Appendix A B
DCX with OCAP Software DCX3510 -M • User Guide 43
365-095 -17068 -x.1
volume of a st orage o r dis tributio n med ium d oes not brin g the oth er
wo rk under the s cop e of t his Lic ense.
3. You may opt to app ly the terms of the o rdinary GNU Gene ral
Public Lic ense inste ad of this Li cense to a given co py of t he Li brary.
To do this , you must alter all th e notic es t hat refe r to t his Lic ense,
so that th ey refer to the o rdinary GNU G eneral Public Lice nse,
version 2, ins tead of to t his Lic ense. ( If a newer v ersion than
version 2 of t he ordin ary G NU Gen eral P ublic L icense has ap peare d,
then yo u can sp ecify that ve rsio n inst ead i f you wi sh.) D o no t make
any oth er cha nge in these no tices.
Once this cha nge is made i n a give n copy , it is irreve rsible for t hat
copy, so the ordin ary GNU General Pub lic Licens e appli es to all
subsequ ent copies and deriv ative work s made from th at copy.
This op tion is useful when y ou wis h to c opy pa rt of t he code of t he
Library i nto a progra m tha t is not a lib rary.
4. You may co py and distrib ute t he Libr ary (or a portio n or d erivat ive
of it, under Secti on 2) in objec t code or exec utable for m under th e
terms of Sec tions 1 and 2 above provid ed that y ou ac compa ny it
with the c omple te cor respon ding machine-read able s ourc e code,
which must be dis tribu ted unde r the terms of Sectio ns 1 and 2
above o n a me dium c ustoma rily use d for soft ware int ercha nge.
If dis tribu tion of objec t cod e is ma de by o ffer ing acce ss t o copy f rom
a design ated place, then o ffering equiva lent a ccess to c opy th e
source co de fr om the s ame place s atisfi es the requ ireme nt to
distrib ute the s ourc e code , even thoug h thi rd parti es are not
compell ed to c opy th e sourc e alon g with the o bject c ode.
5. A pro gram that cont ains no deriv ativ e of an y port ion of t he
Library, bu t is design ed to work with the L ibrary by bein g compiled
or linke d wit h it, is c all ed a "wo rk tha t use s the L ibrary ". Suc h a
wo rk, in i sola tio n, is not a der iv ativ e wor k of th e Li brary , an d
therefor e falls outsi de the sco pe of this Lic ense.
However, linking a "work that uses th e Library " with the Li brary
creates an exec utabl e that is a deriv ative of the Library (bec ause it
contains port ions of the Li brary) , rat her than a "work that uses t he
library ". The execut able is ther efore cover ed by t his Lic ense.
Sectio n 6 states terms for distrib ution of s uch execu tables .
When a "w ork th at uses the L ibrary " us es mat erial from a h eader
file that is part of the Libr ary, the obj ect code for the wo rk may be a
derivat ive wo rk of t he Lib rary ev en tho ugh the so urce co de is no t.
Whether this i s true i s esp eciall y signi ficant i f the work c an be
linked with out the L ibrary, o r if the wo rk is itse lf a li brary. The
threshol d for this to be true is not precisel y defined by law.
If such a n objec t file uses only n umeric al par amete rs, da ta struc ture
layouts and acc esso rs, and s mall macros and s mall i nline f unctio ns
(ten lin es or l ess in l ength) , then the use o f the object fil e is
unrestric ted, regardl ess o f wheth er it i s le gally a d erivat ive wo rk.
(Executa bles c ontai ning this ob ject co de p lus por tions o f the L ibrary
will still fall under Secti on 6.)
Otherwis e, if the w ork is a deriva tive of th e Libra ry, y ou may
distrib ute the objec t cod e for th e work under the ter ms of Sectio n 6.
Any exe cutabl es cont aining that work also fall unde r Sec tion 6,
whether or no t they are linked direc tly with the Libr ary itself.
6. As an exceptio n to the Secti ons above, y ou may also co mbine or
link a " work t hat us es the L ibrary " wit h th e Libra ry to p roduce a
work conta ining por tions of th e Library, an d distribu te that wo rk
under te rms of your ch oic e, provi ded t hat the t erms permi t
modific ation of the w ork fo r the custom er's ow n us e and revers e
engine ering fo r debu gging s uch mo dific ations .
