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Adjusting Rinse A id Dispenser
The r inse aid dis penser ha s fou r s et tings .T he re comme nd ed sett ing is on "3" .
If the d ish es sti ll ar e not drying p rop erly or are sp otted, adjust the dia l to the
nex t h igher nu mber on "4".
Increase the dose if there are drops of waterorlimespots on the dishes after washing.
Reduce it if there are sticky whitis hstains on your dishes or a bluish film on glassware or
knife blades.
The re ar e 3 s orts of dete rge nt s
1.With phosphate and withchlorine
2.With phos phate and wi thout chlorine
3.W ithout ph osphate and with out chloride
Based on their chemical composition, dishwasher can be split in two basictypes:
Th e use of nor mal w ash ing pr og ramm es i n co nju nction w ith co nce ntra ted d ete rgent s
redu ces pollution and is g ood for your di shes; these wa sh p ro gram mes ar e spec ially m atched
to th e di rt- diss olvin g prope rt ies o f t he e nzyme s of the conc ent rated d e terg ent. For this reas on
normal wash programmes in which concentrated detergentsare used can achieve the same
results that can otherwise onlybe achievedusing intensive programmes.
Detergent tablets of different brandsdissolve at different speeds. For this reason some
det ergen t t ablets ca nnot diss olve and develop their fu ll c leaning po wer dur ing short
programmes. Therefore please use long programmes whenusingdetergenttablets,to
ensur e the compl ete re moval of det erge n t re si du als.
Concentrated Detergent
Detergent Tablets
conventional, alkaline detergents with causticcomponents
l ow a lk al i ne concent rat ed det erge nts w it h natur a l e n zy mes
Normally ne w pu lverised deterge nt is wi th out phos ph ate. T he w ate r so ftener fu nctio no f
phosph ate i s not gi ven. I n t h i s c ase w e re com m e nd to f i ll sal t in t h e sa lt co nt a in er even when
the hardness of water is only 6 dH. If detergents without phosphate were used in case of hard water
often wh ite s pots ap pear at d ishes an d gl asse s. In this cas e p lease add mo re de ter gent to re ach
better r esu l ts . Dete rgents wit h out chlor i n e do only bl e ach a l i ttle. Stro ng and c ol o u red s p o t s will no t
r emov e d c o mp le tely. I n this cas e pl ea se cho ose a pr o gra m m e wi th hi g her Temper a tur e .
Detergent tablets are only for the models with 3 in 1 function or 3 in 1 program.
Deterge nts w ith it s ch em ical i ngre di ents a re n ecessary t o r emo ve dirt, c ru s hd irt an d tra nspo rt it out of t he di shw asher.
and dry.
Don't put powder detergent into the dispenser until you're readyto wash dishes.
Use only deterge nt s pecifical ly m ade f or use in dis hwa she rs. K eep you r det erge nt f resh
Proper Use of Detergent

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