The Detergent Cartridge (3) is located under the Control Panel Housing (13). Fill the detergent cartridge with a maximum of 1 gallon (4 Liters) of
detergent. SERVICE NOTE: Remove the detergent cartridge from the machine prior to fi lling to avoid spilling detergent on the machine.
It is recommended that a separate cartridge be used for each detergent you plan to use. The detergent cartridges have a white decal on them so you can
write the detergent name on each cartridge to avoid mixing them up. When installing a new cartridge, remove the factory cap and place the cartridge in
the machine. Install the Dry Break Cap (AA) as shown in Figure 5.
The system should be purged of previous detergent when switching to a different detergent. SERVICENOTE: Move machine over fl oor drain before
purging because a small amount of detergent will be dispensed in the process.
To Purge When Changing Detergent (SCRUB AND SOLUTION SYSTEMS MUST BE OFF):
1 Disconnect and remove the detergent cartridge.
2 Turn the key switch (A) to the ON (I) position. Wait a few seconds for the start-up sequence to fi nish.
3 Press and hold the Detergent Switch (R) and the Solution Switch (W) for 3 seconds. Release the switches when the chemical purge icon (F10) appears on
the display and the Detergent Indicator (S) starts fl ashing. NOTE: Once activated the purge process takes at least 10 seconds. See illustration on next page
for Detergent System indicators. Normally one purge cycle is adequate to purge the system.
1 Disconnect and remove the detergent cartridge. Install and connect a Cartridge fi lled with clean warm water.
2 Follow steps 2 and 3 from “To Purge When Changing Detergent”.
When the detergent level is nearing the bottom of the cartridge it is time to refi ll or replace the cartridge.
SERVICE NOTE: Follow the “To Purge Weekly” instructions above if the machine is going to be stored for an extended period of time.
No detergent is dispensed until the scrub and detergent systems are activated, direction is selected (L) or (N) and the Go Pedal (18) is pushed.
The Detergent Ratio/Percentage Indicator (F4) will always be displayed when the detergent system is on.
There are 4 modes of EcoFlex operation:
1. Chemical Free Cleaning Mode – During scrubbing, the detergent system can be turned off at any time to allow scrubbing with water only.
Press the Detergent Switch (R) until the Detergent Indicator (S) is OFF and Detergent Indicator Bar Graph (F5) displays both top and bottom
boxes empty.
2. Weak Detergent Mode – Detergent Indicator (S) ON, Detergent Indicator Bar Graph (F5) displays bottom box fi lled and top box empty.
Pressing the Detergent Switch (R) will cycle from weak to strong to OFF and back to weak in a repeating sequence. See below the steps “To
program the Weak Detergent Ratio/Percentage”.
3. Strong Detergent Mode – Detergent Indicator (S) ON, Detergent Indicator Bar Graph (F5) displays both top and bottom boxes fi lled. Pressing
the Detergent Switch (R) will cycle from weak to strong to OFF and back to weak in a repeating sequence. See below the steps “To program
the Strong Detergent Ratio/Percentage”. Do not use a detergent level exceeding the detergent manufacturer’s recommendation.
4. Burst of Power Cleaning Mode – Press the EcoFlex Switch (P) to temporarily (1 minute) engage the strong detergent strength, extra scrub
pressure, full vacuum power and increase the solution fl ow rate to the next available level. The EcoFlex Indicator (Q) will blink during this 1
minute interval, after which all scrub parameters will return to their previous state.
To program the Strong Detergent Ratio/Percentage (set this fi rst)
1. Press the OneTouch™ Scrub Switch (I) to activate the scrub system.
2. Press the Detergent Switch (R) until the Bar Graph (F5) displays Strong detergent (both top and bottom boxes fi lled).
3. Press and hold the Detergent Switch (R) again for 3 seconds to enter the programming mode. Once you have entered the strong detergent adjustment
mode the top box of (F5) will fl ash. Also the detergent ratio/percentage (F4) and indicator (S) will begin to fl ash.
4. While the indicators are fl ashing, pressing and releasing the detergent switch (R) will cycle through the options. The ratio and it’s corresponding
5. Once the desired ratio/percentage is displayed on the screen (F4), stop and it will save the setting after 3 seconds.
6. If the weak setting is currently set to a higher value than the new strong programmed setting, the software will automatically adjust the weak setting to
be one value weaker than the strong setting.
To program the Weak Detergent Ratio/Percentage
1. Press the OneTouch™ Scrub Switch (I) to activate the scrub system.
2. Press the Detergent Switch (R) until the Bar Graph (F5) displays Weak detergent (bottom box fi lled and top box empty).
3. Press and hold the Detergent Switch (R) again for 3 seconds to enter the programming mode. Once you have entered the weak detergent adjustment
mode the bottom box of (F5) will fl ash. Also the detergent ratio/percentage (F4) and indicator (S) will begin to fl ash.
4. While the indicators are fl ashing, pressing and releasing the detergent switch (R) will cycle through the available options. The weak setting must be a
value weaker than or equal to the strong setting, so only the values that fall within that range will be displayed as you cycle through them.
5. Once the desired ratio/percentage is displayed on the screen (F4), stop and it will save the setting after 3 seconds.
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