FFunction of tunction of the poshe post-collision brt-collision brakeake
Depending on the accident situation, the post-col-
lision brake can minimize the severity of a further
collision or even avoid it.
If an accident is detected, the post-collision brake
can implement automatic braking. When thevehi-
cle has come to a standstill, the electric parking
brake is automatically applied.
The driver can cancel automatic braking by taking
thefollowing actions:
RBraking more strongly than automatic braking
RFully depressing the accelerator pedal with
SafSafelely try transporansporting cting childrhildren in ten in the vhe vehicleehicle
AlwayAlways observs observe when ce when childrhildren aren are trave traveling in teling in thehe
%Also strictly observe the safety notesforthe
specic situation. In this wayyou can recog-
nize potential risks and avoid dangers if chil-
dren are traveling in thevehicle
(/page 53).
Be diligBe diligentent
Bear in mind that negligence when securing a
child in thechild restraint system may have seri-
ous consequences. Always be diligent in securing
achild carefully before every journey.
Never allow babies and children to travel sitting
on the lap of another vehicle occupant.
To improve protection forchildren younger than
12 years old or under 5 (1.50 m) in height,
Mercedes-Benz recommends you observe thefol-
lowing information:
RAlways secure thechild in a child restraint sys-
tem suitable forthis Mercedes-Benz vehicle.
RThe child restraint system must be appropriate
to the age, weight and size of thechild.
RThe vehicle seat must be suitable for installing
achild restraint system.
Accident statistics show that children secured on
therear seats are generally saferthan children
secured on the front seats. Forthis reason,
Mercedes-Benz strongly advises that you install a
child restraint system on a rear seat.
The g
The genereneric tic tererm cm child rhild resestrtraint systaint systemem
The generic term child restraint system is used in
this Operator's Manual. A child restraint system
is, forexample:
RA baby car seat
RArearward-facing child seat
RAforward-facing child seat
RAchild booster seat with a backrest and seat
belt guide
Mercedes-Benz recommends using a child
booster seat with a backrest.
The child restraint system must be appropriate to
the age, weight and size of thechild.
Observe lawe laws and legs and legal ral reqequiruirementsements
Always observe the legal requirements when
using a child restraint system in thevehicle.
ObservObserve ste standarandards fds for cor child rhild resestrtraint systaint systemsems
All child restraint systems must meet thefollowing
RU.S. Federal MotorVehicle SafetyStandards
213 and 225
5252 Occupant safety