Appendix A B
DCX with OCAP Software DCX3510 -M • User Guide 39
365-095 -17068 -x.1
software is cov ered by the G NU Lib rary G ene ral Pu blic Lic ense
instead .) Yo u can a pply it to you r pro grams , too.
When we s peak of free softw are, we ar e referri ng to freedo m, not
price. Ou r Ge neral Public Li cens es are designe d to make su re tha t
you have the fre edom to dist ribute co pies of fre e software (an d
charge for this servic e if y ou wis h), t hat yo u receiv e sourc e code or
can get it if y ou wa nt it, th at you c an c han ge the s oftwar e or us e
pieces o f it in new f ree pro grams; and t hat yo u know y ou c an do
these thi ngs.
To protec t yo ur rights , we n eed t o make restric tions that f orbid
anyone to deny you t hese ri ghts o r to ask you to surren der the
rights. Th ese restric tions transl ate to certain res pons ibiliti es for you
if you d istrib ute cop ies of the so ftwa re, or if y ou mod ify it.
For exa mple, i f you di stribu te cop ies of su ch a pr ogram, w hethe r
gratis or for a fee, y ou must giv e the recipi ents all the r ights that
you have . You must make su re th at they , too, receiv e or ca n get the
source co de. A nd yo u must show them these terms s o they k now
their rig hts.
We protec t yo ur rights with two s teps: one copyright the s oftwa re,
and (2) offer y ou this licen se whic h gi ves you l egal p ermis sion to
copy, dist ribute and/ or mod ify the soft ware.
Also, for each a utho r's pr otecti on and o urs, we want to m ake
certain that everyo ne unders tands th at there is no warra nty for this
free so ftwa re. If the s oftwa re is m odifi ed by s omeo ne els e and
passed on, we wa nt its recipi ents to kno w that what they have is
not the o rigina l, so that any prob lems in troduc ed by others will not
reflect on the origin al aut hors' reputa tions .
Fin ally , any free prog ram is t hreatene d c onsta ntly by s oftw are
patents. We wish to avoid the danger th at redist ributors of a fre e
program will in divid ually o btain paten t lic enses , in effec t mak ing
the progra m proprie tary. To pr event this, we have made it clear that
any pat ent mus t be lice nsed for eve ryone' s free use or no t licensed
at all.
The precise terms and cond itions for copyi ng, distrib ution an d
modific ation fol low.
0. This Lic ens e appli es to any progr am or oth er work whic h contains
a notic e place d by th e copy right h older say ing it may be distri buted
under th e ter ms of t his Gene ral Pu blic Licens e. Th e "Progr am",
below, refe rs to any such pro gram or wo rk, and a "work bas ed on
the Progra m" means eit her the Pro gram or any deri vative work under
copyrigh t law: that is to s ay, a w ork c ontaini ng the P rogr am or a
portion o f it, e ither verba tim o r with m odif ications and/ or trans lat ed
into anot her la nguag e. (H ereinaf ter, t rans lation i s incl uded w itho ut
limitat ion in the ter m "mo difica tion".) Eac h lice nsee is addre ssed as
Activit ies other than copying , distribu tion and mo difica tion are not
covered by this Licens e; they are ou tside its sco pe. The act of
running t he Pr ogram is not restri cted, an d the output fr om the
Program i s cov ered only if i ts c ontents c on stitute a work b ase d on
the Progra m (indepe ndent of hav ing been mad e by running th e
Program). Whet her t hat is true dep ends on what the P rogram does.
You may c opy a nd dis tribut e verb atim c opies o f the Progr am's
source code as you receive i t, in any medi um, provid ed that you
conspic uously and a pprop riately publis h on eac h c opy an
appropri ate cop yri ght notic e and discl aimer o f wa rranty; k eep i ntact
all the notices that refer t o this L ice nse an d to t he abse nce of any
warranty; and g ive any ot her reci pients of the Prog ram a c opy of this
Licens e alon g with th e Pro gram.
