Always observe the notes on the function of the
PASSENGER AIR BAG indicator lamps
(/page 48).
FFunction of tunction of the Phe PASSENASSENGER AIR BAGER AIR BAG indicatG indicatoror
Self-tSelf-tesest of autt of automatic fromatic front passengont passenger airbag shut-er airbag shut-
When thevehicle is switched on, a self-test is per-
formed during which the two PASSENGER AIR
BAG ON and OFF indicator lamps light up simulta-
The status of the front passenger airbag is dis-
played via thePASSENGER AIR BAG indicator
lamps aer the self-test:
RON is lit:
ON is lit: the front passenger airbag may
deploy during an accident.
The indicator lamp goes out aer 60 seconds.
RON and OFF arON and OFF are noe not lit:t lit: the front passenger
airbag may deploy during an accident.
ROFF is lit:OFF is lit: the front passenger airbag is disa-
bled. It will then not be deployed in theevent
of an accident.
If thePASSENGER AIR BAG ON indicator lamp is
o, only thePASSENGER AIR BAG OFF indicator
lamp shows the status of the front passenger air-
bag. The PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF indicator lamp
may be lit continuously or be o.
If thePASSENGER AIR BAG OFF indicator lamp
and the6restraint system warning lamp light
up simultaneously, the front passenger seat may
not be used. Also in this case, do not install a
child restraint system on the front passenger
seat. Have the automatic front passenger airbag
shuto checked and repaired immediately at a
qualied specialist workshop.
Sttatus displayatus display
If the front passenger seat is occupied, ensure,
both before and during the journey, that the sta-
tus of the front passenger airbag is correct forthe
current situation.
Aer instinstalling a ralling a rearwearwarard-fd-facing cacing child rhild resestrtraintaint
systsystem on tem on the frhe front passengont passenger seater seat::PASSENGER
AIR BAG OFF must be lit continuously.
&WWARNINGARNING Risk of injury or fatal injury
when using a rearward-facing child
restraint system while the co-driver airbag
is enabled
If you secure a child in a rearward-facing child
restraint system on the co-driver seat and the
PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF indicator lamp is
4848 Occupant safety