to the vehiclemanufacturer,otherpartiesthat
have the special equipment, such as law
enforcement, can readthe information by
accessing the vehicleorthe EDR.
EDR data maybeusedincivil and criminal
matters as atoolinaccident reconstruction,
accident claimsand vehiclesafety.Since the
CrashData RetrievalCDR toolthatisusedto
extract data fromthe EDR is commercially
available, Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC ("MBUSA")
expresslydisclaims any and allliability arising
fromthe extractionofthisinformation by
unauthorized Mercedes-Benz personnel.
MBUSA will not share EDR data with others
withoutthe consent of the vehicleowners or,
if the vehicleisleased, withoutthe consent of
the lessee. Exceptions to thisrepresentation
includeresponsestosubpoenas by law
enforcement; by federal, state or local govern-
ment; in connectionwithorarising outofliti-
gationinvolvingMBUSA or its subsidiariesand
affiliates;or, as required by law.
Warning: The EDR is acomponent of the
Restraint System Module. Tamperingwith,
altering, modifying or removing the EDR com-
ponent mayresultinamalfunctionofthe
Restraint System Moduleand othersystems.
State laws or regulations regarding EDRs that
conflict with federalregulation arepre-emp-
ted.Thismeans thatinthe event of such con-
flict, the federalregulation governs. As of
December2016, 17 states have enacted laws
relating to EDRs.
General information
Informationonlicensefor freeand open-
source software used in your vehicleand its
electronic components is availableonthe fol-
lowing website: