Sets the limit that can be drawn from the grid connection (i.e. the maximum import current or the main fuse rating).
Example: A property may have a grid supply limit of 65A. Several appliances are on so the property is consuming
12kW (52A). The user wants to charge in FAST mode. Without the Grid Limit set, the total consumption would exceed
the allowed import current and trip the supply or blow a fuse. However, with a Grid Limit setting of 60A, would
temporarily limit the charging current to 8A (about 1.8kW) and the maximum allowed import current would not be
Note: when using a to measure the grid supply, the highest value for the Grid Limit setting is 65 Amps. The
maximum current limit when using a hardwired CT is 100A
If the property has a static AC battery system installed, it is possible to get the to work in harmony with the
battery system, provided a CT has been installed to monitor the battery inverter. See