• All the packaging is composed of materials that pose no hazard for the environment and which can be disposed of at your local sorting centre to be used as secondary raw
materials. The cardboard may be disposed of in a paper recycling bin. The packaging lm must be taken to your local sorting and recycling centre.
• When you have nished using the device, please dispose of it in an environmentally friendly way and in accordance with the law.
LANAFORM® guarantees this product against any material or manufacturing defect for a period of two years from the date of purchase, except in the circumstances described below.
The LANAFORM® guarantee does not cover damage caused as a result of normal wear to this product. In addition, the guarantee covering this LANAFORM® product does not cover damage
caused by abusive or inappropriate or incorrect use, accidents, the use of unauthorized accessories, changes made to the product or any other circumstance, of whatever sort, that is outside
LANAFORM®’s control.
LANAFORM® may not be held liable for any type of circumstantial, indirect or specic damage. All implicit guarantees relating to the suitability of the product are limited to a period of two years
from the initial date of purchase as long as a copy of the proof of purchase can be supplied.
On receipt, LANAFORM® will repair or replace your appliance at its discretion and will return it to you. The guarantee is only valid through LANAFORM®’s Service Centre®. Any attempt to maintain
this product by a person other than LANAFORM®’s Service Centre will render this guarantee void.
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