You must give promine nt notice with each copy of the work that th e
Library i s us ed in i t and th at the Libra ry an d its us e are c over ed by
this Lic ense. You mus t su pply a c opy of this L icense. If the work
during exec ution dis plays copy rig ht notice s, you must inclu de the
copyrigh t not ice fo r the Li brary among t hem, as well as a referenc e
directi ng the user to the co py o f this L icense. Also, you must d o one
of these thin gs:
a) Accomp any the work wi th the compl ete corresp ondin g machi ne-
readable s ou rce cod e for th e Lib rary i ncluding what ever ch anges
were us ed in the work (whic h mus t be di stribu ted und er Sec tions 1
and 2 above); and , if the work is an exec utable linked wi th the
Library, wi th the compl ete m achine-read able "w ork that uses th e
Library" , as ob ject c ode and/or s ource c ode, so th at the us er can
modify th e Library and th en relink to pr oduce a modifi ed exec utable
contain ing th e modifi ed Li brary. (It is und erstoo d tha t the use r who
changes th e contents of d efiniti ons fil es i n the Li brary will no t
necessari ly b e able to rec ompil e the ap plic ation to use th e modi fied
defini tions.)
b) Use a s uit able sh ared li brary mecha nism f or linki ng wi th the
Library. A sui table mecha nism is one th at one uses at run time a
copy of the libra ry already present on th e user's com pute r system,
rather t han co pying li brary functi ons i nto the ex ecu table, and ( 2) will
operate prope rly wit h a mo difie d versio n of t he libr ary, if the u ser
installs one , as long as the mo dified v ersi on is inter face- c ompat ible
with the v ersi on that the w ork wa s made wit h.
c) Accompa ny the work wit h a written offer, vali d for at least three
years, t o give the sa me use r the material s speci fied i n Subs ecti on
6a, abov e, fo r a cha rge no m ore t han th e cost of per forming this
distrib ution.
d) If dis tribu tion o f the wo rk is made by offer ing acc ess t o copy from
a design ated place, offer eq uiva lent ac cess to copy the a bove
specifie d materi als from the same place.
e) Verify that the user has alr eady receiv ed a c opy of these
materials or th at you have al ready sen t this user a c opy.
For an executa ble, t he req uired form of th e "work that use s the
Library" must include any da ta an d utili ty pro grams neede d for
reproduci ng the exec utabl e from i t. H owev er, as a specia l
exceptio n, the mate rials t o be d istrib uted nee d not i nclude any thing
that is normall y dist ribut ed (in eithe r sourc e or bi nary f orm) wit h the
major c omponen ts (c ompile r, ker nel, an d so on ) of t he op erating
system o n which the e xecu table ru ns, unless t hat c ompon ent it self
accompa nies th e exec utable.
It may h appen that th is req uirem ent co ntradic ts the l icense
restric tions o f oth er propr ietary libra ries t hat do not nor mally
accompa ny the opera ting sys tem. Such a cont radict ion me ans y ou
cannot use bo th them and the Li brary toge ther i n an ex ecutab le tha t
you dist ribut e.
7. You may place lib rary faci lities that are a work bas ed on the
Library s ide- by-side i n a si ngle l ibrary togethe r wit h othe r library
faciliti es not c ove red by this Lic ense , and distrib ute suc h a
combine d libr ary, pr ovided that the se parate d istrib ution of th e work
based o n the L ibrary and o f the ot her li bra ry facili ties is oth erwise
permitte d, and provid ed that you do th ese two thing s:
a) Acco mpany the co mbine d libra ry wit h a copy of th e same work
based o n the L ibrary , unco mbined with any ot her lib rary fac iliti es.
This mus t be d istrib uted u nder th e ter ms of t he Sec tions a bove.
b) Give promine nt no tice wi th th e combi ned lib rary o f the fac t tha t
part of i t is a w ork bas ed on the Li brary, and ex pla ining wh ere to
find the acco mpanyin g unco mbine d for m of the s ame w ork.