-- 7 8 --
De motor start
1. Motor verz open.
2. Brands toftank leeg.
3. Bougie vonk t niet.
4. Brands tof bereikt de
car burator niet.
5. Lage compres sie.
1. Zie de “ Start Instr ucties .”
2. T ank opvullen met juiste
brands tofmengsel.
3. Nieuw e bougie inzett en.
4. Controleer op vuile brandstof filter;
ver vangen. Cont roleer op g eknik te
of ges pleten bra ndstof leiding;
reparer en of v erv angen.
5. Contact opnemen met e rke nde
ser vic edealer .
Motor loopt
stat ionair niet
1. Br andstof bereikt de
car burator niet.
2. Car buretor moet w orden
3. Kr ukas pakk ingen verslet en.
4. Lage compres sie.
1. Controleer op v uile brands tof f ilter;
ver vange n. Contr oleer op gek nik te
of gespleten bra ndstof leid ing;
repare ren of v erv angen.
2. Contact opnemen met er kend e
ser vic edealer.
3. Contact opnemen met er kend e
ser vic edealer.
4. Contact opnemen met er kend e
ser vic edealer.
W A ARSCHUWING: K oppel de bougie los alv orens u ond erhoud pleegt , behalve bij
het afs tellen van de car burator.
Motor acceler -
eert niet, heeft
geen kracht , of
slaat ar onder
1. Vuil luc htfilter.
2. Brands tof bereikt de
car burator niet.
3. Vuile bougie.
4. Vuile v onk afleidersc herm.
5. Car buretor moet w orden
6. Opgehoopte kools tof.
7. Lage compres sie.
1. Lucht filter sc hoonmaken of
ver vangen.
2. Controleer op v uile brands tof fi lter;
ver vange n. Contr oleer op gek nik te
of ges pleten br andstof leiding;
reparer en of v erv angen.
3. Bougie sc hoonmak en of v erv angen;
afs tand opnieuw ins tellen.
4. V o nkafleiders cherm verv angen.
5. Contact opnemen met er kend e
ser vic edealer.
6. Contact opnemen met er kend e
ser vic edealer.
7. Contact opnemen met er kend e
ser vic edealer.
Motor rookt
1. Chok ehendelgedeeltelijk open.
2. Brands tofmengs el onjuis t.
3. Vuile luc htfilter.
4. Car buretor moet w orden
1. Chok ehendel bijstellen.
2. Brandst oftank leegmak en en
opnieuw v ullen met juis te brands tof
3. Luc htfilter sc hoonmaken of
ver vangen
4. Contact opnemen met e rke nde
ser vic edealer .
1. Brands tofmengs el onjuis t.
2. V erkeerde bougie.
3. Car buretor moet w orden
4. Car bon build up.
1. Brandst oftank leegmak en en
opnieuw v ullen met juis te brands tof
2. V ervangen met de juiste bougie.
3. Contact opnemen met e rke nde
ser vic edealer .
4. Contact opnemen met e rke nde
ser vic edealer .
-- 3 --
D A lway s we ar ey e and ear protec tion w hen
operating, ser vic ing, or performing
maintenanc e on unit. Wearing ey e protect ion
will hel p to prev ent rock s o r debr is f rom b eing
blown or ric ocheting into eyes and f ace whic h
can r esult in bl indness and/or s erious injur y .
E y ep r o t e c t i o ns h o u l db em a r k e dZ 8 7 .
D A lway s wear foot pr otect ion. Do not go
barefoot or w ear s andals.
D A lway s wear res pirator or face mas k when
work ing w ith unit in dus ty env ironment s.
D S ecur e hair abov e s houlder length. Secur e or
remov e jewelry, loose c lothing, or c lothing
with l oosely hanging strap s, ties, tass els , etc .
They can be c aught in mov ing part s.
D D o not oper ate unit wh en y ou are tired, ill,
upset , or i f y ou ar e under the influenc e of
alcohol , drugs , or medic ation.
D K eep c hildren, by st anders, and animals away
from wor k area a minimum of 15 meter s w hen
star ting or operating unit . D o not point blow er
nozz le in th e direc tion of peop le or pets .
D E liminate all s ourc es of spark s or flame
(inc luding s moking, open flames , or work that
can caus e spark s ) in the areas w here fuel is
mixed, poured, or s tored.
D Mix and pour fuel in an out door a rea; stor e
fuel i n a cool, dr y , well vent ilated plac e; us e an
approv ed, mar ked cont ainer for all fuel
pu r p o se s.
D D o no t s moke w hile handling fuel or w hile
operating the unit.
