Lubricating t he chain
During operation there m ust alwa ys be sufficient chain oil in th e
chain-oil tank to pro vide good chain lubrication. One filling is suffi-
cient f or about one half-h our of continuous ope ration. When w orking,
check that ther e is still sufficient chain oil in the tank and top up if
necessary . Check onl y when the engine is switched off!
1 fuel/oil mixture
2c h a i n o i l
Adjusting the chain lubrication (Fig. 40)
The engine must be switched off.
Y ou can adjust the oil p ump f eed rate with the adjusting scre w (1).
The amount of oil can be adjusted using the univ ersal wrench.
T o ensure troublefree operat ion of the oil pump the oil guide g roov e
at the housing (2) a nd the oil inlet bore in the guide bar (3) m ust be
cleaned regularly . (Fig. 41)
Checking the chain lubrication (Fig. 42)
Nev er work with the chain saw without suff icient chain lubrication. Otherwise t he ser-
vice life of the chain and guide bar will be reduced.
Bef ore starting work check the oil le vel in the tank and the oil f eed.
Check the oil f eed rate as described below: Start the chain saw (see “Starting the
Hold the running chain saw ap prox. 15 cm abov e a tr unk or the ground (use an appro-
priate base).
If the lubrication is sufficient, you will see a light oil trace because oil will be flung off
the sawing d evice . P ay attention to the direction the wind is blowin g and av oid unnec-
essary exposure to the oil spra y!
After the sa w has been turned off it is normal fo r residual ch ain oil to drip from the o il
feed system, the guide bar and the chain for a time . This does not constitute a defect!
Place the saw on a suit able surf ace.
Starting the engine (Fig. 43)
Do not start the saw until it has been completel y assembled and inspected!
Mov e at least 3 m awa y from the place where y ou fuelled the saw .
Make sure y ou have a good f ooting, and place the sa w on the ground in su ch a wa y
that the chain is not touching an ything.
Engage the chain brak e (lock).
Grasp the rear handle firmly in one hand and hold the sa w fir mly against the ground.
Press with one knee on the rear handle .
IMPORT ANT: The choke le ver (5) is coupled to the throttle le ver (1). It will rev er t to its
original position automatically once the thrott le lev er has been pressed.
If the throttle le ver is pressed before the engine starts, then the choke le ver (5) will
hav e to be reset to the appropriate position. (Fig. 44)
Cold start:
Push the short-circuit s witch (3) f orward.
T ur n the choke le ver (5) to posit ion . Push primer pump 7-10 times.
Slowly pul l out the starter cable (4) until you notice resist ance (the piston is positione d
bef ore the top dead centre). (Fig. 44)
Now continue to pull quickly and po werfully . The engine will start after 2 to 4
attempts and will continue to run (at lo w temperatures, se veral starting pulls might be
CA UTION: Do not pull out the starter cable more than appro x. 50 cm, and lead it bac k
by hand. F or efficient star ting, it is important to pull the starter cable quickl y and pow-
erfully .
As soon as the engine is running smoothly , gently press the throttle le ver (1) once
(grasp the h andle, the saf ety locking bu tton (2) will release the throttle le ver) this will
cause the chok e lev er (5) to spr ing back to its original positi on and the engine will
then run at idling speed. (Fig. 44)
Now release t he chain br ake
W arm star t:
Proceed as described under cold start, but place the chok e lev e r (5) to
. (Fig. 44)
Important: If the fuel tank h as been completely emptied and the en gine has stopped
due to lac k of fuel, press the primer pump 7 – 10 times . (Fig. 44)
Stopping th e engine
Put the short-circuiting s witch (3) in position “ST OP”. (Fig. 44)
Checking the chain brake (F ig. 45)
Do not work with the chain saw without first checking the chain brake!
Start the engine as described (make sure y ou hav e a good footing, and place the
chain saw on the gr ound in such a wa y that the guide bar is free of contact).
Grasp the tub ular handle fir mly with one hand and hold the grip with the ot her .
With the engine running at moderate sp eed, press the hand gua rd (6) in the direction
of the arro w with the ba ck of y our hand until the chain br ake enga ges. Th e chain
should stop immediately .
Immediately release the thrott le and release the chain brak e.
IMPORT ANT: If the chain does not stop immediatel y in this test, do not under
any cir cumstances proceed with work. Cont act a MAKIT A service center .
Adjusting t he carburetor (Fig . 46)
The carburetor eliminates the need to adjust the idle and main n ozzles, and no such
adjustment is possib le.
