© Niagara Video Corporation 2016
Streaming to a target machine
Set the target IP address and port number using the set target command:
Format: hdhomerun_config <id> set /tuner<n>/target udp://<ip>:<port>
Format: hdhomerun_config <id> set /tuner<n>/target rtp://<ip>:<port>
Example: hdhomerun_config FFFFFFFF set /tuner0/target udp://
Example: hdhomerun_config FFFFFFFF set /tuner0/target rtp://
The target machine must be listening on the given UDP port. The product will automatically clear the
target if an ICMP port unreachable message is received when sending to a unicast address. To override
this, add no_clear to the target.
Format: hdhomerun_config <id> set /tuner<n>/target "udp://<ip>:<port> no_clear"
Format: hdhomerun_config <id> set /tuner<n>/target "rtp://<ip>:<port> no_clear"
Example: hdhomerun_config FFFFFFFF set /tuner0/target "udp:// no_clear"
Example: hdhomerun_config FFFFFFFF set /tuner0/target "rtp:// no_clear"
A global broadcast (, subnet broadcast, or multicast target can be specified however
care must be taken to ensure that the traffic will not cause problems with other devices on the network.
If the local network is bridged to a wireless network then the AP will typically transmit at a low broadcast
speed saturating the wireless network.
The time-to-live (TTL) defaults to 64. To configure a lower TTL use the following format (quotes
Format: hdhomerun_config <id> set /tuner<n>/target "udp://<ip>:<port> ttl=<n>"
Format: hdhomerun_config <id> set /tuner<n>/target "rtp://<ip>:<port> ttl=<n>"
Example: hdhomerun_config FFFFFFFF set /tuner0/target "udp:// ttl=8"
Example: hdhomerun_config FFFFFFFF set /tuner0/target "rtp:// ttl=8"
Example: Streaming to VLC
Run VLC: Media, Open Network Stream. Select UDP/RTP. Specify port 5000.
Discover the device:
hdhomerun_config discover
Run a channel scan:
hdhomerun_config FFFFFFFF scan /tuner0 scan0.log
Set the physical channel:
hdhomerun_config FFFFFFFF set /tuner0/channel auto:651000000
Check sub-programs:
hdhomerun_config FFFFFFFF get /tuner0/streaminfo
Select a sub-program:
hdhomerun_config FFFFFFFF set /tuner0/program 3
Set the target:
hdhomerun_config FFFFFFFF set /tuner0/target udp://<ip address of pc>:5000