PM350-20082R1 5342 nv Niko sa I ndu str iep ar k West 4 0, B E- 910 0 Sint- Ni kl aas , Bel gium — t el. +3 2 3 7 78 9 0 00 — f ax + 32 3 7 7 7 71 20 — e -ma il: sup por t @n iko. be — w ww.n iko.e u EN
Rea d th e com pl et e man ual b ef ore c ar ry in g out t he i ns tal lat io n and a ct iva tin g th e sys te m. K eep
th e man ual f or f ut ure r ef er en ce.
Th e presence or absence detector 360° ( master) for surface mounting co nsis ts of a n inte gral u nit
wit h on- of f co ntr ol of t wo ch annel s, a mot ion s enso r ( PI R or p assi ve inf rar ed tec hnol ogy ), a ligh t sens or an d
an int egra ted I R rec eive r . A ll ex tern al unit s, su ch as p ush bu t tons a nd ligh ting f ix tur es, ar e direc tl y conn ect ed
to th e dete cto r , whi ch is su rf ace -mo unte d onto t he cei ling.
Th is det ect or ca n be use d as a st an d-al one un it or as a m ast er in co mbin atio n wit h one or m ore sl aves
(350- 20079 , 350- 2007 1 o r 3 50- 20081 ).
Th e dete cto r can b e inst all ed and o per ated o n the b asis o f the f acto r y set tin gs. F or op tima l light ing co ntr ol,
it is re com mend ed to ad just t he fa ctor y s et ting s to th e envir onme nta l con diti ons an d to th e spe cifi c light ing
requ ireme nts . Th e set tin gs ca n be adj uste d to you r pref erenc e usin g the in tegr ated p ote ntio mete rs an d DI P
swi tche s on th e devi ce or u sing t he IR r emot e con trol (n ot inc lude d) ( 3 50 -20 0 89 ).
2 . I N S TA L L AT I O N
2. 1 . Connection
Danger: Dis conn ect a ll pow er bef ore in sta lling t he det ect or.
Do n ot con nec t the d evic e to th e mains v olt age un til ins tal lati on has b een c ompl eted .
A. Stand-alone
Ref er to th e wir ing diag ram ( fig. 1A ).
B. In combination with one or more slaves
Ref er to th e wir ing diag ram ( fig. 1B).
2.2 . Mounting
Tip: Do n ot ins tall t he de tec tor in t he vi cinit y of h eat so urc es suc h as st oves o r elec tri c heat ers , air cur ren ts
(ve ntil atio n sys tems) o r any mov ing o bjec ts ( fig. 2 ). Th is can a cti vate t he dev ice u nnec ess aril y as it r eac ts
to mo tion a nd hea t in it s surr ound ings .
Tip : The re com mend ed mou ntin g heigh t is 2 to 3.4 m . At a hei ght of 3 m, t he det ect or ha s a 24 m diamet er
ran ge (f ig. 3)
3. 1 . Factory set tings
At de liver y t he par ame ters o f the d etec tor a re set a s foll ows:
Parameter Factory setting
application - DIP switch 1: channel 1 automatic on/off (= presence detector)
- DIP switch 2: channel 2 automatic on/off (= presence detector)
- DIP switch 3:
• pressing the push button briefly allows you to switch the light on or off (= eco off)
• pressing the button for longer allows you to switch the light permanently on or
off for a period of 2 hours, excluding the switch-off delay
- DIP switch 4: a brief press is daylight-dependent
sensitivity of the
motion sensor
high, both channels
light sensitivity 200 lux, both channels
switch-off delay 10 min, both channels
3.2. DIP switches
Figure 5 shows how to set the DIP switches according to the application and the desired sensitivity of
the motion sensor.
Application setting
DIP switch Application
1 Y ou can s et c han ne l 1 on th e de te ct or :
- ON: as presence detector ( automatic on/off )
The detector automatically switches on the lighting, depending on the preset lux
value and when motion is detected.
- OFF: as abs en ce de te ct or (m anu al on /aut om ati c of f )
The detector only switches on the lighting when you press the push button briefly ,
depending on the preset lux value.
The lighting will remain on for the duration of the preset switch-off delay after the
last motion is detected. As soon as the switch-off delay has elapsed, the lighting
switches off.
