© Niagara Video Corporation 2016
○ stop = reason for stopping the stream
The counters are reset to zero upon a channel change, but may indicate a small number of errors caused
before the tuner locks on the channel. As a result, diagnostics should be based on the change in values
over time, and not the initial values.Detecting the programs on a physical channel:
The device will detect the programs (sub-channels). Use the get streaminfo command to query the
detected programs:
Format: hdhomerun_config <id> get /tuner<n>/streaminfo
Example: hdhomerun_config FFFFFFFF get /tuner0/channel streaminfo
The output format is:
<program number>: <virtual major>.<virtual minor> [<name>] [(<flags>)]
Example output:
3: 20.1 KBWB-HD
4: 20.4 AZTECA
Digital cable does not always provide the channel name or virtual channel number:
1: 0.0
2: 0.0 (encrypted)
3: 0.0 (control)
It may take several seconds after setting the channel for the stream information to be fully populated
(depending on how long the channel takes to lock and how often the stream information is sent by the
broadcaster/cable provider).
Filtering by program (sub-channel)
The products support automatic PID filtering by program number or virtual channel number:
Format: hdhomerun_config <id> set /tuner<n>/program <program number>
hdhomerun_config <id> set /tuner<n>/program <virtual channel number>
Example: hdhomerun_config FFFFFFFF set /tuner0/program 3
hdhomerun_config FFFFFFFF set /tuner0/program 11.2
When filtering by program the MPEG TS tables are generated by the device. The result is a valid single-
program transport stream.
The program filter is cleared when a set channel or a set filter command is received.
Advanced: By default the PAT and PMT are generated. To also generate a ATSC-style TVCT use:
hdhomerun_config <id> set /tuner<n>/program "<program number> tvct_from_pmt=<virtual major>.<virtual
Example: hdhomerun_config <id> set /tuner0/program "3 tvct_from_pmt=11.2(TEST)"