If necessary , the idle speed can be adjusted using the adjustment scre w (11).
As installed, the carb uretor has fixed nozzles f or the air pressure at sea lev el.
At heights abov e 1000 m/33 00 fee t it ma y be necessary to
replace the carb uretor nozzles.
Adjust the carb urettor using th e screwdriv er (7, which has a b lade
width of 4 mm) .
Befor e undertaking the adjustment, run the engine f or 3 – 5 minutes to warm it up , but
not at high spee d!
Set idle speed
T urning the adjusting screw (11) in (cloc kwise): increases the idle speed.
T urning it out (counterclockwise): lo wers the idle speed.
Caution: In no case shou ld the chain mo ve.
Sharp ening th e saw chain
CA UTION: Before doing any w ork on the gui de bar or chain, alway s switch off
the engine and pull the plug cap off the spark plug (see “Replacing the spark
plug”). Alwa ys wear protective glov es!
The chain needs sharpening when:
The sawdust pr oduced when sa wing damp wood looks like wood flour .
The chain penetrate s the wood only under g reat pressure. The cutting edge is visib ly
The saw is pulled to the left or r ight when sa wing. This is caused b y unev en shar pen-
ing of the chain.
Important: Sh arpen f requent ly , but wi thout remo ving too muc h metal !
Generally , 2 or 3 strokes of the file will be enough.
Hav e the chain reshar pened at a service centre when yo u hav e already shar pened it
yourself se veral times.
Proper sharpening: (Fig. 48)
CA UTION: Use only chains and guide bars designed for this saw .
All cutters must be of the same length (dimension a). Cutte rs with diff erent lengths
result in rough running of the chain and can cause crac ks in the chain.
Minimum cutter length is 3 mm. Do not resharpen the chain when the minim um cutter
length has been reached; at this point , the chain must be repl aced.
The depth of the cut is determined by the diff erence in height between the depth lim-
iter (round nose) and the cu tting edge.
The best results are obtained with a depth -limiter depth of 0.65 mm (.025”).
CA UTION: Excessive depth increases the risk of kickbac k!
All cutters must be sharpened to the sa me angle, 30°. Diff erent angles resul t in a
roughly , irregularly running chain, increase wear and tea r and cause chain beakage .
The 85° front rak e of the cutter results from the cut depth of the round file. If the
proper file is used in the right manner , the correct front r ake will be obtained automat -
ically . (Fig. 49)
Files and how to work with th em (Fig. 50)
Use a special round file f or chains (dia. 4 mm) f or shar pening the chain. Normal
round files are not appropriate f or this work.
The file should cut only when pushed f orwards (arrow) . Lift the file when leading it
backw ards.
First sharpen the shor test cutter . The length of this cutter is then the standard f or all
other cutters of the chain .
Alwa ys guide the file horizontally (90° t o the guide bar).
The file holder mak es file guidance easier . It is mar ked f or the correct 30° sharpening
angle (keep the marks parallel with the chain when filing, see illustr ation) and limits
the cut depth to the correct 4/5 of the file diameter . (Fig. 51)
After ha ving sharpened the chain, the height of the d epth limiter must be check ed by
means of a chain gauge.
Correct ev en the smallest ex cess height with a special fla t file (12).
Round off the front of th e depth limiter (13). (Fi g. 52)
Cleaning the sprocket interior , checking and replac ing the chain catcher
(Fig. 53)
CA UTION: Before doing any w ork on the gui de bar or chain, alway s switch off
the engine and pull the plug cap off the spark plug (see “Replacing the spark
plug”). Alwa ys wear protective glov es!
CA UTION: D o not start the saw until it has been completely assembled an d
Remov e the sproc ket co ver (4 ) (see section on “PUTTING INT O OPERA TION”) and
clean the interior with a brush.
Remov e the chain (3 ) and guide bar (2).
Make sure that no residue or contaminants remain in the oil guide groo ve (1) and the
chain tightener (6).
For rep lacing the guide bar , chain, and sprock et, see “PUTTING INT O OPERA TION”.
Chain catcher
Visually inspect the chain catcher (5 ) f or damage and repl ace if necessary .
Cleaning the guide bar, lubricating the sprocket nose (Fig. 54)
CA UTION: Protective gloves m ust be worn.
Regularly inspect the bearing surf aces of the guide bar f or damage, and clean t hem
with a suitable too l.