by pressing and releasing t he SET
button until y ou get to the next step.
Press and hold the SET bu tton for five seconds. LCD and a number
from 1-8 will be flash ing. To increase the c ontrast of the LCD dis play,
press and release the PLUS butt on. To decrease t he contrast of the
LCD, press and release th e MIN/MAX button. Pres s and release the
SET button once to move to the next me nu item.