D Mak e sure the unit is proper ly ass embled and
in good opera ting c ondition.
D D o not fill f uel tank w hile engine is hot or
D Av oid s pilling fuel or oil. Wipe up fuel s pills
before s tart ing engine.
D Mov e at least 3 meter s away fr om fuel and
fueling s ite befor e st arting engine.
D A lway s s tore petrol in a cont ainer approv ed
for flammabl e liquids .
WAR N I N G : Stop the engine before
opening the vac uum inlet door. The engine
must be s topped and the impeller blades no
longer turning to av oid s erious injury from the
rotating blades.
WAR N I N G : While v acuuming or
blowing debris , hold the unit with the muffler
side fac ing away f rom y our body and clothes .
D Th is garden blower /vac uum is only designed
for blow ing away or remov al of leav es and
other debr is o n the grou nd.
D In spec t unit before eac h use for w orn, loos e,
miss ing, or damaged parts . Do not us e until
unit is in pr oper wo rki ng order .
D K eep outs ide s urfac es f ree of oil and fuel.
D N ever st art or run eng ine inside a clos ed
room or bui lding. Breathi ng ex haust fumes
can kill.
D Muffle rs fitted w ith c atal ytic converters get
ver y hot d uring us e and remain s o for so me
time a fter s topping. This als o appli es at idle
speed. Co ntact c an r esult in burns to the s kin.
Remember the ris k of fir e!
D T o avoi d sta tic elec tric ity sh ock , do not w ear
rubber glov es or any ot her ins ulated glov es
while ope rating unit.
D D o not set unit on any s urfac e ex cept a
clean, hard ar ea while engine is running.
Debris suc h as gravel, sand, dus t, gras s,
etc. c ould be pick ed up by the air intak e and
thrown out thr ough dis char ge opening,
damaging unit, property, or causing s erious
injury to bys tanders or operator .
D Av oid dang erous e nvironmen ts. Do not us e in
unvent ilated areas or wher e ex plos ive v apors
or c arbon monox ide build up could be
pres ent.
D D o n ot over reac h or use from uns table
sur face s suc h as ladders , trees , steep
slope s, rooftops , etc. K eep fir m footing a nd
balanc e at all ti mes.
D N eve r plac e object s ins ide t he blower tubes ;
alway s direc t the blowi ng debr is away f rom
people, animals , glass , and solid objec ts s uc h
as trees, automobiles, walls, etc. The forc e of
air can c ause roc k s, dirt , or s tic ks to be
throw n or to ric ochet wh ich can hurt people or
animals , br eak glas s, or c aus e other d amage.
D N eve r run unit w ithout t he pr oper equipment
attac hed. When us ing y our unit as a blower,
alway s install blow er t ubes. When us ing y our
unit as a vac uum, alway s ins tall vac uum
tubes and vac uum bag assembly. Mak e su re
vac uum bag as s embly is c ompletely z ipped.
D C hec k air intak e ope ning, blo wer tubes ,
vac uum tubes , and elbow tube f requently,
alway s w ith engine s topped and s park plug
disc onnec ted. Kee p vents and dis char ge
tubes free of debri s w hich c an acc umulate
and res tric t pr oper air flow.
D N eve r place any objec t in the air intak e
opening as t his c ould res tric t proper air flow
and c ause damag e to the unit .
D N eve r use for s preading c hemicals , fert ilizer s,
or other subs tanc es whic h may con tain toxic
materials .
D T o av oid s preading fire , do not us e near lea f or
brus h fires , fir eplaces , bar becue p its,
asht ray s, et c.
D U se only for j obs ex plained in this manual.
D H ave all maintenanc e other than the
rec ommended proc edures desc ribed in the
inst ruc tion manual perfor med by an
authoriz ed s erv ice de aler .
D D isc onnec t spar k plug befor e performing
maintenanc e exc ept f or carbur etor
adjus tments.
D U se on ly r ecommended Mc Culloc h replac e-
ment parts ; us e of any other pa rts may v oid
your warr anty and c ause damag e to y our unit.
D E mpty fuel tank before s toring the unit. Us e
up fuel left in c arburet or by s tarting engine and
letting it run un til it s tops .
D D o not us e any ac c ess ory or attac hment
other than thos e rec ommended by
manufac turer for us e w ith your unit.
D D o not s tore the unit or fue l in a clos ed ar ea
where fue l v apors can r each s park s or an
open flame from hot w ater h eaters , elec tric
mo t o r s or switche s, furna ces, etc.
D S tore in a dry ar ea out of r each of c hildren.
D S ecur e the mac hine during trans port.