• Automatically switches o when there is not enough water remaining in the reservoir.
• Essential oil diuser;
• Eliminates electrostatic charges;
• Improves ambient air quality
• Input power AC 100-240V, 50/60Hz;
• Output power DC24V 500mA;
• Lifespan of the ceramic disc: +/- 3,000 hours.
Instructions for use:
• Place the «Mili»in the room half an hour before turning it on to allow it to adjust to room temperature.
• Place the diuser on a at, stable surface, keeping it away from the edge. (11)
• Check that the diuser is clean.
• Remove the cover from the base of the diuser by lifting it up (12).
• Fill the reservoir with mineral water no higher than the maximum water level line of 165 ml. (The temperature of the water should not exceed 40°C). (13)
• Pour a few (3 to 6) drops of essential oil into the reservoir. (14)
• Replace the cover on the lled water reservoir. (15)
• With dry hands, insert the end of the adapter in the DC-jack socket located on the back of the diuser. (16)
• With dry hands, plug the adapter into a power socket.
• Press the button to switch the device on. The mist it diuses creates an ambiance that encourages relaxation. (17)
• The diuser has several functions:
1. Continuous diusion: press the button once. (18)
2. Cyclical diusion: press the button twice. The device will work for 30 seconds and then stop for 30 seconds until the water reservoir is empty. After this it will switch o automatically. (19)
When the water level in the reservoir is too low or empty, the device will stop automatically. If this happens, rell the water following the steps in the instructions for use to restore normal
NOTE: Use the spout to empty the water from the reservoir out of the side opposite the exhaust vent. Never empty the water through the exhaust vent.
This would damage the diuser. (20)
• Before using essential oils, please check the harmful eects that use of these products may have on your health.
• Always choose quality essential oils that are pure, 100% natural and intended for diusion. Use them in moderation and with care. Follow the instructions and warnings stated on the
packaging of the essential oils, in particular noting that:
• Pregnant women, people with epilepsy, asthmatics and people who suer from allergies, and those with heart problems or serious illnesses should not use essential oils.
• Essential oils should be used only for periods not exceeding 10 minutes in a baby’s room (under 3 years old) and only when the baby is not actually in the room.
• Make sure that children and minors do not play with or use the device.
• Just a few drops (3 to 4 drops at most) of essential oils are sucient to ensure that the device works properly and the scent is diused. Excessive use of essential oils could damage the device.
• Make sure you pour water into the reservoir rst before adding the drops of essential oils.
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