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Pressing the UTILITY button to the right of the Main Display changes the bottom
of the snippets tab to the following con guration:
Each of the functions on this layer can be controlled with the adjacent push
encoder as follows:
Copy - Allows the user to make a copy of the currently-selected Snippet.
Paste - Pastes a Snippet from the virtual clipboard.
Edit - Allows the user to edit the currently-selected Snippet.
Delete - Deletes the currently-selected Snippet.
Import Snippets - Imports the selected Snippet(s) from a connected
USB drive.
Export Snippets - Exports the selected Snippet(s) to a connected
USB drive.
The SHOW CONTROL screen’s param safe tab con gures which of the M32’s
parameters are or are not saved or switched with the console scenes. This is
very useful when the operator has certain parameters of which they wish to
remain in control, and would never want to have altered during a scene change,
for example the mic pre gains on the input channels.
To adjust the various settings on the param safe tab, perform the
following steps:
1. Turn any of the  rst four push encoders to navigate among the checkboxes
on the Main Display, which represent various console areas tat can be
isolated from scene changes.
2. Tap any of the  rst four push encoders to select the console areas that
have been selected with the push encoders. In each of the four columns,
multiple console areas can be selected an isolated from scene changes.
The following areas of the M32 can be isolated from scene changes, and are
divided up into four columns on the Main Display:
Column 1: Input Channels
HA (Head Amp / Microphone Preamp)
Con guration
Channel EQ
Channel Gate / Compressor
Channel Insert
Channel Groups
Fader, Pan, Mute, Mix Ons.
Column 2: Input Channels
Mix Sends 1-16.
Column 3: Mix Buses
Mix Sends 1-16
Con guration
Fader, Pan, Mute, Matrix Ons.
Column 4: Console
Con guration
Output Patch.
The SHOW CONTROL screen’s chan safe tab con gures which console channels
are and are not changed when a scene change occurs. This allows the user to
protect certain channels from ever changing during a scene change, giving them
as much control as possible for key audio sources.
For example, in a theatre context, the console operator may have dialled in just
the right EQ and compressor settings, and channel volume for the voice of the
lead actor, and does not want to have them altered when the console changes
scenes and alters various other parameters.
To adjust the various settings on the chan safe tab, perform the following steps:
1. Turn any of the six push encoders to navigate among the checkboxes on
the Main Display, which represent various groups of channels that can be
isolated from scene changes.
2. Tap any of the six encoders to select the console areas that have been
highlighted with the push encoders. In each of the six columns, multiple
console areas can be selected and isolated from scene changes.
The following areas of the M32 can be isolated from scene changes, and are
divided up into six columns on the Main Display:
Column 1: Channels
Input Channels 1-16
Column 2: Channels
Input Channels 17-21.
Column 3: Buses
Aux 1-8
FX 1L through 4R.
Column 4: Returns
Mix 1-6.
Column 5: Main / Matrix / Groups
Matrix 1-6
LR Bus
Centre / Mono Bus
DCA Groups 1-8.
Column 6: E ects Slots
FX 1-8.
The MIDI tab on the SHOW CONTROL screen allows the console to associate
di erent Cues with incoming and outgoing MIDI messages, allowing the
console’s scene changes to control or be controlled by external MIDI equipment.
For instance, the user could con gure the console to issue a MIDI Program Change
message as each new Cue is recalled, with the outgoing MIDI message triggering
a MIDI-equipped lighting controller.
Conversely, the user could con gure the console to change Cues in response
to an incoming MIDI Program Change message, allowing the console to
switch to a new audio scene when a new scene is recalled on a MIDI-equipped
lighting controller.
To adjust the various settings on the MIDI tab, perform the following steps:
1. Turn the  rst push encoder to select a Cue to edit.
2. Turn the third push encoder to select what type of MIDI event is transmitted
by the console when a scene change is issued. The choices include:
O (no MIDI event)
MIDI Program Change
MIDI Control Change
3. Push encoders 4, 5 and 6 adjust the channel, number and value or velocity,
where applicable.
The Main Display shows the MIDI data associated with the currently
selected screen.
2.9 Mute Group
The M32’s MUTE GRP screen allows for quick assignments and control of the
console’s six mute groups, and o ers two separate functions:
1. It mutes the active screen during the process of assigning channels to
mute groups. This ensures that no channels are accidentally muted during
the assignment process of a live performance.
2. It o ers an additional interface for muting or unmuting the mute
groups in addition to the dedicated mute group buttons on the console’s
control surface.
When activated, the MUTE GRP screen only covers the bottom portion of the
Main Display, allowing the middle portion to continue displaying its usual
screen content.
To assign channels to one of the six mute groups, perform the following steps:
1. Press the MUTE GRP button to switch the Main Display to the mute
groups view.
2. Press and hold the desired mute group button (1-6) on the lower right-hand
corner of the console.
3. While holding the mute group button, press the SEL button on any input or
output channel, on any layer, that you wish to assign to the mute group.
4. When you have assigned all the desired channels to the mute group, release
the dedicated mute group button. The individual channel MUTE buttons will
resume their normal function.
To use the MUTE GRP screen to mute or unmute the groups, perform the
following steps:
1. Tap any of the six push encoders to mute the corresponding group, and thus
mute all channels that are assigned to that mute group.
2. Tap the encoder of a currently mute group to unmute that group.
3. When  nished working with mute groups, tap the MUTE GRP button to exit
the screen. The Main Display will again show its full set of controls for the
current page.
2.10 Utility
The UTILITY screen is a supplemental screen designed to work in conjunction
with the other screens that may be in view at any particular moment.
The UTILITY screen is never seen by itself; it always exists in the context of
another screen.
To reinforce this point, when the UTILITY screen selection button is pressed, it
illuminates at the same time that another screen selection button is illuminated,
showing you for which screen it is providing other utilities. For most screens,
pressing the UTILITY button simply acts as a short cut to a page that can be
navigated to by other means. In a few cases, a utility page provides extra
functionality not seen anywhere else.
The UTILITY screen selection button works in the following manner with other
screens on the console:
HOME Screen
Pressing the UTILITY button while on any of the tabs on the HOME page will
take the user to the channel tab of the LIBRARY screen.
There are no Utility functions on any of the METERS screen’s tabs.
Pressing the UTILITY button while on any of the ROUTING screen’s tabs takes
the user to the routing tab of the LIBRARY screen.
SETUP Screen
With the exception of the scribble strips tab, there are no Utility functions on
any of the SETUP screen’s tabs.
For the scribble strips tab, pressing the UTILITY button provides an interface
for assigning a custom colour, name and icon to the currently selected input or
output channel.
Adjust and tap the six push encoders to assign a colour, name and icon
to the currently selected input or output channel. Tap the sixth encoder
to save changes and exit.
There are no Utility functions on any of the LIBRARY screen’s tabs.
Pressing the UTILITY button while on any of the EFFECTS screen’s tabs takes the
user directly to the e ects tab of the LIBRARY screen.
Pressing the UTILITY button while on either of the RECORDER screen’s tabs
takes the user directly to the select USB drive folder/ le page of the RECORDER
screen’s con g tab.
There are no Utility functions on any of the MONITOR screen’s tabs.
There are no Utility functions on any of the TALKBACK screen’s tabs.
Pressing the UTILITY button while on any of the SCENES screen’s tabs provides
an interface for copying, pasting, loading and saving di erent scenes in the
scene list. Adjust and tap the six push encoders to perform these functions. More
information can be found in the SHOW CONTROL section.
There are no Utility functions on any of the ASSIGN screen’s tabs.

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