2 Y ou can s et c han ne l 2 on th e de te ct or :
- ON: as presence detector ( automatic on/off )
The detector automatically switches on the lighting, depending on the preset lux
value and when motion is detected.
- OFF: as abs en ce de te ct or (m anu al on /aut om ati c of f )
The detector only switches on the lighting when you press the push button briefly ,
depending on the preset lux value.
The lighting will remain on for the duration of the preset switch-off delay after the
last motion is detected. As soon as the switch-off delay has elapsed, the lighting
switches off.
Y ou can also make a selection from several functions f or
th e pus h bu tt on s
are connected:
- ON: Y ou can on ly sw it ch on t he l igh tin g wi th a br ie f pr ess . The ‘eco off’ and
‘long push’ functions are deactivated.
- OFF: W it h a br ief p re ss , th e lig hti ng c an be e it her s wit ch ed o n or sw it che d
off immediately without having to wait for the switch-off delay (= eco off
). When
the lighting is switched off with the push button, the detector will be locked for ten
seconds to avoid the lighting from immediately being switched on again.
If you press the push button for longer than one second, the red indication LED will flash
(0.25 s on and 5 s off). The lighting and the preset switch-off delay will be activated or
deactivated for two hours.
4 - ON: A brief press is daylight-independent .
- OFF: A brief press is daylight - dependent.
A long push is always daylight-independent.
The ‘eco off’ function is the most energy-efficient way to switch on the lighting. You switch off the lighting yourself
without having to wait for the switch-off delay . If you do forget to switch off the lighting, it will be switched of f
automatically after the switch-off delay has elapsed.
Sensitivity setting
Using the two DIP switches located on the very right you set the sensitivity of the motion sensor . Y ou can choose
from the following options: minimum, low, high or maximum. Refer to figure 5 for the position of the DIP switches
depending on the desired sensitivity .
3.3. Potentiometers
Under the housing of the detector , you will find four potentiometers that are used to set the
light sensitivity
and the
switch-of f dela y
to your preference (fig. 6).
Potentiometer Function
For channel 1 you set the light lev el (light sensitivity) at which the lighting
should be switched on.
The potentiometer has ten fixed light levels: 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 700
and 1000 lux and ∞ (daylight-independent).
Y ou set the swit ch-off delay for channel 1.
There are eight preset values:
- walking test (see section 4.1.)
- pulse: not applicable
- 2 minutes
- 5 minutes
- 10 minutes
- 15 minutes
- 30 minutes
- 60 minutes
For channel 2 you set the light lev el (light sensitivity) at which the lighting
should be switched on.
The potentiometer has ten fixed light levels: 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 700
and 1000 lux and ∞ (daylight-independent).
Y ou set the swit ch-off delay for channel 2.
There are eight preset values:
- walking test (see section 4.1.)
- pulse: not applicable
- 2 minutes
- 5 minutes
- 10 minutes
- 15 minutes
- 30 minutes
- 60 minutes
T o confirm the light level or the switch-off delay you set, the green indication LED will flash once and the red or
blue indication LED will flash a number of times depending on the selected setting for each channel. The red
LED indicates the settings for channel 1 and the blue LED the settings for channel 2. The tables below indicate
how many times the indication LED will flash for each setting. When setting the switch-off delay the channel
concerned will be switched on for the indicated time:
Light level 20 50 100 200 300 400 500 700
Number of times the red
indication LED (channel 1) or
blue indication LED (channel 2)
will flash
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Exemple: The potentiometer for channel 1 is set at 300 lux. Y ou want to increase the lux value to 400 lux.
Carefully turn the potentiometer to the higher lux value. The green indication LED will flash once and the red
indication LED will flash six times (= 400 lux) to confirm your selection.
Switch-off delay puls 2 min 5 min 10 min 15 min 30 min 60 min
Number of times the red
indication LED (channel 1) or
blue indication LED (channel 2)
will flash
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Exemple: The potentiometer for channel 1 is set at 10 minutes. You want to increase the switch-off delay to 15
minutes. Carefully turn the potentiometer to the higher value. The green indication LED will flash once and the
red indication LED will flash five times (= 15 minutes) to confirm your selection.