Be sure you understand the operator controls and their functions.
While on ramps or inclines, avoid sudden stops. Avoid abrupt sharp turns. Use low speed down ramps.
To Scrub...
Follow the instructions in “Preparing the Machine for Use” section of this manual.
1 See Figure 6. Step onto the Platform (20) compressing Operator’s Presence Pedal (19). NOTE: Do not press the Go Pedal (18) until you are ready to move the
2 Turn the Key Switch (A) ON (I). Wait a few seconds for the start-up sequence to fi nish. The graphic display (F) will show the information screen [2]. Reference the
Battery Charge Level Indicator (F8) before proceeding.
3 To transport the machine to the work area, fi rst push the Forward Drive Switch (L) or Reverse Drive Switch (N) to select the direction of travel and then apply pressure
with your foot on the Go Pedal (18). Safety Feature: If you press and hold the Go Pedal (18) prior to pressing either Forward (L) or Reverse (N) an “error 03” (F6) will
appear on the screen preventing the machine from moving. If this occurs cycle the key switch OFF and ON in order to operate the machine.
An audible alert from the horn will sound in reverse. Adjust machine speed by rotating the Speed Adjustment Knob (K) clockwise to go faster or counterclockwise to go
4 Press and hold the Solution Switch (W) to pre-wet the fl oor, solution will be dispensed at the HIGH rate while the switch is held. NOTE: This will help prevent scarring
of the fl oor surface when starting to scrub with dry brushes. This can only be done prior to pressing the One-Touch Scrub Switch (I).
5Press the One-Touch Scrub Switch (I). The graphic display (F) will change to the scrubbing screen [1]. The scrub deck and squeegee will be lowered to the fl oor. The
scrub, vacuum, solution and detergent systems are enabled and will all start when the Go Pedal (18) is activated. The scrub parameters return to fi xed settings after
each use. When the key is turned on and the One-Touch scrub button is pressed the scrub parameters will be as follows: vacuum is set to high, solution fl ow rate is
set to low, the pressure is set to standard and the detergent strength will be remembered from previous use. See an authorized service center regarding changing the
default scrub parameters.
Scrub: Each press of the Brush Pressure Switch (T) will change between STANDARD pressure ((F3) bottom box fi lled top box empty) and EXTRA pressure ((F3)
both bottom and top boxes fi lled). The scrub system can only be turned OFF by pressing the One-Touch Scrub Switch (I).
Solution: The solution fl ow rate can be changed independently of the scrub pressure by pressing the Solution Switch (W). Each press of the switch will cycle
between LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, OFF and back to LOW. LOW is indicated when (F2) displays bottom box fi lled, MEDIUM is indicated when (F2) displays bottom and
middle boxes fi lled, HIGH is indicated when (F2) displays all three boxes fi lled, and OFF is indicated when (F2) displays all three boxes empty.
Vacuum: The vacuum level can be changed independently. Each press of the Vacuum Switch (Y) will cycle between LOW, HIGH, OFF and back to LOW. LOW is
indicated when Vacuum Level Bar Graph (F1) displays bottom box fi lled, HIGH is indicated when (F1) displays both bottom and top boxes fi lled. OFF is indicated
when (F1) displays both bottom and top boxes empty. NOTE: To pick up solution without scrubbing, press the Vacuum Switch (Y) while in transport mode. This will
cause the squeegee to lower and the vac motor to turn ON at the LOW level.
Detergent: See “Detergent System Preparation and Use (EcoFlex)” for more detailed information regarding the adjustment and use of the detergent system.
6 Daily Scrub: Begin scrubbing by driving the machine forward in a straight line at a safe speed and overlap each path by 2-3 inches (50-75 mm). Adjust the machine
speed, scrub pressure, solution fl ow and detergent level when necessary according to the condition of the fl oor. NOTE: The machine speed can be adjusted by
rotating the Speed Adjustment Knob (K) clockwise to go faster or counterclockwise to go slower.
7 Press the EcoFlex Switch (P) to temporarily (1 minute) engage the strong detergent strength, extra scrub pressure, full vacuum power and increase the solution fl ow
rate to the next available level. The EcoFlex Indicator (Q) will blink during this 1 minute interval, after which all scrub parameters will return to their previous state.
To avoid damaging the fl oor, only start and stop the scrubbing function while the machine is in motion.
8 When scrubbing, check behind the machine occasionally to see that all of the waste water is being picked up. If there is water trailing the machine, you may be
dispensing too much solution, the recovery tank may be full, or the squeegee tool may require adjustment.
9 For extremely dirty fl oors, a one-pass scrubbing operation may not be satisfactory and a “double-scrub” operation may be required. This operation is the same as
a one-pass scrubbing except on the fi rst pass the squeegee is in the up position. Lift up the squeegee assembly and rotate the double scrub bracket (AA) down, to
hold the squeegee off the fl oor. This allows the cleaning solution to remain on the fl oor to work longer. The fi nal pass is made over the same area, with the squeegee
lowered to pick up the accumulated solution.
10 The recovery tank has a shut-off fl oat (14) that causes a change in pitch in the vac motor. When this fl oat is activated, the recovery tank must be emptied. The machine
will not pick up water with the fl oat activated.
11 When the operator wants to stop scrubbing:
Press the One-Touch Scrub Switch (I) once. This will automatically stop the scrub brushes and solution fl ow and the scrub deck will raise up. The squeegee will raise
up after a brief delay with the scrub deck and the vacuum will stop after a brief time delay (this is to allow any remaining water to be picked up without turning the
vacuum back on) if the vacuum switch is pressed during this time delay the vacuum will turn off.
12 Drive the machine to a designated waste water “DISPOSAL SITE” and empty the recovery tank. To empty, pull the Recovery Tank Drain Hose (30) from its rear
storage area, then unscrew the cap (hold the end of the hose above the water level in the tank to avoid sudden, uncontrolled fl ow of waste water). The drain hose can
be squeezed to regulate the fl ow. Unlatch (29) and lift open the Recovery Tank Cover (13) to inspect and empty the Debris Catch Tray (16) in the recovery tank. Refi ll
the solution tank and continue scrubbing.
NOTE: Make sure the Recovery Tank Cover (13) and the Recovery Tank Drain Hose (30) cap are properly seated or the machine will not pick-up water correctly.
When the batteries require recharging the Battery Low Voltage Screen [3] will come on. Then the scrub brushes and solution fl ow will stop and the scrub deck will raise up.
Once the battery voltage drops below a second cutoff level the squeegee will raise up and the vacuum will stop after a brief delay. Transport the machine to a service area
and recharge the batteries according to the instructions in the Battery section of this manual.
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