The Hour will be flashing. Use the PLUS button t o increase the hour.
Use the MIN/MAX button to decrease the hour. If using 12-hour Ti me
Mode, be sure to set the ho ur for AM or PM. Press and release the
SET button once to move to the next me nu item.
The Minutes w ill be flashing. Use the PLUS button to set the minutes.
Press and release th e SET Button once to mov e to the next menu item.
4. 12/24-HOUR TI ME MODE:
Either 12h or 24h will be flashing on the dis play. Use PLUS or
MIN/MAX button to change f rom 12 to 24 hour format time (12h for
AM/PM, 24h for world time). Note: When in the 12h mode, there is
only a "PM" display, whi ch appears under the w ord TIME. During the
"AM" hours, this area will be bla nk. Press and release the SET button
once to move to the next menu item.
The Year will be flashing. Use the PL US or MIN/MAX button to se t the
year. Press and release th e SET button once to move to the next menu
The Month will be f lashing. Use the PLUS or MIN/MAX b utton to set
the month. Press and release t he SET button onc e to move to the next
menu item.
The numeric day w ill be flashing. Use the PLUS or MI N/MAX button to
set the date correc tly. (The unit will determine the D ay
of the week
automatically .) Press and release the SET bu tton once to move to the
next menu item.
A degree symbol will be f lashing, followed by F or C. Use the PLUS or
MIN/MAX button to select F or C. Press and release the SET but ton
once to move to the nex t menu item.
MPh should now be flas hing. To change, pre ss and release the PLUS
or MIN/MAX button to se lect MPH, KM/h, or M/S. Press and release
the SET button once t o move to the next menu item.
Inch should now be flashing. To change, press and release the PLUS or
MIN/MAX button to select MM i f desired. Press and release t he SET
button once to move t o the next menu item.
InHG (inches of mercury ) should now be flashing. This can be set in
inHG or hPa (hectopasc al). To change, press and releas e the PLUS or
MIN/MAX button to make yo ur selection. Press and release t he SET
button once to move t o the next menu item.
The Barometric Press ure (lower part of scree n) will flash. Press and
release the PLUS or MIN/M AX button to select the desired relative air
pressure value. Note: This will be based off your l ocal weather report o r
can be found on the Interne t. Press and release t he SET button once to
move to the next menu it em. Press and release the SET butt on once to
move to the next menu it em.
Two air-pressure tendency arrows will appear (low er right portion of
screen) and a flashing n umber will appear in the "pressure" area. Press
and release the PLUS or MIN/ MAX buttons to select the desired
forecast sensitiv ity setting of 0.06, 0.09, or 0.12 inHG.
The lowest (most sensitive) num ber is used near the high humi dity
areas, the highest (leas t sensitive) number is f or the low humidity , arid
areas, and middle number is f or everywhere else. Pre ss and release
the SET button once to mo ve to the next menu item.
Use the PLUS or MIN/MAX butt ons to select a value from the range of
0.09 to 0.27. This value is used to trigger a Sto rm Warning Alarm
based on a drop in air pres sure. Press and release the SET button
once to move to the next menu item.
Use the PLUS or MIN/MAX b uttons to select AOF (Alarm Off) or A ON
(Alarm On). When the pressure falls by the Storm Warning T hreshold
Value you have selecte d, an alarm (if on) will be tr iggered.
Press and release th e SET button once to retu rn to normal display.
Congratulations . You are done!
If you continue to experienc e problems with y our Weather Station after
a Proper Restart and Ini tial Set-up, plea se see if your problem is
described in this Trouble-Shooting Guid e and follow t he suggestions to
attempt to correct the probl em before contac ting technical support.
Please familiariz e yourself with the funct ion buttons. These are loc ated
on the bottom of the Ba se station and the Alarm but ton is on the top.
They are: SET, PLUS, HISTORY , MIN/MAX and SNOOZ E. These
buttons will be used in t he trouble-shooti ng guide.
– Indoor Temperat ure Readings
Plus Button: Indoor Temperature is an optional display in the up per
right-hand corner. In normal display mode, press the PLUS button to
toggle between In door Temperature, Seconds counting, Alarm Time, o r
the Date in tw o different format s.
