The Basic Bounce
Knee Bounce
Seat Bounce
Front Bounce
180º Bounce
1. Start from standing
position, feet shoulder
width apart and with
head up and eyes on mat.
2. Swing arms forward and
up in a circular motion.
3. Bring feet together while
in mid-air and point
downwar d.
4. Keep feet shoulder width
apart when landing.
1. Start with basic bounce
and keep it low .
2. Land on knees keeping
back straight, body erect
and use your arms to
maintain balance.
3. Bounce back to basic
bounce position by
swinging arms up.
1. Start with basic bounce.
2. Land in a at, sitting
3. Place hands on mat
beside hips, do not lock
your elbows .
4. Return to erect position
by pushing with hands.
1. Start with a low bounce.
2. Land in prone (face down)
position and keep hands
and arms extended
forward on the mat.
3. Push off the mat with
arms to return to
standing position.
1. Start with front bounce
2. Push off with left or right
hands and arms
(depending on which way
you wish to turn).
3. Maintain head and
shoulders in the same
direction and keep back
parallel to the mat and
head up.
4. Land in prone position
and return to standing
position by pushing up
with hands and arms.
• Jumpers should wear T-shirts, shorts or sweats, and regulation
gymnastic shoes with heavy socks or be barefoot. If you ar e just
beginning, you ma y want to w ear long sleeve shirts and pants to
protect against scrapes and abrasions until you mast er correct landing
positions and form. Do not wear hard sole shoes such as tennis shoes
on the trampoline as this will cause excessiv e wear on the mat mat erial.
• Y ou should always moun t and dismount properly to av oid injury.
• Do not bounce recklessly on the trampoline since this will increase
your chances of getting injured . The key to saf ety and having fun on
the trampoline is control and mastering the various bounc es. Never try
to out-bounce another bouncer in terms of height . Never use the
trampoline without adult supervision.
• Not recommended for use b y children under 3 or ov er 10 years of age.
Mounting and Dismounting: Be very careful when getting on and off
the trampoline. DO NO T mount the trampoline by g rabbing the safety
pad, stepping onto the springs , or by jumping onto the mat of the
trampoline from any object (i.e. deck, roof , or ladder). This will incr ease
your chances of getting injured . DO NOT dismoun t by jumping off the
trampoline and landing on the ground, r egardless of the makeup of
the ground. If small children ar e playing on the trampoline, they ma y
need help dismounting.
Use of Alcohol and Drugs: DO NO T consume any alcohol or drugs
when using this trampoline. This will increase your chances of getting
injured since these for eign substances impair your judg ment, reaction
time, and over all physical coor dination.
Multiple Jumpers: Multiple jumpers (more than one person on the
trampoline at any one time) incr ease the chance of getting injured.
Injuries could occur when you fly off the trampoline, lose con trol,
collide with the other jumper(s), or land on the springs. Generally , the
lightest person on the trampoline will get injured . No more than one
person at a time on the trampoline.
Striking the frame or springs: When playing on the trampoline , ST A Y
in the center of the mat. This will reduce your risk of getting injured by
landing on the frame or springs. Alway s keep the safety pad covering
the frame of the trampoline. DO NO T jump or step onto the saf ety pad
directly since it was not intended to support the weight of a person.
Loss of Con trol: DO NO T try new or complex maneuvers until you
have master ed the previous maneuver , or if you are just learning how
to jump on a trampoline. If you do , you will incr ease your risk of getting
injured by landing on the frame , springs, or off the trampoline
completely because you might lose c ontrol of your jump . A contr olled
jump is considered landing on the same spot that you t ook off . If you
do lose control when you ar e jumping on the trampoline, bend y our
knees sharply when you land and this will allow you to regain con trol
and stop your jump .
Somersaults (flips): DO NOT PERFORM somersaults of any type
(backwards or forwards) on this trampoline. If you make a mistake
when trying to per form a somersault, you could land on your head or
neck. T his will increase your chances of getting y our neck or back
broken, which could result in death or par alysis.
For eign Objects: DO NOT use the trampoline if there ar e pets, other
people, or any objects underneath the trampoline. This will increase
the chances of an injury occurring. DO NOT hold an y foreign objects in
your hand and DO NO T place any objects on the trampoline while
anyone is playing on it . Please be aware of wha t is overhead when you
are playing on the trampoline . T ree limbs, wires, or other objects
located over the tr ampoline will increase your chances of getting
Poor Maintenanc e of T rampoline: A trampoline in poor condition will
increase your risk of getting injured . Please inspect the trampoline
before each use f or bent steel tubes, t orn mat, loose or broken springs,
and overall stability of the trampoline.
W eather C onditions: Please be awar e of the weather conditions when
using the trampoline. If the mat of the trampoline is wet, the jumper
could slip and injure him or herself . If it is too windy , jumpers could lose
control. U se the trampoline only when the jumping mat is clean and
dry. A wet jumping mat is e xtremely slick and prevents a stable
When the trampoline is not in use , store it in a secure plac e so that
unsupervised children cannot play on the trampoline.
Inser t straight frame tubes into the socket of the c orner
top rails (E).
Make sure the opening on
the straight frame tube (I)
matches with the opening
in the socket on the corner
top rail (E). Slightly rota te
the straight frame tube to
align openings if needed.
Inser t bold (L) through the arc washer ( O) then through
the front opening in straight fr ame tube. Secure back
with an arc washer (O ), a spring washer (P) and cap nut
(N). Tigh ten bolt assembly using the wrench ( Q) to hold
the cap nut in place while tightening bolt with the
screwdriver (W ).
Layout trampoline mat with saf ety pad (A) at . Place trampoline mat o ver the assembled
frame. T riangle -rings should be underneath the safety pad. L oop elastic on each corner over
each of the straight frame tubes. Slide elastic do wn to the base as shown.
• Make sure to ip up the safety pad
for ease of installation of springs.
• T wo adults are required in this
assembly step .
• CAREFUL - When attaching the
springs, please do not put your
hands, legs, or body close t o the
connector points.
• W ear heavy duty work gloves t o
protect your hands.
• F or ease of assembly , use special
spring loading tool (R).
There are a t otal of 36 triangle-r ings sewn on the
mat and 36 holes on the top rail frame .
None are numbered , so please follow the
instructions carefully to ensure proper
installation. Now , selec t an arbitrary point on the
top rail frame , and call this point ZERO .
Attach springs at the corner top rails as sho wn
in the diagram below . For even distribution of
tension and ease of assembly , spr ings should
be placed on opposite side of the mat/ frame .
F or example, 5,6 then 23, 24. C omplete spring
installation for numbers below . Y ou should
now have the f ollowing 12 springs installed.
ZERO , 5, 6, 11, 12, 17, 18, 23, 24, 29, 30, and 35.
18 23
Attach the “R” hook end of a galv anized
spring (K) to the triangle -ring on the
mat as shown. Keep the spring at a 45°
angle in relation to the mat f or easier
installation. Hold the spring loading
tool (R) underhand and pull the spring
hook towards the opening on the t op
rail frame. Dr op the hook into the
frame opening until it latches on
completely and remo ve the spring
loading tool. T ap the spring down if the
hook is not completely in the opening.
Cap nut (N) Cap nut (N)
Spring washer (P)
Spring washer (P)
Bolt (L)
Bolt (L )
Ar c w as her (O )
Ar c w as her (O )