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C utle ry wi th w ooden, horn chi na or
m oth er-of -pe arl handles
P lastic i tems tha t ar e not
Older cu tlery wi t h glued part s tha t is not
te mperature resistant
Bond ed cutle ry i te ms or dishes
Pewter or cooper items
c rys ta l g la ss
S tee l i te ms subject to r ust ing
Wood en platte rs
It ems made f rom s ynt hetic fib res
heat resi stant
Some types of glasses can become
dull after a large number of washes
Silver and aluminium parts have a
te nd e nc y to di scol our dur ing washi ng
G laz e d p a ttern s may fade if machine
w ashe d f requent ly
Are not suitable
Are of limited suitability
U se a mil d de tergent t hat i s de scr ibed a s 'k ind of di shes'. If n ecessa ry, s eek f urther
i nfo r ma t io n from det erge nt manu f act ur er s .
For partic ula r item s, se lect a programme with a s l ow a t emp erat ure.
To pr event da ma ge, d o no t tak e gla ss a nd c utl ery o ut of the dish washer immedia tel y
after the programmehas ended.
Consi de r bu yi ng uten s ils w h ich ar e id ent i fie d as di shw ash er- pro o f .
Dishes and items of cutlery must not lie inside oneanother, or cover each other.
To av oid d ama ge to gl asse s, th ey m ust not touc h.
Lo ng blad ed k nives st ored i n a n upr igh t posit io n are a p otential haza rd !
Lo ng and/ or s harp items o f cut lery such as carv ing kniv es must be p ositione d
horizonta lly in the basket.
P lease do not ove rload you r di shwashe r. T his is i mp ort ant for g ood r esults a nd f or
r easonab le ene rg y con sum e.
Load h oll ow it ems suc h as cup s, glasses, pans etc. With the ope ning downw ards so t ha t
w a t er c ann o t c o ll ect i n t he conta i n e r or a deep ba se.
(For be st perfor man ce o f the dishwasher, f ol low the se l oad ing gu ide li nes.
Feat ures and ap pear anc e o f bas kets an d cu tle ry b ask ets m ay vary fr om your m od el.)
Scra pe off any large a mount s o f leftover food. Soften remnants of b urn t food in pan s
It is not necessar y to rinse the d ishes u nd er runni ng water.
Pl ace objec ts in the dish was her in fol lowi ng way:
1.Items such as cups, gl asses, pots/pa ns, etc. are face down.
2.Curve d i te ms, or those w ith r ec esses, shou ld be loaded at a slant s o that w at er c an r un off.
3.All utensils are stacked securely and can not tip over.
4.All ute nsils are pla ced in the way that th e spray arms can rot ated free ly duri ng w ashing.
Ve ry sm all items s houl d n ot b e washe d i n the di shwasher as they could ea sily fall out o f the basket.

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