You may char ge a fee for the physic al act of transf errin g a copy, and
you may at you r opti on offe r war ranty protec tion i n excha nge for a
You may m odify your copy o r copies of t he Pro gram or any po rtion of
it, thus forming a wo rk bas ed on t he Pr ogram, and co py and
distrib ute suc h modi ficati ons or work u nder the terms of S ection 1
above, prov ided tha t you also meet all of t hese con ditions :
a) You mus t c ause t he modifi ed fil es to c arry prominen t not ices
stating that y ou cha nged the files and the dat e of a ny chan ge.
b) You mus t c ause an y work that y ou dis tribut e or publ ish, that in
whole or i n par t cont ains or is d erived from t he Progr am or any part
thereof, to be lic ense d as a whole at no charge to all thi rd parti es
under th e ter ms of t his Lic ense.
c) If the modifie d program no rmally reads com mands inte ractiv ely
when run, you must c ause i t, whe n star ted runni ng fo r such
interac tive us e in th e mos t ordi nary w ay, t o prin t or dis play a n
announc emen t inclu ding a n approp riate c opyri ght noti ce and a
notice that the re is n o war ranty ( or els e, say ing t hat you provi de a
warranty) and t hat us ers ma y redis tribu te the prog ram unde r thes e
conditions, and t elling the us er ho w to vi ew a c opy of this L icense .
(Excepti on: if the Prog ram itsel f is interact ive but does not normall y
print s uch an annou ncemen t, you r work based o n the Progra m is no t
required to pri nt an anno unceme nt.)
These r equirem ents appl y to the modifie d work as a whol e. If
identi fiable s ections of t hat w ork are n ot deri ved fr om th e Progr am,
and can be reas onab ly cons idered i ndepe ndent and se parat e works
in thems elves, then this L icense, and it s terms , do n ot ap ply to
those sec tions when y ou di strib ute the m as sep arate works. But
when yo u dist ribute the s ame sec tions as par t of a whol e which is a
work ba sed on the Pro gram, the d istrib ution o f the wh ole m ust be
on the te rms of this Li cens e, whos e per missi ons fo r other l icens ees
extend to the enti re wh ole, a nd thus to e ach an d every part
regardles s of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the i ntent of this s ectio n to claim ri ghts o r cont est
your ri ghts t o work wr itten enti rely by y ou; ra ther, the in tent is to
exercise the ri ght t o cont rol the d istrib utio n of de rivativ e or
collectiv e works bas ed on the Prog ram.
In addi tion, mere agg regat ion of anothe r work not based o n the
Program wit h the Prog ram (or with a work bas ed on the Progr am) on
a volum e of a storage or dis tribut ion m edium does no t bri ng the
other work und er the sco pe of this Lice nse.
You may c opy a nd dis tribut e the Pr ogra m (or a work based on
it,unde r Sectio n 2) in object code or exec u table form und er the
terms of Sectio ns 1 an d 2 ab ove pr ovided that yo u als o do one of
th e fol low ing:
a) Acco mpany i t wit h the c omplete corres pondin g mac hine-readabl e
source code, which mus t be distrib uted un der the terms of Sec tions
1 and 2 above on a mediu m customa rily us ed for softwar e
interch ange; or,
b) A ccom pany it wi th a wr itte n off er, valid f or at leas t thr ee yea rs ,
to give any third party, for a char ge no more than yo ur cost of
physic ally pe rforming sou rce dis tribu tion, a compl ete m achine-
readable c opy of the c orres pondi ng sou rce code , to b e dist ribute d
under the ter ms of Sectio ns 1 and 2 above on a medium custom arily
used for soft ware interc hange ; or,
c) Accom pany i t with the i nformat ion you receiv ed as to t he offe r to
distrib ute co rrespo nding s ource c ode. ( This alternat ive is allo wed