Appendix A B
DCX with OCAP Software DCX3510 -M • User Guide 42
365-095 -17068 -x.1
When a progra m is linked wit h a library, whe ther stat ic ally or usi ng
a share d libr ary, th e comb inatio n of the two is legally sp eaking a
combine d work , a de rivativ e of t he ori gina l libra ry. The ordin ary
General Pu blic Licens e there fore per mits such li nking only i f the
entire c ombi nation fi ts i ts crit eria o f freed om. Th e Les ser Gen eral
Public Lic ense perm its mo re lax c riter ia fo r linkin g othe r code with
the libra ry.
We call this li cense the "L esse r" Gene ral Public Lic ense becaus e it
does Less to prote ct the us er's freed om than the ordin ary Gen eral
Public Lic ense . It a lso pro vides other free softwa re dev elope rs Less
of an adv antage ove r com peting no n- fr ee progr ams. These
disadvan tages are t he rea son we use t he ordina ry Ge neral Public
Licens e for ma ny libr aries. How ever, t he Less er lic ense pr ovides
advant ages in c ertai n speci al ci rcumst ances .
For exa mple, o n rar e occasio ns, there m ay be a sp ecial n eed to
encour age the wides t possi ble use of a c erta in libr ary, so that it
becomes a de-facto s tanda rd. T o achiev e this, non-free pro grams
must be allow ed to us e the l ibrary . A m ore freq uent c ase is tha t a
free libr ary do es the s ame j ob as widel y used n on-free libra ries. In
this case, ther e is l ittle to gain by li miting the fr ee lib rary t o free
software only , so we use t he Less er Ge neral Public Li cens e.
In other c ases, permi ssion t o use a part icular l ibrary in no n- fre e
programs en ables a greater numb er of people to use a large body of
free soft ware. For ex ample, perm issio n to us e th e GNU C Libra ry in
non- free prog rams e nables many more p eople to us e the wh ole
GNU op erating s yste m, as w ell as its va riant, the GNU /Li nux
operatin g syst em.
Althoug h the L esser G ene ral Publ ic Lic ense is L ess p rotec tive of the
users' fr eedom , it d oes ensu re th at th e user o f a prog ram t hat is
linked w ith t he Libr ary has the f reedom an d the whe rewit hal t o run
that pro gram using a modif ied ve rsion o f the Li brary.
The precise terms and cond itions for copyi ng, distrib ution an d
modific ation follo w. Pay cl ose at tenti on t o the di fferenc e bet ween
a "work based on the l ibrary " and a "wo rk tha t uses the lib rary". The
former co ntains cod e deriv ed from the li brary, wher eas the la tter
must be combi ned wi th the li brary in ord er to run.
0. This Lic ens e Agree ment applie s to a ny soft ware libra ry or o ther
program whic h cont ains a notice pl aced b y the copyrigh t holder or
other au thoriz ed par ty say ing it may be distri buted under t he ter ms
of this L esse r Gene ral Pu blic Lic ense ( also c alled " this Lic ense ").
Each licens ee is address ed as "you ".
A "libra ry" me ans a c ollec tion o f soft ware func tions and/o r data
prepared so as to be c onve niently link ed with a pplic ation progra ms
(which us e some of t hose f unction s and data) to f orm ex ecutab les.
The "Lib rary", belo w, ref ers to any suc h softw are li brary or wo rk
which h as been distri bute d unde r thes e terms. A " work b ased o n
the Librar y" means eit her the Libr ary or any deriva tive work under
copyrigh t law: that is to s ay, a w ork c ontaini ng the L ibr ary or a
portion o f it, e ither verba tim o r with m odif ications and/ or trans lat ed
str aig htfo rwardly into another lan guage. (Hereinaft er, transl ation is
included with out li mitati on in the ter m "m odifica tion".)
