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Fair Comp / M/S Fair Comp / Dual Fair Comp
This classic tube compressor not only achieves record bids in high-end
vintage gear auctions, it also delivers some of the  nest colourations in
compressor history. Two small trim VRs preset the control side chain action, a
six-step switch determines the timing, and the two large Input and Threshold
knobs adjust the levels. Our FAIR COMPRESSOR model is true to the original signal
path, and conveniently provides models for dual, stereo-linked or M/S operation.
Inspired by Fairchild 670.
INPUT GAIN determines how much of the input signal passes through the e ect.
ACTIVE toggles the e ect in or out of the signal path. THRESHOLD determines
how loud the signal has to be before compression is applied. TIME switches the
compression’s release time. BIAS changes the simulated tube bias algorithm.
OUT GAIN a ects the gain of the output signal.
Stereo Leisure Comp / Dual Leisure Comp
The immaculate tube signal path in this Levelling Ampli er has left its
exceptional clarity, its rich and warm compression on countless albums of
the past decades. The ultra-smooth optical attenuator is closely modelled
in our LA COMPRESSOR. It provides breezing, natural and e ortlessly
musical compression. Inspired by Teletronix LA-2A.
GAIN determines how much of the input signal passes through the e ect.
ACTIVE toggles the e ect in or out of the signal path. COMP/LIMIT determines
whether the e ect acts as a compressor or a limiter. OUTPUT GAIN a ects the
gain of the output signal. Increasing PEAK REDUCTION means that only the
signal peaks are reduced in level.
Stereo Ultimo Comp / Dual Ultimo Comp
This classic compressor was one of the  rst audio processors to use Field E ect
Transistors. Our digital reincarnation, ULTIMO COMPRESSOR, is based on the
early Rev. E model and authentically captures the smooth character of the
original class-A output stage and its FET’s legendary Fast Attack. Inspired by
Urei 1176LN.
INPUT GAIN, OUT GAIN, ATTACK, RELEASE and RATIO all work as per standard
compressor functions. With the Dual Compressor, functions for each of the
channels are split between Layers 1 and 2.
Dual Enhancer / Stereo Enhancer
The M32’s Enhancers are so called ‘Psycho EQs’. They can enhance the signal
spectrum in bass, midrange and high frequencies, but they di er from
traditional EQs. When you need to generate maximum punch, clarity and
detail, without turning up the overall volume, our enhancers are the solution.
Inspired by the SPL Vitalizer.
Adjust the BASS, MID and HI GAIN push encoders to add or reduce content in
those spectrums. The BASS and HI FREQ(uencies) can be speci cally selected,
while the MID Q (bandwidth) can be adjusted instead. The OUT GAIN push
encoder compensates for changes in level resulting from the e ect, and SPREAD
(stereo version only) emphasises the stereo content for a wider mix. Engage the
SOLO MODE to isolate only the audio resulting from the e ect so you can hear
exactly what you’re adding to the mix.
Dual Exciter / Stereo Exciter
Exciters increase presence and intelligibility in live sound applications,
and are indispensable for adding clarity, air and harmonic overtones in the
recording studio. This e ect is particularly useful for  lling out the sound
in di cult rooms, and for producing a more natural live or recorded sound.
Inspired by the famous Aphex Aural Exciter.
Set the frequency of the side-chain  lter with the TUNE push encoder, and
further shape the  lter slope with the PEAK and ZERO FILL controls. Turning the
TIMBRE push encoder left of centre adds more odd harmonics, while turning it
right of centre adds more even harmonics. Adjust the harmonic content added to
the signal with the HARMONICS push encoder, and blend in the a ected signal
with the MIX push encoder. Engage the SOLO MODE to isolate only the audio
resulting from the e ect so you can hear exactly what you’re adding to the mix.
Stereo Imager
A Stereo Imager is typically used to control the placement of a signal within the
stereo  eld during mixdown or mastering. The M32’s Stereo Imager will lend a
professional quality to your live and recorded performances.
The BALANCE push encoder allows you to emphasise the mono and stereo
components of the input signal. The mono and stereo signals can be panned
independently with the MONO PAN and STEREO PAN controls. OUT GAIN is
used to compensate for level changes resulting from the e ect. The phase can
also be shifted using the shelving push encoders. Select the frequency and
bandwidth (Q) using the corresponding push encoders, then adjust the gain with
Edison EX1
The Edison EX1 is an unbelievably powerful psycho-acoustic processor,
which allows you to completely manipulate all spatial parameters of the stereo
image – such as width and depth – in a way never before possible. You can
widen or narrow the stereo spread, bring instruments to the front or move
them to the background, and make corrections to the stereo image – even on a
nished master. Inspired by the BEHRINGER Edison EX1.
St Spread increases the perceived width of the audio  eld over which the
signal is present. Balance simply adjusts the levels between the left and
right channels, and Center Dist moves the audio source back and forth in the
perceived audio  eld. LMF Spread further adjusts the stereo depth by increasing
or decreasing the perceived spaciousness of the output signal.
Sound Maxer
The SOUND MAXER restores natural brilliance and clarity to any audio signal by
adjusting the phase and amplitude integrity to reveal more of the natural texture
of the sound, which is often hidden when using some e ects and equalisers.
Inspired by Sonic Maximizer 482i.
Use LO CONTOUR to determine the curve on which the PROCESS control is
e ective. GAIN determines how much of the input signal passes through the
e ect. Selecting either of the ACTIVE functions activates the e ect for either of
the two stages.
Dual Guitar Amp / Stereo Guitar Amp
Modelled after the Tech 21 SansAmp, the Stereo / Dual Guitar Amp simulates
the sound of plugging into a real guitar amp. From shimmering cleans to
saturated crunch, the M32’s Stereo / Dual Guitar Amp allows an electric guitar
player to sound great without using an amp on stage.
The PREAMP push encoder adjusts the amount of input gain prior to the
band-speci c distortion adjustment. BUZZ adjusts the low-end breakup,
PUNCH adjusts the midrange distortion, and CRUNCH tailors the high-frequency
content and distortion for smooth or cutting notes. The DRIVE push encoder
simulates the amount of power amp distortion from a tube amp. The LOW and
push encoders allow EQ adjustment independent of distortion content,
and the overall output is controlled by the LEVEL push encoder. The CABINET
simulation can be bypassed if the guitarist is already using a real cabinet,
which allows the e ect to function like a boost or distortion pedal. The Dual
Guitar Amp allows the left and right channels to be adjusted independently.

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