Traveling uphill ...............................156
Wet road surface ........................... 151
DSR (Downhill Speed Regulation)
Display message ............................ 220
Function/notes .............................169
DVD video
Operating (on-board computer) ..... 195
see also Digital Operator's Man-
ual ..................................................243
Climate control (3-zone auto-
matic climate control) .................... 118
Climate control (air-conditioning
system) .......................................... 115
DYNAMIC SELECT button (all
vehicles except Mercedes-AMG
vehicles) ............................................. 132
DYNAMIC SELECT controller ............ 133
(Mercedes-AMG vehicles) ................. 133
EASY-ENTRY feature
Activating/deactivating ................. 200
EASY-EXIT feature
Switching on/off ........................... 200
EASY-PACK tailgate
see Tailgate
EBD (electronic brake force distri-
Display message ............................ 207
Function/notes ................................ 67
ECO display
Function/notes .............................149
On-board computer ....................... 192
ECO start/stop function
Automatic engine start .................. 129
Automatic engine switch-off .......... 129
Deactivating/activating ................. 130
General information ....................... 129
Important safety notes .................. 129
Introduction ................................... 129
Electronic Stability Program
see ESP
(Electronic Stability Program)
Automatic measures after an
accident ...........................................53
Emergency braking
see BAS (Brake Assist System)
Emergency release
Driver's door .................................... 76
Vehicle .............................................76
Emergency spare wheel
General notes ................................ 332
Important safety notes .................. 331
Removing .......................................332
Emergency Tensioning Devices
Activation ......................................... 51
Check Engine warning lamp ........... 239
Display message ............................ 218
ECO start/stop function ................ 129
Engine number ............................... 335
Irregular running ............................ 131
Jump-starting ................................. 296
Starting (important safety notes) ... 126
Starting problems .......................... 131
Starting the engine with the
SmartKey ....................................... 127
Starting via smartphone ................ 127
Starting with the Start/Stop but-
ton ................................................. 127
Switching off .................................. 146
Tow-starting (vehicle) ..................... 302
Engine electronics
Problem (malfunction) ................... 131
Engine oil
Adding ...........................................276
Additives ........................................ 338
Checking the oil level ..................... 275
Checking the oil level using the
dipstick .......................................... 275
Display message ............................ 219
Filling capacity ............................... 338
Notes about oil grades ................... 338
Notes on oil level/consumption .... 275
Temperature (on-board com-
puter, Mercedes-AMG vehicles) ..... 201
Engine oil additives
see Additives (engine oil)
Entering an address
see also Digital Operator's Man-
ual ..................................................243
ESC (Electronic Stability Control)
see ESP
(Electronic Stability Program)