Appendix A B
DCX with OCAP Software DCX3510 -M • User Guide 37
365-095 -17068 -x.1
Eclipse P ublic Licens e . v 1.0
"Contrib ution " mea ns:
a) in th e case of th e initi al Contr ibuto r, the initial code a nd
docume ntation di strib uted under th is Agre ement, and
b) in th e case of eac h subs equent Cont ributor: i ) ch anges to the
Program, an d
ii) addi tions t o the Progra m;
where s uch cha nges a nd/o r additio ns to the P rogr am ori ginate f rom
and are di stribu ted by that parti cular Contribu tor. A Cont ributi on
'origina tes' from a Con tribu tor if it was ad ded to the Progra m by
such Cont ributor its elf or anyo ne acting on such Contrib utor's
behalf. Contri butio ns do n ot incl ude ad diti ons to the Pr ogram w hich:
(i) are s epara te modul es o f sof tware dis tribut ed in c onjunc tion with
the Prog ram u nder thei r own lic ense ag reement, and (i i) are not
derivat ive wo rks of the Pr ogram. " Cont ribu tor" mea ns any pers on or
entity tha t distrib utes the Progr am. "Li censed Pat ents " mean pa tent
claims li censa ble by a Con tribu tor whic h are n ecess arily i nfringed
by the use or s ale of its C ontribut ion al one or when c ombin ed wit h
the Progra m.
"Program " mea ns the Contri butions dis tribute d in ac cord ance w ith
this Agreem ent. "R ecipien t" means any one who rece ives th e
Program under this A greeme nt, inc ludi ng all Co ntri but ors.
a) Subjec t to t he ter ms of this Agr eeme nt, each Con tributor here by
grants Rec ipien t a non- exclusi ve, wo rldwi de, royalty-free c opyr ight
license t o rep roduce , prep are deriv ati ve w orks of, publicl y dis play,
publicly per form, distri bute and su blice nse the Contri butio n of suc h
Contribu tor, i f any, and suc h deriv ativ e wo rks, in s ourc e code and
object c ode fo rm. b) Subjec t to th e ter ms of this Agr eemen t, each
Contribu tor h ereby grants Recip ient a no n- exc lusive, world wide,
ro yalty-free pate nt licen se und er Lice nsed Patents t o make , us e,
sell, of fer t o sell, i mport and oth erwise tra nsfer t he Cont ribut ion of
such Co ntrib utor, if any, in sou rce code and ob ject co de fo rm. Thi s
patent lic ense shall apply to the c ombin ation o f the Contr ibut ion
and the P rogra m if, at the ti me th e Con tributio n is added by the
Contribu tor, suc h addition of th e Contri bution c auses suc h
combina tion to be c overed by the Licens ed Pate nts. Th e pat ent
license s hall not appl y to any o ther co mbi nations which include the
Contribu tion. No har dwar e per s e is lice ns ed hereun der. c) Reci pien t
unders tands that alth ough each C ontri butor g rants the lic enses to
its Con tributio ns s et forth herei n, no assur ances are prov ided by any
Contribu tor t hat the Progr am does not i nfringe the p atent or othe r
intellec tual p rope rty rights of any othe r en tity. Eac h Co ntribu tor
disclaims any liabili ty to Recipie nt fo r clai ms brou ght by any other
entity based o n inf ringemen t of i ntellec tual p roper ty rig hts or
otherwis e. As a con dition to ex ercising the ri ghts a nd lic enses
granted her eunde r, each Recip ient her eby assum es sole
responsi bility to secure any ot her intell ectual pro perty ri ghts
needed, if any . For e xample , if a third party patent lic ens e is
required to all ow Recipi ent to dis tribute th e Prog ram, i t is
Recipie nt's res ponsibil ity to acqui re that lic ense befo re distrib uting
the Prog ram. d ) Each Cont ributor repres ents t hat t o its kn owledg e it
has suff icient c opy right ri ghts in its Contri bution, if any , to g rant the
copyrigh t licens e se t for th in this Agr eeme nt.