Indoor Temper ature Displays as --. - (dashes) or is mis sing
Batteries: Be sure yo u have good alkaline batteries f or the base
station. This is almost always a power is sue.
Indoor Temper ature Displa ys as OFL
Batteries: Be sure yo u have good alkaline batteries f or the base
station. This is almost always a power is sue.
Indoor Temper ature is Blank
If only the Indoor Read ings portion of t he indoor unit is totally blank (not
showing dashes or O FL), this may a problem w ith the indoor unit or t he
batteries. Remov e all batteries from a ll units and follow the directions in
the Proper Restart section above, us ing fresh alkaline batt eries. If the
problem continues , contact Customer Support for f urther instructions.
– Outdoor Temperat ure/Humidity Readings
Outdoor Temperat ure/Humidi ty Display s as --.- (dashes)
Distance: It may also be t hat the distance betwe en the transmitter and
the receiver is too great or has too many obsta cles between the units t o
allow the signa l to reach the transmitt er.
The maximum transm ission range is 330 feet in a straight line (line of
sight). Trees, w alls, windows, and obs tructions will red uce transmission
range by as much as half. (An o bstruction would incl ude anything that is
in the line of sight like a roof, wall s, floors, ceiling s, trees, etc.). Certai n
building materials such a s glass, stucco, and metal framework or siding,
can greatly reduce the ran ge.
In order to get an accurate reading and to prolong the lif e of your
sensor, we recommend t hat you place the sens or in a sheltered area
out of the sun and direct ra in. Fog and mist wi ll not affect the sensor,
but a soaking in wat er may.
Sensor is wet: If your sensor becomes soaked, bring t he unit inside,
remove the batteries and allow the unit t o dry overnight; then resta rt the
station using the Proper Restart instruct ions. You can mount the sensor
outside under an ea ve of your house or any ot her suitable place t hat will
keep it out of the s un and rain. Do not w rap the sensor in plastic or seal
it in a plastic bag. You may also put it in a two-sid ed bird feeder with a
Restart: Remove bat teries from all units and follow the directio ns in the
Proper Restart secti on above.
Outdoor Te mperature/Hu midity i s Inaccurate
Batteries: Be sure yo u have good alkaline batteries f or both the sensor
and the base station.
Placement: The sensor w ill measure the temp erature in the locatio n
where it is placed. A good location is under the eaves on the north s ide
of the house. You can als o build a small roof or box for it if you do not
have an overhang. Pleas e be sure it is w ell vented.
Worn out: Also, your transmitter may be defective or wo rn out due to
age or weather conditio ns. If you continue to have pro blems, please
call for technical support.
Outdoor Temp erature/Humi dity Display s as OFL
Batteries: Be sure yo u have good alkaline batteries f or both the sensor
and the base station.
If the display shows O FL, your batteries may b e weak or dead. Follow
the “Proper Restart” inst ructions. If you cont inue to have problems,
please call for technical support.
Outdoor Read ings are Totally Blank
If only the Out door Readings portions of the indoor unit are t otally blank
(not showing das hes or OFL), this may a pro blem with the indoor uni t or
the batteries. Remove all batteries from all uni ts and follow the
directions in the Pro per Restart section abov e, using fresh batt eries. If
the problem continues, contact Cust omer Support for further
instructions .
-Rain Readings
Viewing Rain: From normal mode, press and release t he SET button
one time to get to” mode 2”. Then use the PLUS button t o toggle
between, Relat ive Pressure, 24 h our Rain, and Total Rain. Please note:
After 20 seconds, this w ill revert to the normal dis play.
Rain Reads 0.00:
The Rain will always read 0.00, e ven if no rain gauge is being used. If
you are using the Rain gau ge and have had rain, but are still reading
0.00, please c heck the following:
Debris: Is the rocker free of debris , insect nests, leaves , etc. If it has
never worked, is t here tape on the rocker?
Batteries: Are you using good alkaline batt eries dated 6-7 years i n
Mounting: Is the rain gauge mounted le vel? If mounted wit h screws
through the bas e, please be sure they are only snug and not too tight .