&WWARNINGARNING Risk of injury or death due to
unsecured child restraint systems in the
If thechild restraint system is incorrectly
installed or not secured, it can come loose.
The child restraint system could be ung
around and hit vehicle occupants.
#Always install child restraint systems cor-
rectly, even when not in use.
#Always comply with thechild restraint
system manufacturer's installation
RAlways observe thechild restraint system
manufacturer's installation and operating
instructions as well as thevehicle-specic
-Installing theLATCH-type (ISOFIX) child
restraint system on theright and le rear
seats (/page 57).
-Securing thechild restraint system with
the seat belt on therear seat
(/page 60).
-Securing thechild restraint system with
the seat belt on the front passenger seat
(/page 62). Observe the specic
instructions fortherearward-facing and
forward-facing child restraint systems
(/page 62).
If the front passenger seat is occupied,
ensure, both before and during the jour-
ney, that the status of the front passenger
airbag is correct forthe current situation
(/page 48).
RObserve thewarning labels in thevehicle inte-
rior and on thechild restraint system.
RAlso secure TopTether if present.
Do no
Do not modify tt modify the che child rhild resestrtraint systaint systemem
&WWARNINGARNING Risk of injury due to modica-
tions to thechild restraint system
The child restraint system can no longer func-
tion properly. This poses an increased risk of
#Never modify a child restraint system.
#Only ax accessories which have been
specially approvedforthis child restraint
system by thechild restraint system's
OnlOnly use cy use child rhild resestrtraint systaint systems whicems which arh are ine in
prproper woper wororking conditionking condition
&WWARNINGARNING Risk of injury or death caused
by the use of damaged child restraint sys-
Child restraint systems or their retaining sys-
tems that have been subjected to stress in an
accident may not be able to perform their
intended protective function.
It may be the case that thechild cannot be
properly restrained.
#Always immediately replace child
restraint systems that have been dam-
aged or involved in an accident.
#Have the securing systems forthechild
restraint systems checked at a qualied
specialist workshop before installing a
child restraint system again.
5454 Occupant safety