A Contrib utor may cho ose to distrib ute the Program in objec t code
form und er its own lic ens e agreem ent, p rovided that :
a) it co mplies with t he te rms an d condi tions o f this A greem ent; a nd
b) its lic ense agreem ent:
i) effectiv ely d iscla ims on behal f of al l Contri butors all wa rran ties
and con ditions , expr ess a nd imp lied, i ncluding warr anties or
conditi ons of title and non- inf ringeme nt, a nd impl ied wa rran ties or
conditi ons of merch antabi lity and fitn ess for a part icular pu rpose; ii)
effecti vely excl udes on behal f of all Cont ributors all liabili ty for
damages , inclu ding di rect, i ndirec t, s pecia l, inci dental and
consequ ential dama ges, suc h as l ost pr ofits; ii i) st ates t hat any
provisio ns whi ch di ffer fr om this Agree ment a re offe red by that
Contribu tor a lone a nd not by any other p arty; a nd iv ) stat es tha t
source code fo r the Prog ram is availabl e from suc h Contrib utor, an d
informs license es how to o btain i t in a rea sonable mann er on or
through a medi um cust omari ly us ed for s oftw are exc hange .
When the Progr am is made av ailabl e in s ource code f orm: a) it mus t
be made av ail able u nder this Agr eemen t; and b) a co py of t his
Agreem ent mus t be i nclude d wit h each c opy o f the Program.
Contribu tors may not remove or alt er any copyri ght notices
contain ed withi n the Program.
Each Cont ribut or mus t iden tify i tself as the or igina tor of i ts
Contribu tion, i f any, in a m anner that re asona bly a llows s ubse quent
Recipie nts to ident ify th e origina tor o f the Contribu tion.
Com mer cial dis trib utors of s oftw are m ay accep t cert ain
responsi bilitie s wi th respec t to e nd use rs, business partn ers an d the
like. While this licens e is intend ed to facil itate the commerci al use
of the Pr ogra m, the Contrib utor who inc ludes the Pr ogram in a
commerc ial prod uct offer ing shoul d do so in a manner which does
not create pot ential lia bili ty for other Con tribu tors. The refore, if a
Contribu tor i ncludes the P rogra m in a c ommerc ial pr oduct offering ,
such Cont ributor ("C omme rcial Con tribu tor") hereby agrees to
defend an d inde mnify every other Cont ributor ( "Indem nifie d
Contribu tor") agains t any l osses , dama ges and cos ts (collec tiv ely
"Losses ") aris ing f rom cla ims, la wsui ts an d other l egal ac tio ns
brought by a third party agains t the In demnified Co ntrib utor to th e
extent caus ed by the acts or omissions of such Comm ercial
Contribu tor i n connec tion with i ts distr ibut ion of the P rogram i n a
commerc ial pr oduct offering . The obliga tions in thi s sectio n do n ot
apply t o any cla ims or Loss es rela ting t o any ac tual o r alleg ed
intellec tual p rope rty infrin geme nt. In order to qual ify, a n
Indemni fied Cont ributo r must: a) pro mptly noti fy the Com mercia l
Contribu tor i n writi ng of s uch cla im, an d b) all ow th e Com mercia l
Contribu tor t o cont rol, and c oop erate w ith the Comme rcial
Co ntributor i n, the defen se and any re late d settl ement negotia tions.
The Ind emnified Con tribut or may partic ipate i n any such cl aim a t its
own exp ense. F or exa mple, a Con tributor mig ht incl ude th e Pro gram
in a com mercia l pro duct o ffering, Produc t X. T hat Contributor i s the n
a Comme rcial C ontri butor. I f that Com merci al Contr ibuto r the n
makes perf ormanc e claims, or offers war ranti es relate d to Produc t
X, thos e perfo rmance clai ms and warran ties a re suc h Comm ercial
Contribu tor's resp onsibili ty alon e. Un der this section, the
Commerci al Co ntribu tor wou ld hav e to de fend c lai ms agai nst th e
other Cont ribut ors related to th ose perfo rmanc e claims and
warranti es, and if a cour t requires any other Contr ibuto r to pay any
damages as a result, the Co mmerci al Cont ributor must pay t hose
damages .