"Source c ode " for a work m eans t he pre ferred form of the work f or
making modific ations to it . For a libra ry, comp lete s ourc e code
mean s al l the source cod e for all modul es it cont ains, plus any
associ ated int erface defin ition files, p lus the sc ripts us ed to contr ol
compila tion a nd inst allati on of the li brary.
Activit ies other than copying , distribu tion and mo difica tion are not
covered by this Licens e; th ey are outsid e its sco pe. Th e ac t of
running a prog ram usi ng th e Libra ry is not rest ric ted, and outpu t
from suc h a p rogram is cove red o nly if i ts cont ents c onsti tute a work
based o n the L ibrary (inde pende nt of th e use o f the Li brary in a t ool
for writi ng it). Whe ther tha t is tr ue de pends on what the Li brary
does an d wha t the pr ogram that uses the Libr ary doe s.
1. You may co py and distrib ute ve rbati m copies of t he Libr ary's
complet e sourc e code as y ou rec eive it, in any mediu m, provi ded
that yo u consp icuousl y and appr opriatel y publ ish on each co py an
appropri ate cop yri ght notic e and discl aimer o f wa rranty; k eep i ntact
all the notices that refer t o this L ice nse an d to the abse nce of any
warranty; and dist ribute a copy of th is License alo ng with the
You may char ge a fee for the physic al act of transf errin g a copy,
and you may a t your optio n offer warra nty protec tion i n exc hange
for a fee.
2. You may modi fy your copy or copies of the Libr ary or any porti on
of it, thus for ming a work b ased o n the L ib rary, a nd copy and
distrib ute suc h modi ficati ons or work u nder the terms of S ection 1
above, prov ided tha t you also meet all of t hese con ditions :
a) The modified work must its el f be a s oftwar e libr ary.
b) You mus t c ause t he files modi fied to c arry pro minen t notices
stating that y ou cha nged the files and the dat e of a ny chan ge.
c) You must ca use th e whol e of the work to be lice nsed a t no ch arge
to all third par ties u nder the te rms of t his Licens e.
d) If a facility in th e modi fied Li brary refers to a funct ion or a tab le
of data t o be su pplied by an appli catio n progr am th at uses the
facility, othe r than as an argumen t pass ed when the facili ty is
invoked, th en you mus t make a good faith eff ort to ensu re that, in
the event an appl icati on does not supp ly s uch func tion or table, th e
facility s till operat es, and perf orms w hate ver par t of its p urpos e
remains meani ngful.
(For exa mple, a func tion in a libr ary to compu te squ are r oots h as a
purpos e that is entire ly w ell- d efined in depend ent o f the applica tion.
Therefor e, Su bsectio n 2d r equires that a ny app lica tion- s upplie d
functio n or tab le us ed by this fu nction mu st be o ptiona l: if the
applica tion d oes not supply it, th e squa re roo t func tion m ust sti ll
comput e square roots .)
These r equirem ents ap ply to the m odifi ed work as a whole. If
identi fiable s ections of t hat w ork are n ot deri ved fr om th e Libr ary,
and can be reas onab ly cons idered i ndepe ndent and se parat e works
in thems elves, then this L icense, and it s terms , do n ot ap ply to
those secti ons when y ou distrib ute t hem a s separa te wo rks. B ut
when yo u dist ribute the s ame sec tions as par t of a whol e which is a
work ba sed on the Li brary, the d istrib ution of the w hole m ust be on
the terms of t his Lic ense, whose p ermiss ions for othe r lic ensees
extend to the enti re whole , and thus t o ea ch and e very pa rt
regardles s of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the i ntent of this s ectio n to claim ri ghts o r cont est
your ri ghts t o work wr itten enti rely by y ou; ra ther, the in tent is to
exercise the ri ght t o cont rol the d istrib utio n of de riv ativ e or
collectiv e works bas ed on the Libra ry.
In addi tion, mere agg regat ion of anothe r work not based o n the
Lib rar y with the L ibrar y ( or with a wor k base d on the Li brar y) on a