with a build corresponding to that of an adult
must not use the front passenger seat.
Instead, they should use a rear seat.
RIf the front passenger seat is occupied by a
person of smaller stature (e.g. a teenager or
small adult), thePASSENGER AIR BAG OFF
indicator lamp is either lit continuously or
remains o, depending on the classication.
-If thePASSENGER AIR BAG OFF indicator
lamp is o: move the front passenger seat
as far back as possible, or the person of
smaller stature should use a rear seat.
-If thePASSENGER AIR BAG OFF indicator
lamp is lit continuously: the person of
smaller stature should not use the front
passenger seat.
WARNINGARNING Risk of injury or death when
lamp is lit
lamp remains lit aer the self-test, the front
passenger airbag is disabled.
If the front passenger seat is occupied, always
ensure that:
RThe classication of the person in the front
passenger seat is correct and the front
passenger airbag is enabled or disabled in
accordance with the person in the front
passenger seat.
RThe person is seated properly with a cor-
rectly fastened seat belt.
RThe front passenger seat has been moved
as far back as possible.
Be sure to also observe thefollowing further rela-
ted subjects:
RChild restraint system on the front passenger
seat (/page 62)
FFunction of PRE-Sunction of PRE-SAFEAFE®®(anticipat(anticipatorory occupanty occupant
PRE-SAFE®is able to detect certain critical driv-
ing situations and implement pre-emptive meas-
ures to protect thevehicle occupants.
PRE-SAFE®can implement thefollowing meas-
ures independently of each other:
RTightening the seat belts on the driver's seat
and front passenger seat.
RClosing the side windows.
RVVehicles witehicles with sliding sunrh sliding sunroof:oof: closing the slid-
ing sunroof.
Vehicles witehicles with memorh memory function:y function: moving the
front passenger seat to a more favorable seat
RPRE-SAFE®Sound: provided that the multime-
dia system is switched on, generating a brief
noise signal to stimulate the innate protective
mechanism of a person's hearing.
5050 Occupant safety