The ring is engaged on the towhook, the towline un wound and
your assistant (launcher) takes the free end and walks up wind
until the line is taut. The model should be held under g entle
tension before it is released. T he launcher watches the model
(over his shoulder), adjusting his pace to maintain a steady
rate of climb. Take care not to overstress the model during the
launch; this is a particular danger in any wind above moder ate
Bungee launching
This is the easiest method of launchi ng a glider of this size, as
no assistant is needed, and launc h heights of aroun d 100 m
are easily achieved. From this altitude quite long fl ying times
can be achieved, and the y will be even longer if you manage
to contact a thermal, although your chances of this vary ac-
cording to the prevailing weather.
Thermal flying
Making the best use of flat field thermals is not particularly
easy, and calls for considerable skill and experie nce. Areas of
rising air are harder to detect and recognis e at a flat field,
because they tend to occur at higher altitude than at the hillsi-
de, where it is often possible to find lift while the mo del is
cruising along the edge of the slope, and then circle away in
it. A thermal at a flat field which occurs directly overhead is
very hard to recognise, and to exploit it to the full requires a
highly skilled pilot. For this reason it is always best to go
thermal seeking off to one side of where you are standing.
You will recognise thermal contact by the glider’s behaviour.
Good thermals are obvious because the model will climb
strongly, but weak thermals take a practised eye to detect,
and you will need a lot of skill to make use of them. With a
little practice you will be able to recog nise likely trigger poi nts
for thermals in the local landscape. The ground warms up in
the sun’s heat, but heat absorption varies according to the
type of terrain and the angle of the sun’s rays. The air over
the warmer ground becomes warm er in turn, and the mass of
warm air flows along close to the ground, driven by the bree-
ze. Strong winds usually prev ent thermal build-up. Any ob-
struction - a shrub or tree, a fence, the edge of a wood, a h ill,
a passing car, even your o wn model on the landing approach
- may cause this w arm air to leave the ground and rise. Ima-
gine a drop of water on the c eiling, wandering around aim-
lessly, and initially staying stuck to the ceiling. If it strikes an
obstruction it will fall on your head. A triggered thermal can be
thought of as the opposite of the drop of water.
The most obvious thermal triggers include sharp ly defined
snow fields on mountain slopes. T he air above the snow field
is cooled, and flows downhill; at the edge of the snow field,
part-way down the valley, the cool air meets warm air flowing
gently uphill, and pushes it up and a way as if cut off b y a
knife. The result is an extremely po werful but bumpy thermal
bubble. Your task is to locate the rising warm air and centre
your model in it. You will need to control the glider constantl y
to keep it centred, as you can expect the most rapid climb rate
in the core of the thermal. Once again, this technique does
demand some skill.
To avoid losing sight of the machine be sure to leave the
thermal in good time. Remember that a glid er is al ways easier
to see under a cloud than against a clear bl ue sky. If you h ave
to lose height in a hurry, do bear the following in mind:
The structural strength of the Cularis is very great for this
class of model, but it is not infinite. If you attempt to destroy
the model forcibly, please don’t e xpect any sympathy or com-
pensation from us (alas, we speak from experience).
Flying at the slope
Ridge soaring is an extremely attractive form of model fl ying.
Soaring for hours on end in slope lift, without needing any
outside aid for launching, must be one of the finest of model-
ling experiences. But to “milk” a thermal to the limits of vision,
bring it down again in a continuous series of aerobatic ma-
noeuvres, and then repeat the whole show - that must surely
be the last word in model flying.
But take care - there are dangers for your model lurking at the
slope. Firstly, in most cases landing is much more difficult
than at a flat field site. It is usually necessary to land in the lee
of the hill where the air is turbulent; this calls for concentration
and a high-speed appr oach with last-minute air brake extensi-
on. A landing on the slope face, i.e. right in the slope lift, is
even more difficult. Here the trick is to approach slightly
downwind, up the slope, and flare at exactly the right moment,
just before touch-down.
Aero-to wing
An ideal combination for learning to aero-tow, and for actual
aero-towing, is a Magister and a Cularis. You will need the
brushless power set, # 33 2632, for the Magister.
For the tow you require a 20 m length of brai ded cable of 1 to
1.5 mm Ø. Tie a loop of nylon line (0.5 mm Ø) to the glider
end of the cable; this acts as a “weak link”, in case the tow
should go badly wrong.
A loop in the other end of the towline should be connect ed to
the aero-tow coupling of the Magister. Assemble the models,
connect them as described, and set them up directl y into
wind, the glider behind the tug. Ch eck that the towline is re-
sting on top of the Magister’s tailpla ne. The tug now rolls
forward until the towline is taut, and only then should the tug’s
pilot apply full-throttle. Both aeroplanes accelerate: the tug
stays on the ground initially, while the glider lifts off, but the
glider pilot keeps his model flying low above the gr ound, di-
rectly in the wake of the tug; the tug can no w lift off safely.
The two models should be kept climbing stead ily, even
through turns. Avoid flying directl y over your heads d uring the
first few attempts at aero-towing, as it is difficult to detect the
models’ attitudes from this angle. T o drop the to w, operate the
transmitter control which opens the tow release mechanism.
Electric flying
With the electric version you have the optimum level of auto-
nomy and independence. You can fl y from a flat field and
carry out about eight climbs to a se nsible gliding height
(around 150 m) from a single battery ch arge. At the slope you
can also keep the electric power system as a “lifebelt”, i.e. you
only use the motor to “keep afloat”, and avoid la nding out, i.e.
landing at the bottom of the slope when the lift fails.
Flight performance
What is meant by a glider’s performance?
The two most important parameters are sink ing speed and
glide angle. Sinking speed is a measur e of the vertical height
lost per second relative to the surroundi ng air. The sinking
speed is primarily d etermined by the wing loading ( weight
relative to wing area). Here the Cularis offers a re ally excel-
lent performance - much better than conve ntional models - as
its wing loading is so low (only around 27 g / dm²). T his me-
ans that only slight thermal ass istance is necessar y (warm air
rising) to cause the model to gain hei ght. Wing loading is a lso
the main factor in determining the model’s airspeed - the
lower the loading, the slower the model. Lo w airspeed means
that the model can be turned extremel y tightly, and this is also
advantageous when thermal flyi ng, as areas of lift are usuall y
very small when close to the ground.