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Dual Graphic EQ / Stereo Graphic EQ / Dual TruEQ /
Stereo TruEQ
There are four standard graphic EQs that provide 31 bands of adjustment
between 20 Hz and 20 kHz. A master volume slider compensates for changes
in volume caused by the EQ. A maximum boost or cut of 15 dB is available for
each band.
The TruEQ incorporates a special algorithm that compensates for the gain
adjustment overlapping e ect that adjacent frequency bands have on one
another. On a standard EQ, when neighbouring bands are boosted together,
the resulting e ect is magni ed beyond what is visible from the positioning of
the sliders.
This compensated EQ will produce an adjustment that is identical to the actual
positioning of the sliders.
Graphic EQ without frequency response correction.
Graphic EQ with frequency response correction.
Dual DeEsser / Stereo DeEsser
De-essing is an audio e ect designed to reduce the amount of excessive sibilance
in an audio signal, usually when dealing with the human voice. The Dual DeEsser
accurately and seamlessly removes sibilance from audio tracks.
The Lo-Band and Hi-Band controls select which portion of the audio spectrum
is a ected by the DeEsser on each channel. By increasing the amount of
reduction, the level to which the de-essing a ects the input signal can be
controlled. By pressing the  rst and third push encoders, the e ect can be
targeted speci cally at male or female voices.
With the Stereo DeEsser, toggle between Stereo and M/S modes by pressing the
fth push encoder.
Stereo Xtec EQ1 / Dual Xtec EQ1
Virtually indescribable, recording engineers claim this vintage EQ to be the
“secret sauce” of sound enhancement. We analysed this classic to the core and
created an exact physical model that reproduces the multi-faceted sound in
painstaking detail. Even the transformers and tube output stage have been
faithfully modelled. Inspired by Pultec EQP-1a.
LO FREQ determines the curve on which the left hand LO BOOST and LO ATT
controls are e ective. These controls can be used to either boost or attenuate the
signal as required. HI FREQ, HI BOOST and HI ATT perform the same function,
but for the higher frequencies. HI BANDWIDTH adjusts the width of the high-
frequency boost curves.
Stereo Xtec EQ5 / Dual Xtec EQ5
By digitally “rebuilding” every aspect of this classic EQ, we captured the very
essence in our parametric equaliser XTEC EQ5. Our digital re-incarnation is based
on the original model and authentically emulates the smooth character of the its
rather unique components. Inspired by Pultec MEQ5.
LO FREQ, MID FREQ and HI FREQ all dictate at which frequencies the LO BOOST,
MID CUT and HI BOOST push encoders work.
For all of the Xtec EQs, the TRANSFORMER function can be engaged to switch
the Transformer emulation on or o , giving a warmer sound. GAIN determines
how much of the source signal passes through the e ect, and ACTIVE toggles the
EQ in or out of the signal path.
Wave Designer
Wave Designer is a powerful tool for adjusting signal transients and dynamics
such as attack and sustain. Use it to make a snare drum really crack in the
mix, or level out volume inconsistencies of slap bass tracks. Inspired by the
SPL Transient Designer.
Adjusting the ATTACK push encoder can add punch or tame overly-dynamic
signals. Increasing SUSTAIN acts in a similar way to a compressor, allowing the
peaks to carry longer before decaying. The e ect can also be used to reduce the
sustain for a more staccato sound. The GAIN push encoder compensates for level
changes caused by the e ect.
Precision Limiter
This Stereo Precision Limiter allows you to set a precise volume limit, ensuring
distortion-free, optimal signal integrity. Use the M32’s Stereo Precision Limiter to
boost quiet signals or prevent clipping while preserving the level of ‘hot’ signals.
AUTOGAIN activates an additional long-term gain correction, allowing
automatic gain scaling of varying input level ranges. STEREO LINK applies
limiting to both channels equally when activated. INPUT GAIN provides up to
18 dB of gain to the input signal prior to limiting. OUTPUT GAIN set the  nal gain
level of the processed signal. SQUEEZE adds compression to the signal to add
punch and a slight distortion depending on the amount you dial in. ATTACK sets
the attack time, ranging from 0.05 ms to 1 ms. RELEASE adjusts the release time
from 0.05 ms to 1.04 seconds. KNEE adjusts the soft limiting threshold point
from hard limiting (0 dB) to maximum soft limiting (10 dB).
Stereo Combinator / Dual Combinator
The Combinator is an amazing  ve-band compressor that emulates famous
broadcasting and mastering compressors. A highly complex processor, the
Combinator utilises automatic parameter control that produces stunning and
“inaudible” results.
Makeup-gain for each frequency band will automatically be adjusted by the
Spectral Balance Control (SBC) function, to maintain a balanced audio spectrum.
On the  rst layer, Mix adjusts the overall e ect on the input signal (100% equals
full compression) and Active enables or bypasses the e ect. Attack/Release
adjusts the envelope times for the compressors of all  ve bands. Auto sets
program dependent release times (Release time value is ignored). SBC On
activates ‘Spectral Balance Control’ which dynamically keeps the gain of all
bands in balance (auto Make-up gain adjustment). SBC Speed sets the speed of
the correction.
X-Over adjusts the boundary frequencies of the  ve frequency bands. Negative
values result in more ‘resolution’ in the lower frequencies and positive values
increase resolution in the upper frequencies. The slope or steepness of the band
separation  lters can be adjusted between 12 dB and 48 dB. Ratio sets the
compression Ratio for all  ve bands (1.1 – 10, Limiter). SBC Meter switches
between SBC gain correction and compressor gain reduction displays.
On layer two, Threshold adds a relative o set threshold to all individual
band thresholds. This allows adjusting compression amount for all bands
simultaneously. Gain adjusts overall output gain. Peak Meter toggles
between compressor peak reduction and band peak-meter displays. Band Sel
selects one out of the  ve frequency bands, and Band Solo allows listening
to the selected band (with the other four bands mute). Band Thr and Band
Gain adjust the threshold and makeup-gain of the selected band. Band Lock
disables compression for the selected band. Pressing the Band Reset encoder
will disable Band Lock and reset Band Thr and Band Gain to zero for the
selected band. Note that this is not dependant on Band Solo and neither is Solo
mode a ected by Band Reset.

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