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2.11 Internal E ects
The M32 contains over 60 internal e ects that can be applied to each of the input
channels, either as inserts or as sends and returns. Access the internal e ects by
pressing the EFFECTS button next to the Main Display. The functionality for each
of the e ects is detailed below.
Hall Reverb
Classic Hall Reverb simulates the reverberation that occurs when sound is
recorded in medium- to large-sized convert halls. Use the Hall Reverb to give your
mix a lush , three-dimensional quality that will make your performance sound
larger than life. Inspired by the Lexicon Hall.
The PRE DELAY slider controls the amount of time before the reverberation
is heard following the source signal. DECAY controls the amount of time it
takes for the reverb to dissipate. SIZE controls the perceived size of the space
being created by the reverb e ect. The DAMP slider adjust the decay of high
frequencies within the reverb tail. DIFF(usion) controls the initial re ection
density. SHAPE adjust the contour of the reverberation envelope.
LO CUT and HI CUT function as Low- and High-Cut  lters. BASSMULT multiplies
the bass frequencies and MOD SPEED adjusts the speed of the e ect’s modulation.
SHAPE adjust the contour of the reverberation envelope.
Ambience creates a customisable virtual acoustic space in which to place the
elements of a mix. Use Ambience to add warmth and depth without colouring
the direct sound. Inspired by the Lexicon Ambience Algorithm.
PRE DELAY sets the time before the reverb follows the source signal.
DECAY adjusts the time it takes for the reverb to completely dissipate. SIZE
controls the room size emulation. DAMPING controls the high-frequency decay
within the reverb tail. DIFFUSE controls the initial echo density. The level sets
the volume output of the a ected signal. LO CUT a ects the low frequency cut,
allowing lower frequencies to remain una ected by the reverb. HI CUT a ects
the high frequency cut, allowing higher frequencies to remain una ected by
the reverb. MOD adjusts the level of reverb decay modulation. TAIL GAIN adjusts
the volume of the reverb tail.
Rich Plate Reverb
Rich Plate Reverb was originally created by sending a signal through a transducer
to create vibrations on a plate of sheet metal which were then picked up as an
audio signal. Our algorithm simulates that sound with high initial di usion and a
bright-coloured sound. Inspired by the Lexicon Plate Reverb.
The PRE DELAY slider controls the amount of time before the reverberation is
heard following the source signal. DECAY controls the amount of time it takes for
the reverb to dissipate. SIZE controls the perceived size of the space being created
by the reverb e ect. The DAMP slider adjust the decay of high frequencies within
the reverb tail. DIFF(usion) controls the initial re ection density.
LO CUT and HI CUT function as Low- and High-Cut  lters. BASSMULT multiplies
the bass frequencies and MOD SPEED adjusts the speed of the e ects
SHAPE adjust the contour of the reverberation envelope.
The SPIN parameter sets the amount of random modulation for the reverb tail.
The parameters Echo / EchoFeed set the parameters of a feedback delay at
the input of the reverb (independant for both input channels). Echo sets the
delaytime and EchoFeed the amount of feedback (positive or negative). This
allows to further increase the re ection density of the reverb.
Room Reverb
Room Reverb simulates the reverberation that occurs when sound is recorded in
a small room. When you want to add a bit of warmth and just a touch of reverb,
the M32’s Vintage Room breathes life into close-miked guitar and drum tracks.
Inspired by the Lexicon Room Reverb.
The PRE DELAY slider controls the amount of time before the reverberation is
heard following the source signal. DECAY controls the amount of time it takes for
the reverb to dissipate. SIZE controls the perceived size of the space being created
by the reverb e ect. The DAMP slider adjust the decay of high frequencies within
the reverb tail. DIFF(usion) controls the initial re ection density. SHAPE adjust
the contour of the reverberation envelope.
Chamber Reverb
Chamber Reverb simulates the reverberation found in medium sized spaces,
somewhere between the intimacy of a small room, and the grandeur of a
large hall. Inspired by the Lexicon Chamber Reverb.
The PRE DELAY slider controls the amount of time before the reverberation is
heard following the source signal. DECAY controls the amount of time it takes for
the reverb to dissipate. SIZE controls the perceived size of the space being created
by the reverb e ect. The DAMP slider adjust the decay of high frequencies within
the reverb tail. DIFF(usion) controls the initial re ection density. SHAPE adjust
the contour of the reverberation envelope.
Plate Reverb
A plate reverb was originally created by sending a signal through a transducer
to create vibrations on a plate of sheet metal which were then picked up as an
audio signal. Our algorithm simulates that sound with high initial di usion and
a bright-coloured sound. The M32’s Plate Reverb will give your tracks the sound
heard on countless hit records since the late 1950s. Inspired by the Lexicon PCM-70.
PRE DELAY controls the amount of time before the reverberation is heard
following the source signal. DECAY controls the amount of time it takes for
the reverb to dissipate. SIZE adjusts the size of the virtual room created by the
reverb e ect. The DAMP push encoder adjusts the decay of high frequencies
within the reverb tail. DIFF(usion) controls the initial re ection density.
LEVEL controls the volume of the reverb.
The LO CUT push encoder sets the frequency beneath which the source signal will
not pass through the reverb. The HI CUT push encoder sets the frequency above
which the source signal will not pass through the reverb. BASS MULT(iplier)
push encoder adjusts the decay time of the bass frequencies. XOVER controls
the crossover point for bass. MOD DEPTH controls the intensity of the reverb
tail modulation. MOD SPEED controls the speed of the reverb tail modulation.
Vintage Reverb
Based on the legendary EMT250, the M32’s Vintage Reverb delivers shimmering,
bright reverb that won’t drown out or overpower your live or recorded tracks.
Use Vintage Reverb to sweeten vocals and snare drums without sacri cing clarity.
When Layer 1 is selected, the  rst slider on the left sets the reverb time from
4 milliseconds to 4.5 seconds. Slider 2 controls the low-frequency multiplier
decay time. Slider 3 controls the high-frequency multiplier decay time.
Slider 4 controls the amount of modulation in the reverb tail. When Layer 2 is
selected, slider 1 adjusts the pre-delay. Slider 2 selects the low-cut frequency.
Slider 3 selects the hi-cut frequency. Slider 4 selects adjusts the output level of
the reverb.
Pressing the  rst push encoder on Layer 1 will switch the reverb algorithm to
emulate the perceived position of the reverb in the virtual space. The same
control on Layer 2 will change the reverb algorithm to give a warmer,
more ‘vintage’ sound.
Vintage Room
Vintage Room simulates the reverberation that occurs when sound is recorded in
a small room. When you want to add a bit of warmth and just a touch of reverb,
the M32’s Vintage Room breathes life into close-miked guitar and drum tracks.
Inspired by the Quantec QRS.
The VU meter displays the input and output levels. Set the early re ection times
for the left and right channel with ER DELAY L and ER DELAY R. ER LEVEL sets
the loudness of the early re ection level. REV DELAY controls the amount of time
before the reverberation is heard following the source signal. LEVEL controls the
volume of the reverb. Pressing the second push encoder will engage the FREEZE
function which takes the incoming audio and loops it inde nitely.
HI/LO MULTIPLY adjusts the decay time of the high and bass frequencies.
DECAY shows the duration of the reverb e ect. ROOM SIZE adjusts the size of
the room e ect being created incrementally from small to large. HIGH CUT sets
the frequency above which the source signal does not pass through the reverb.
DENSITY manipulates the re ection density in the simulated room. (This slightly
changes the reverb decay time.) LOW CUT sets the frequency below which the
source signal does not pass through the reverb.

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